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Posts posted by limitlesshair

  1. Hi guys as where all one big global family im sure research is important to help you understand more. As part of surfing through the internet to research i've come across some excellant sites that share some really great info which i believe will be useful for everyone as it was for me :)


    A guide to hairloss,


    (Link removed by moderator - see Terms of Service)


    Hair Transplant Checklist: A Must Read For First Time Hair Transplant Patients

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    So Where Do You Start?


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    Excellant information from spex all in one place




    Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)


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    The Top 10 Side Effects Of Hair Transplant Surgery


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    hope the guides have been helpful for 'researching'

  2. Hi hair there the result slook impressive and it's true the temples do make a big differene to the appearance. I've just got a question if you don't mind answering the temple point is quite sensitive so when the incision were made was it paintful during post operative? I hope this makes sense but i've always wondered if it's safe enough to make incision at the temple point as at the bottom part of the temple there isn't any bone protecting that area.

  3. Hi there, as haircut said you might be suffering from diffuse thinning but it's best to go to a dermatologist to find out what your suffering from. Your Gp stated that your suffering from Male pattern baldness if so then it's best to use medicines such as propecia to slow down the hairloss and hold onto your existing hair. I would then do atleast 6 months research and find a reputable hair translant doctor for a hair transplant as you're a canditate for it. My advise is just from research but i hope it helped, It's best to contact a hair t doc :)

  4. It's probally best to first find out the cause of the thinning in such cases it may be stress, or lack of nutrients the body needs. I'm not a woman but I used multivitamins from boots which contains 23 essential nutrients for the body and has all the vitamins required to grow hair such as vitamin B, B6, A, C Biotin, Zinc


    Also try scalp massages as this definatly helps and circulate the blood in your scalp and to the hair follicles it then helps stimulate hair growth :)Can Scalp Massage Stimulate Hair Growth - Hair Loss Expert


    If it is stress well i gess you just need to relax and do this



    Another product i used is Castor oil, Now this definatly help thicken your hair and is worth using to see if it helps, you can buy this at your local shop.

    Castor Oil: Hair Growth Treatment for Thicker and Healthy-Looking Hair | Castor Oil Uses



    Here is a guide for other ways you can help regrow your hair, I hope i've helped don't worry your not alone :)

    How To Regrow Hair

  5. Yeah I Understand what you mean about being young, though i'm going to be 18 in 2 months. My case is quite different, it's actually not genetics as i'm not suffering from hairloss, I've suffered from traction alopecia so the hairline and the temple areas were effected and need to be filled ontop I have bald patch from an accident on the front right side of my hairline size of a 50p Coin :( but thank god My hair is thick so it can be covered with my existing hair. So I think a hair transplant wouldn't be out of the question as i have no other option, I'm going to meet Dr Lindssy for Consultation as he's willing to help restore the temples but better to know what can be done once i meet him.

  6. I know this is a personal question regarding money, but i'm curious to find out how some people manage to pay for their hair transplants, as hair transplant are expensive, money is the first issue the comes to mind if your not rich ofcourse. So i'm wondering did any of you had to work full time so that you managed to save enough? , take a loan out or sell your stuff? i'm trying to work my ass off to save enough and sell all my personal belongings to raise enough money for a hair transplant as my parents aren't rich :( It's quite emotional but there's no other way :(

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