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Posts posted by gattaca77

  1. Hi I had recently been to AHS - Melboune for a consult. The Consultant gives you a brief about what male pattern baldness is and why it occurs. Then you get a 3 minute video with Shane Warne and the rest of the co (Vaughan, Gooch, Bollinger etc) to basicall sell the stuff. Then the option that would work for you. In my case the Strand-by-Strand $14,500 if I sat for the 5 sittings so that the growth is gradual rather than overnight. If one is happy to do it in one sitting then $8500. After a lot of argy bargy and taking to the boss and all that, I was offered a 35% discount, which brought the price down to ~$4750. Also to pay 50% initially and the rest 3 months after only if I am satisfied. Never got a chance to read the contract. All of this was verbal. What they do is match your hair and get them from overseas or wherever it is available and then design a silicone sheet based on your scalp and then plant the hair into it. The silicon is stuch to your scalp using an adhesive. So, they basically they have to cut/shave your hair on your scalp. I don't know what will happen to the natural hair (whatever little) that is there. I was told the the natural hair will be there as the Silicone sheet has pores and everything. But, I am not convinced. You also have an ongoing cost of about $60 every 6 weeks for a hair cut and health check. However, you are not obligated to do it. The other option is to go for the Minoxidil 5% to be applied on your scalp everyday, Finasteride tablets and laser therapy, which the consultant said has a 76% success rate. I am giving this a miss at the moment.

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