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Posts posted by ThinandDropping

  1. Hi Donna,

    I agree that a woman is always under pressure to look good and that means having a good head of hair.

    I've lost a lot of my hair and I don't look as good as I used to. That made a big dent in my self esteem and I became very self conscious when I stand next to another woman with beautiful hair.

    I resorted to wearing wigs. I did it to empathise with my sister who lost her hair because of chemotherapy. We bought our wigs and we looked good in them. My friends could not recognise me and I got wolf whistles too! Unfortunately, that wig has fallen apart at the crown. I dont know why. I didn' t use it that often, only when I had to attend functions.

    I also have a shorter wig which I use occasionally on my bad hair days.

    However it does feel hot and uncomfortable when the weather is very hot.

    So we are better off than the guys in that we can use wigs.

  2. Hi,

    I'm not a guy but I can sympathise. My son who is in his mid thirties, used to have thick luxuriant hair but in his twenties, his hairline began to recede into an M shape. He was very conscious about it.

    Now he is on Propeicia and his hair has stopped dropping. I can see that when I visit him. The tablets are very expensive but he's happy that his hairfall has been somewhat arrested and his hair condition is maintaining. He's been taking it for almost 2 years now.

    Before that, he used to visit hair treatment salons but that didn't show results.

    Just wanted to share with you.

  3. Hi Xlevelorx,


    I'm a woman and I used to have a lot of hair when I was young. Then I started losing hair after my children were born and it never stopped dropping.


    I used to have beautiful shoulder length hair but now it has to be cropped short so that it doesnt drop so much. Even so, if I touch my hair, strands will just fall off. I despair whenever I wash my hair because so many hair strands clog up the draining cover.


    Your photo doesn't look that bad but I would suggest you keep your hair short. Have you tried any of the hair restoration tonics? Did they help?


    I tried many types but with zero results except that my bank account has gone down very significantly. YOu know how those consultants talk you into buying this program and that, and poor me, so frantic and still vain about my looks, agreed to those programs. I even tried 2 courses of oxygen treatment to revitalise the hair follicles but nothing grew out of it. Some of my follicles have closed up, meaning no more hair production while the baby hair that struggle out are so thin and pathetic that a touch will knock them out of their base.


    I use a concealer or thickener like Biothick which camouflages the bald spots and it works fine. So I don't look so terrible with thin hair and scalp showing through. This is only when I go out for functions, like my son's wedding. I couldn't look awful, had to make him feel good about his mum who used to be very glamorous at one time.


    Cheer up. Whatever you do, keep your spirits up. Your personality is more important. It's what comes through that is beautiful and makes you look and feel beautiful. People will forget about your hair when your personality sparkles through.

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