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Posts posted by bigdawgfoxx

  1. Thanks corvettester, what kind of vette do you drive, if you drive one?


    Any other input on just saying screw it and buzzing it? I would assume most would say this is the right thing to do at my point.


    If I do buzz it, should I continue to take finesteride? Would it be reasonable to do a rogaine regimen while its buzzed to see what kind of new growth I can get? I have 3 bottles of rogaine foam (bought it at SAMS) but never used it cuz it was such a hassle and couldn't fix my hair with it on, and was also worried about the initial shed. Without hair, none of this would be a problem ha

  2. Thanks for all of the help. I'm not too disappointed, my hairloss doesn't cause a huge problem in my life. I'm still president of my departments honor society, doing a great internship this summer, pick up chicks at the bars, etc.


    I feel my loss pattern is established pretty well, and receding very slowly if at all. But I guess at this point the hairloss is just too much. I took a few more pics:



    Right Side (worse side)



    Right Side again



    Left Side


    In the next picture you can kind of see how thick the rest of my hair is behind where I have gone bald. I believe it is the Finasteride that has done a good job of stopping my loss and thickening up my frontal hairs. This makes it hard to give up all of my hair, as the whole back and sides are THICK.




    I just think I look better with hair rather than having it buzzed or shaved off. Shaving is not really an option for me, as I feel it doesn't go with my look at all. I wear sperrys, khakis, and button down polos everyday.


    I might try to get my barber to give me a really short haircut or something, see what she can come up with. And if I don't like it, then just buzz it. The only problem I have with buzzing it, is that you will clearly be able to see how bad my hairline is (although my blonde hair and fair scalp almost match, so it might not be too bad).


    At this point I am very confident in myself, and am sick of trying to spray my hair to make it look alright and always worried about wind, sun, etc. If a HT was feasible, I would get one. If its not, its not the end of the world. Thats how I look at it.


    One good thing is that I will be on an internship with people I don't know for 3 months up in Salt Lake, so I can buzz my head before I go so that I can adjust to it, and noone up there will know the difference!

  3. Yes, I have been on generic finesteride since I was about 18. It has helped stop my loss bigtime, but I dont think it has completely.


    I posted these pictures on another forum saying I was an NW4 but they all thought I was an NW3 for sure and that my surgery wouldn't be extremely major, however you all seem more knowledgable.


    Time is a big deal for me because I am in school and was hoping I could have it done right before summer giving me 3 months of recovery time before returning back to school. I dont want to have it done during school and walk in with a bright red shaved head all of a sudden.


    I planed to have my head buzzed pretty short in order to have the HT, and then I was thinking that after 3 months the new hairs would probably just be growing in, so I would have to buzz my head again, does that sound right?


    Corvettester, I feel like you were the perfect candidate for a HT. You didn't have a bad hairline at all and still had a ton of hair to cover you over until it all grew in. With me, I feel I would have to buzz my head for my transplant until it was all ready to grow out at the same rate and look natural.


    What I would give for a full head of hair. At this point I might just need to buzz it, it just doesn't go with my look at all.

  4. Hey guys, I'm a 22 year old college student with a pretty bad hairline. At this point I would say I am NW3 Vertex. My hairline has been about the same for 4-5 years too I would say. Maybe SLIGHTLY thinner up front. I have really really thick blonde hair all in the back though.


    I am wondering how you live a normal life after a HT? I see pictures where people are all bandaged up and stuff. How do you go to work?


    I am thinking of having a HT this summer, but it would be 9 days before I start my internship. Is that even an option? It seems like the only good time to do it because I will be with people I don't know who wont care if my head is shaved, where as in school people would be like what the hell happened.


    Would my head look decent at all after 9 days? Or if I pushed it back another week and made it 15 days?


    Note that I want to have FUE for SURE and not leave a scar.


    Here are some pictures of my hair now. Hairline and thickness has been pretty consistent for years and all the hair on the sides and back is very thick.




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