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Posts posted by Dude513

  1. Thanks Chrisdav and Staggerlee123!! I think the FIN is working on the top part as it seems much thicker then in the past. Been on it for almost 2 years.


    @ BarnabyJones1.....Hang in there. I too had some minor shock loss. Mostly around the donor area. However, about a month or so post-op, I did have a small patch of hair fall out just above my ear in the temple area. Just on one side and it was about the size of a quarter. As strange as it was, (because it wasn't in the donor or recipient area) I just dismissed it as shock loss. It all grew back in a few months. But it did make me a bit nervous. All I can say is be very very patient. It should be okay in a few months.


    Here are some updated photos at 21 months. (Taken with my iPhone today so sorry about the quality)

    I have colored my hair a bit (mostly to hide the grey's) I am still very happy with my decision.






  2. Hi Irishstreak,


    Congratulations on your new har!!! I had a HT with Dr. Haber as well. (approx 2500 grafts) I am now at the 14 month mark and I couldn't be more stoked on my results. I also agree 100% with everything you said in regards to his demeanor. A real pro and super nice guy! I had a very pleasant experience with him and his staff. Your gonna like the way you look.....I guarantee it!

  3. Hi Kathleen,


    I was also very nervous pre-op. The anticipation before was almost as bad as waiting for the hair to grow post-op. However, the day will fly by and before you know it you will be on your way home. The post-op experience is not that bad either. It's a waiting game at best. There really wasn't much pain. Just a weird numb feeling throughout my scalp. I guess the only thing that bothered me was the tightness feeling in the donor area. But even that subsided in a few days. Dr. Haber did a fantastic job on the donor scar. I have a herd time finding it myself. I didn't experience much shock loss either. I opted to not be shaved, although my hair was already kind of short. But even the existing hairs in the recipient area didn't experience much shock loss. I think your in good hands with Dr. Haber. Good luck with your procedure!!!


    @bonkerstonker.......It was so weird that I had minimal growth at 4 months then blamo...at 6 months I had hair. I was blown away by how fast it grew and/or thickened up. The new hairs are still getting thicker and the coverage is getting better all the time. This is awesome!

  4. Thanks everyone. I couldn't be more happier! My hair in the photos at 1 year is longer then I usually keep it. I will post more photos this week of what it looks like shorter.


    @KM77 - I would highly recommend Dr. Haber from my looking at my results. But after reading post after post on HT's...everyone's outcome seems slightly different. I guess it all depends on the individual.

    As far as advice.....If you don't already know....Dr. Haber will excise the donor strip and make the recipient sites, His techs separate the grafts and then place the grafts into your scalp. At least this is how mine went. I think a lot of people think the Dr. will do it all. But from what I read this is standard. Also, the HT takes a while depending on how many grafts you are getting. (Mine took all day) So bring a couple of movies to watch. If not, they have a decent selection on hand. They will also provide lunch. They let me choose from a menu of a local place and let me and my wife eat in private in one of their offices. The biggest advice I could give anyone getting this done is to have PATIENTS! Just relax, let the Dr. and Tech's do their thing. Then sit back and wait for your results. Most will say "visible results in as little as 4 months". However, mine took 6 months. This is where the "patients" part really comes into play.

    Well, I hope this helps a little and good luck with your HT with Dr. Haber. Looking forward to seeing your results.

  5. Hi Everyone.

    This my first post on this site. I have been lurking around for a long while and thought I'd share my story and HT results.

    I had a HT just over a year ago and I'm very happy with my results. My experience was a good one. Although I have to say I feel lucky to have had these great results. It seems a lot of people do not. I really think doing research and gathering up all the information I could find assisted me with my decision and positive results.

    My Story:

    I'm 43 and started losing my hair almost 10 years ago. Not fast....just typical receding and thinning over the years. But it really bothered me. Especially these last few years. I started spending more and more time on it in the morning using hairspray and a blow dryer just trying to cover up what was happening. It got to a point where I wouldn’t leave the house until it was just right. Then it started to effect my personality. I lost confidence in my appearance and fell into depression. So I started searching the internet for hair restoration options and stumbled on to Hasson & Wong's website. I was blown away by the blogs with HT results. I knew I had to look into this further. I then found the hair loss forums and my life changed...I had hope! I also had support for what I was feeling. I was not alone!! I did a lot of research and looked at just about every post related to HT’s. By the time I made my decision to do it...I felt like an expert on the subject. However, I needed to find the right doctor. Again, I searched and read reviews on a lot them. I made my choice based on several things (doctor’s results/reviews, travel, down time, cost, etc.) I picked Dr. Robert Haber and made an appointment. He put me on FIN immediately. (3 months pre-op) I probably should have been on it years sooner. I let my hair grow longer in back for the surgery so it could help hide the donor site once complete. I took 2 weeks off work and scheduled my surgery for a Friday so I would have 16 days to heal as much as possible before returning. (I work in an office environment and can’t wear a hat.) I also asked the Dr. not to shave the donor area or the recipient area. Again, I did this to help hide the HT once complete. The surgery was a breeze. Although it did suck to have to sit there for so many hours but other then that it was easy. The first 2 days post-op were a little painful and the tightness in my scalp was weird feeling and annoying but that went away within a week. Not much swelling at all either.

    On the 15th day post-op my hair stylist shaped my hair to help hide the HT. Not much she could do to the recipient area but she was able to hide the donor scar real good. With some Dermatch and my new haircut, I returned to work without so much as a question as to what I did. Either people really didn’t notice or they were just being nice not to say anything. My wife said she couldn’t tell. I did everything I was asked to do by the doctor pre and post surgery. There were no surprises before or after the surgery. Here I am 12 months later and I am completely stoked on my results. I don’t even need Dermatch anymore. My only regret was that I had this done at the end of April which made for a rough summer. Special thanks goes out to Dr. Haber and his staff for their great work.

    Here are some pictures of my journey.







    1 year



















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