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Posts posted by tomhansen

  1. I've just spent the better part of my day going over this site, reading threads and reviews. I wish I'd come here years ago! Lots of great information and dialogue.


    Time to proactive: I just ordered some Toppik and Nanogen (thought I'd try both to see which works best for me) along with some Revita shampoo. I'm going to pick up some Minoxidil from Costco this evening. RC, what kind of biotin are you using?

  2. Thanks for your replys. I really appreciate the suggestions. I can't begin to tell you how much this issue bothers me. I do a lot of presenting for my job, so I'm in front of people all the time. I'm always wondering if they are looking at my hairline going, "Oh my Gosh, is that a hair transplant?" I am always trying to keep a safe distance from them so they can't check me out too closely. Not a fun way to live.


    RC, to answer your question, I'm probably a 3A or a 3vertex on the NW scale. I do have plenty of donor hair, so another surgery is a posibility. David, I'm in the D.C. area.


    Suggestions welcome!

  3. I'm a newbie here and am looking for some sound advice.


    I had hair transplant surgery in 2004 and to be totally honest, I deeply wish I'd never done it. I say that because I’m at a place with myself now where I wound not mind being bald. I'm okay with it. In 2004 I wasn't. But as they say that’s water under the bridge.


    At that time I was 31 and had some significant hair loss, but still had some hair on top, you know, the sweet comb-over look. Actually, I’d cut it short and the glare was getting bad. Probably a III on the chart. The first couple years after the surgery I was very pleased with the results and thought I'd made a great decision 2,000 grafts were what I think I had done. My hair wasn’t thick, but it looked good.


    Now I'm 38 and for some reason my hair seems to look much more unnatural than it did 3 - 4 years ago. Possible contributing factors: 1) Despite taking 5mg of Finasteride every day I'm quite certain I've lost any of the original hair that I had on top of my head (not the crown, but the hairline), and 2) the hair on the top and front of my head sticks up and looks fake or bristle-like. It didn’t use to do this. I don’t know what’s caused this. The doc used all 1 & 2 follicular units; no big plugs. It also looks thinner and has a crispy, crunchy sound when I pat it with my hand. Not bad, but it’s there.


    So I'm looking at my options and would welcome any ideas/experiences you can share to help me out:

    1) Get an additional transplant surgery. I don't like this option because I hated the experience of the first one. I hate the scar in the back of my head. I hate looking in the mirror at my transplanted hair. Do two wrongs make a right?

    2) Somehow get rid of the transplanted hair. I’ve looked at laser hair removal. Anyone have experience with this? Also considered but would hate to go the surgical hair removal route.

    3) Scar removal. The doc did a good job of sewing up my head in the donor area, but the thin scar that remains would look awful if my head were totally bald. Any experiences or suggestions here? Would a good plastic surgeon be able to get rid of it? I don’t like the idea of hair removal without going really short all around, which would expose my scar.


    Thanks for your suggestions.

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