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Posts posted by cureplease12

  1. In my opinion, and I am just about as optimistic as they come, Gho's technique is 99.9% garbage. Why? Just type his name on google and fine the plethora of negative publicity tagged to his name.


    And uh no, I believe that is an entirely illogical statement kenaz... why? because if that technology truly existed, it would be performed here in the states by much more skilled, talented, and educated surgeons.

  2. that's not what I was alluding to...


    Gho or his surgeons aren't really renowned for their skills at implanting. Feller and some other doctors approved on this site are.


    My question is... why isn't a hair restoration coalition member not performing this procedure if it works.


    get sued for what? the person who invented FUE.. is he suing all the doctors using FUE?

  3. not really because of donor anxiety.... say a 25 year old is a norwood III and is extremely wishful to return to a norwood I.... most doctors will be extremely reluctant to do such a procedure because of fear of exhausting the donor area and not being able to make up for future balding which is may be inevitable despite meds or any thing else. Furthermore, even if he did have the procedure he may not be 1000% with the density and may want to fill it in for more density with a second procedure... this will not be possible because of the exhausted donor site. This is the conundrum in a pickle of current hair restoration practice.

  4. Your response is totally logical. I agree with a lot of the things you are saying.


    My sentiment is that although we are several, several years away from a "magic bullet" as in a instant cure to the deficient gene that induces MPB, we are on the brink of a solution that has the potential to be just as effective. With today's FUE technique by some accomplished surgeons, if there is a way to produce or "cloone" healthy, dht free hair follicles, that is as good as a cure or close enough to it in my book. The sheer fact that their is no "donor anxiety" per se will transform the transplant industry from a skeptical business to the norm. If there is no scarring, no "donor anxiety," and you're at the hands of a skilled surgeon, there is certainly scarce reasons to not have a full head of hair.


    I also am hoping that if replicel's technique proves to be effective at yielding permanent hair that will be nothing short of amazing even if it doesn't yield perfect density. The density lacking can be filled in with a Fue transplant thus requiring far fewer grafts than otherwise.


    Obviously this is a lot of wishful thinking however in short, if there is simply a way to eliminate "donor anxiety" whether it be through histogen, cloning, hair duplication (autocloining), or replicel the results are really limitless.

  5. Does anyone have any faith or hope in any upcoming treatments?


    Does anyone think their is reason to believe balding will be totally optional within the next 5-10 years realistically?


    My largest hope right now is on Replicel.


    It would be magical to be able to obtain your youthful, natural hairline once again without any scarring.

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