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Posts posted by Mike73

  1. Mike I just wanted to mention that I did meet with Dr. Cotterill for a consultation. All I can say is he is a fantastic Dr to speak to in person. He seems like a very honest person and made me feel very comfortable when speaking with him. I was in his office for an hour or more and never once did he make me feel rushed. I would imagination that is a rare quality is these types of Doctors. If I can convince him to do my work then I will most likely go with him. He does not feel I am in need of a surgery yet LOL I guess that is a good thing. ;)


    Would you mind posting a picture of your hairline? It's funny how we all experience things so differently. Perhaps you have just a tiny imperfection that at the end of the day bothers you.


    I was in serious denial about my hair loss initially. My girlfriend pointed out I was losing hair and I would not listen to her at all in the beginning. Then I took a more careful look and was shocked. You see yourself in the mirror every day and you don't really 'see' it happening. Propecia helped me somewhat recover in the beginning but soon I realized it only goes so far.


    My surgery has made my hair look much better, but now I have a realistic idea of where I am and what I need. The front looks ok now, but I know I will keep losing my 'original' hair. The top/back of my head is quite thin so next time I get a surgery, I will most likely want 30-40% in the front and 60-70% on the top/back.


    I also found Dr. Cotterill's approach honest and most of all - realistic and objective. But at the end of the day, you must be happy with your choice. I wish you luck with whichever path you choose.

  2. If you don't mind me asking, does your Doctor offer financing options for the treatment or is it more of a pay in full deal?



    I don't know, but lots of doctors partner is with 3rd party financing companies. Just drop them an email. When I emailed them I believe the receptionist answered my questions within a day or two if I'm not mistaken.

  3. I am guessing that what I would like fixed would be on a much smaller scale. I am guessing between 500-1000.


    by the way, I think 500 grafts will take you nowhere. For some reason, I thought 1000-2000 would be enough for me. Now I realize 4000 is fully justified, plus I still have a balding area on top/back of my head I want to address later. It's easy to under estimate the number unless you're talking about very minor touch up. I was told by more than one doctor I definitely need more than 1000-2000 to avoid disappointment and I'm glad I listened to them. If you go under the knife, you might as well do it right.

  4. Great thread Mike and congrats on your HT. Your results look great. I am new to the forum but I wanted to say I appreciate your thread and the pics you provided.


    I am considering a HT in the near future to fix my hairline. I would love to pick your brain at some point, if that's ok with you. I am also in the GTA area


    for now if you could answer this simple question that would be greatly appreciated. Does your Doctor have a minimum amount of grafts that have to be done? I am guessing that what I would like fixed would be on a much smaller scale. I am guessing between 500-1000.


    Thanks my friend and I hope you continue to update your thread. A co worker had a HT done and his full results did not show until well over a year. Closer to 2 if i recall correctly.


    I'm not sure what his minimum is, but just email him and ask - they were quick when I initially contacted them. And Dr. Cotterill agreed to do the consultation on a weekend day which was great because my wife wanted to be there.


    Also, attaching my 7 month update. VERY happy with the results so far and I've been told it can still improve another 10-15%. I look very different and the scar has become unnoticable.



  5. Hey everyone


    Here's my 4 month before/after pic. It's a bit hard to tell how much I've improved ; my hair is now quite a bit longer.


    Initially, it appears that 5-10% of my grafts survived and didn't drop. Then perhaps at 2.5 month mark I appeared to have some growth but very modest. Just a hair here and there. It was a bit hard to monitor though because the grafts were implanted between my existing hair.


    I guess I'm moderately happy with my results for the time being, but I'm a bit concerned about the fact that I haven't see a new hair grow for a long time. I keep inspecting my scalp almost daily and push hair aside to see new hair coming out - but see nothing. Is it possible that new growth can happen even after 4 months? I hope so..!


  6. I wonder why there's so much resistance towards 'meds'. The side effects affect very tiny percentage of users. Try it - if you don't like it, drop it. I'm very happy with Fin - I belong to the lucky group that actually experienced hair regrowth when I started taking it 2+ years ago. I'll never stop using it. No side effects whatsoever and I pay approx. $10 / month.

  7. Does anyone know if there has even been extensive enough surveys to get a *general* idea how happy people are on average with HT surgeries?


    Is it something like 70% happy, 15% somewhat satisfied, 15% unhappy? What's your gut feeling? I'd be curious to know.


    Obviously, it's not possible to achieve 100% happy customers. So, if that's something that everyone is willing to admit simply because it's a fact, I don't see anything wrong if someone says they're unhappy with the results. Perhaps the problem here is that people expect a 'miracle' and they were never given an estimate of what the likelihood of less than optimal results are - generating unflattering comments.

  8. Hi Lorenzo


    Thanks for your response. How will it be worse? Just the frustration of losing the hair? Or can the transplanted area start looking worse? I'm kind of ok with the redness because I'm taller than most people and I have some hair I can use to cover the redness. If the skin doesn't look any worse until a bit later, I'll be fine with that.

  9. Just want to give you an update and two photos. The top of my head has healed incredibly fast. Almost all the scabs fell off in the shower today, I'm now 8 days post op. The scar in the back is of course more noticable, but if you don't know to look for it, I doubt you'll really notice it.


    In the second photo, you'll see the new grafts growing hair really nicely. Well, at least I'm going to enjoy seeing them grow until it's time to say a bitter good bye for couple of months :)



  10. Well, the stitches are off now and most of the scabs have fallen off. As I left the doctor's office, I was hit by this "that's it!?" feeling! Meaning, it's all done now - hard to believe. All I need to do now is wait. Only restriction now is, no weight lifting for a week.


    In hindsight, this was an incredibly easy operation. I've had couple of others earlier (other parts of my body) and they both more or less crippled me for a while. The only inconvenience my HT surgery caused was that I've been wearing a cap in the public for a week and will continue to do so for another week or so. Wow.. not a big deal AT all.


    My hair growth is faster than average person's (which I believe is around 1/2" per month, please correct me if I'm wrong). My graft hair has grown from zero to approx. 1/3 inch in 7 days. I know they're likely to fall off, but I'm glad to see they're enjoing the new 'soil' and getting all the nutrients they need to grow in the future..!

  11. Hi evrybody , my name is Tom and i just wanna say how happy i am whit my hair transplant .

    One year ago i got my surgery whit Dr, Jean Devroye and today i just feel like a new man. U can see the difrence in my album photos. Pls just contact me if u have any quiestions :)


    Good to hear! How do I find your album?

  12. Just a quick update - can't wait for my stitches to be removed tomorrow. I feel like the back of my head has been shaved and a piece of duct tape has been put on - squeezing my skin and making it feel 'tight'. Uncomfortable, but not unbearable. The ends of the cut feel 'bumpy', like there's liquid inside them. Perhaps I have a mild infection in my cuts, but nothing that feels serious. I'll discuss it with my doctor and let you know.


    The top of my head is getting increasingly itchy and I resists the temptation of removing the scabs myself LOL! I do have regular business meetings on a weekly basis and I can't wait to look 'normal' again. Wearing a cap - not exactly ideal... :)


    I just wish the next week or so would fast forward and get me back to my normal look. I will post more shots when the scabs are off and I look different.

  13. At only 6 days, I would think its a bit early to use hair gel. But its only my opinion, best to call your doctor and ask.


    Oh, absolutely.. I wasn't planning to put any on yet.


    People seem to agree to the grafts are securely anchored after 7-10 days so if I give it an extra week or two, it might be safe to use gel? But I will ask the doctor for sure. I'm seeing him soon to get my stitches removed.

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