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Posts posted by charming

  1. Hi GUys...

    I M 26 yrs old.... need ur Help guys... thank you people being here and supporting each others... I think there are posters who know a LOT more things about hairloss than any doctor. I m Starting from very begning..


    i hv very bad dandruf from childhood,,but in twenties its like heall..


    i always feel itching and feeling like scratch my head....before 10 months I went on a crash diet & thn suddenly i start lossing my hairs... no thining or receding hairline before, hairs come out with white bulbs and falling from all over head, and also from chest and pubic areas...


    i go to dermatologyst and ask him about falling hairs.. he luk at me and say that you have very bad dandruf.. n give me clobedrum lotion, some vitamin tablets, angetar shampo and propesia..


    that time i ignore propesia becuase many frineds ask about side effects and also i dnt think that i had mpb, because i hv no balding history in my family, my father still have full hairs head in his 50s.. and his all brothers and my cousins have full hairs..


    anyways i used prescribed clobedrum lotion with oil and it clear my head.. but when i leave clobedrum lotion my dandruf come again...


    thn i find someone special in my life and get engaged with her.. so i ignore hair loss.. but when my hair loss continue to make my hairs thin day by day.....


    than atlast i start using propesia 0.5 mg (because ov side effect fear)... i used it 3 months and than turn on 1mg because with 0.5mg i did'nt get side effects...


    but after just 1 month,i realized low libido and more seriously chest enlargement..


    than i go to another dermatologyst and he deeply check my hairs,.. ask some question about hair loss period and family history.. and than told me that i have Seborrheic Dermatitis (some scalp infection) & Telogen Effluvium..


    he also see my chest (chest hairs are also falling) and suggest me dnt used propecia.. because its not helping and giving side effects.. and prescribed me.. " vitamin tablets, anti alergic cream & lotion and T-Gel high strenght shampo.. and ask me to come again after 1 week..


    after using these medicines now i have decrease in itching, no dandruf clean head.. but hairs are still falling.. i was very afraid because thining increasing, but no receding hair line.. (my hair line is naturaly little high from my childhood)... thats why i start using fin again in mini dose 0.5mg.. but after just 3 days i notice that i have flotters and blurry vision in my eyes.. (Oh my God one more side effect)...

    but i think i got this side effects after stop using 1mg dose... but relized it late.. fin dosen't helping at all


    its been now 10 months on shedding, little bit slow down like at start i was lossing like 100 or 150 daily, but now i think 50 or 60 daily (may be less) friends i m uploading my pictures (some in flash light direct on head and some in normal light)... please guys help me because in my family no one is bald.. my derm still insisting that its not mpb... but i need sec opinion from u guys, thanx in advance.. thining is all over but more noticebly on top of head..

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