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Posts posted by appleguy

  1. Sorry for bringing this up again but can someone at least answer me this.


    If your hair loss stabilises does that happen all over?


    What I mean is I have been receeding at the temples but have only just noticed thinning on the top (starts at the crown to 1/3rd the way along the top of my head) until recently because how many times to do you see the top of your own head?


    The thinning at the temples has stopped and basically I have been stabile there from between 4-5 years.

    If I stabilise there will I stabilise all over?


    Again I can't tell if the top thinning has stopped because I have only just seen it.

  2. Hair Loss stability.




    I know this is a hard one to nail down but when Hair loss becomes stable how long does that stability last usually?


    Iam 32 years old and a NW2 and have been that way for 4 and a half years now.


    This will sound even stranger but it's only recently I've noticed it. I think because I've been restyling my hair differentely. I used to just wash my hair, dry it quick so I never got to see the damage then buzz my hair with clippers but I've more and more been going to the hair dressers and when they wet your hair you stare yourself in that mirror and realise.


    I have quite thick hair apart from on my crown where it's a bit thin but not a bald patch and my receding hairline and obviously I'm not thrilled with where it is but I can live with it. My fear is it getting any worse immediately.


    I know eventually it will go like my dad whose did a similar thing until his fifties then it really started to thin out.


    Can anyone offer any advice?

  3. I would like to use it but looking it up on Wikipedia it mentions how you can get irrerversible impotence even after taking the medication has stopped.


    I bought the Maximum hair Minimum loss vid in which Spex says with all assurity there is nothing to worry about but now I have read the FDA are relabelling it to warn about this potential long term disaster.


    I know that it has been said that this a tiny percentage but is the risk worth it? I mean I could handle getting used to it and suffering short term for a few months or even having to stop but the fear of losing my sex drive altogether down to this pill fills me with dread.


    I am Stage II on that scale and would like to keep what I have.


    What should I do?

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