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Posts posted by tom20

  1. Thanks again for replies.


    I've been doing some research on Minoxidil, I am thinking about trying the Kirkland brand because it seem to be the same as Rogaine but cheaper.


    I dont mind having to use this twice a day if i get some regorwth, and if i dont i can just stop without making my hairline worse right?


    Hopefully it will thicken the corners, I will not need to use it in the middle (forelock) becaust there is no sign of MPB here so hopefully just at the corners will help. No harm in trying it for a year.


    I took a few more pictures of my hairline because the other pictures are taken from above, these pictures are taken from below with the head slightly tilted back and fringe flicked up a small bit. If i could regrow even a small bit in the corners with minox i would be happy (for a while haha)


    Edit: one more quesiton, someone mentioned i was using Nizoral too oftern 4-5 times a week letting it set for 5 mins, how much Niz would you reccommend to use weekly?








    Thanks Again


  2. What an excellent forum, so many replies.


    All the adivce seems to be the same so you cant all be worng haha. I think i will take the advice and wait.


    After all these comments i think i will add minox to my regime, so i have a couple of questions you might be able to help me with:


    Which brand, should i stick to Rogine?

    Liquid or foam?


    And should i add anything else to the mix to help absorption?


    Do you think i can regrow much of the temple area with twice a day application with 5%?


    I understand that most of the answers to my questions i will have to find out for myself by trying different things, but would like to know what you think.


    Thanks Again



  3. Thanks again for replys.


    My hair looks good from the top, but from the front and sides it looks bad because of my high hairline. When I see pictures it looks bad.


    I think i might give minoxild a go. I've read that it is not as effective on the hairline as the crown/vertex so this was putting me off. Do you think that if I started minoxidl and used it for 6 months then stopped that it could make my situation worse?


  4. thank you for reply.


    Yes the pictures make my hair look better, i think it could be the angle, but there is recession at the conrers,but not much. I've been reading about a "mature hairline"i dont know if thats what i have but some people say thats the start of the MPB process so who knows. I find everytime i have to fix my hair, i.e in the morning i am always trying to to cover up the conrers.


    I have been thinking about mixox, will it make my situation better or worse? i dont know if its a good idea to use it or not.


    I was thinking about getting around 700 graphs put in the corners of the hairline and hopefully it will not progress any furthur or maybe at a slow rate. (wishful thinking maybe)



  5. Hello all.


    This forum seems to be the best place to ask questions. I have a question about a hair transplant.


    i am 25 years old and considering a ht. After doing some reasearch it appears it is advised against getting a ht at such a young age because furthur loss is unperdictable. But i want to see what you think.




    I've always had a high hairline so the little bit of recession i have makes it looks worse, if my hairline was lower i would not be considering a ht. I had a widows peak since i was younger.


    The hair at the conners has always been thinner than the centre of the hairline and the hair colour is lighter.


    I'm on finasteride since 2009 and have not noticed any improvemt or seen any regrowth. I also use Nizoral 4-5 times weeky.


    If i was to get a ht i would be getting the FUE method because i have my hair short at the back.


    I am considering waiting until i am 27 to get the ht so i can monitor the situation better.


    Attached are some pictures from last year to date.


    Let me know what you think.




    july last year













    March this year











    Just took these pictures today.













    I know my situation might not look too bad but for me it is because of my high hairline the slight recession make it look so much worse.


    Let me know what you think


    Thank you



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