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Posts posted by thebmkb

  1. Hi everyone,


    I meant to update awhile ago, but just forgot. I went ahead and got 1500 grafts done back in February, primarily the temples and rebuilding the front hairline. I took the Propecia that my doctor gave me (about a two week supply), and then ordered generic propecia (finasteride from helpful-online pharmacy).


    My questions are regarding my hair flaking / some dandruff, and also acne.


    Has anyone experienced or heard of these side effects by taking finasteride? I always had mild acne, but lately my acne has really gotten bad. I continued to take the finasteride hoping that it wasn't the cause, but I was so fed up with the acne (forehead and cheeks) that I stopped taking it for the past week or so. I still have quite a bit of acne, but it does appear to be "smaller", though I can't tell for sure.


    Also, my hair has been much producing more flakier and having dandruff? I've never had this problem and so I'm not sure if this is related to the hair transplant procedure or finasteride? Or maybe it's neither? But again, I've never had this issue, and my hair definitely is flakier, and can be proven when I just rub my hand in my hair and dandruff falls out.


    Any advice?


    I'm using the same all natural shampoo that I always have, and wash my hair with it every other day, and the days I don't use the shampoo, just use water in my hair.


    The reason I mentioned the two weeks of using Propecia is because I don't recall any increased acne or flaking, as opposed to the generic...

  2. I usually only recommend a medicated shampoo twice a week and you can alternate them also.


    Sorry for the confusion, but do you mean using the niozral twice a week, and then nioxin shampoo / conditioner on two separate days during the week as well?


    Or would it be use nioxin shampoo / conditioner, and then work in the niozral once a week, or not even combining them in the same week and just going separate weeks?

  3. Good idea to be proactive. Unfortunetly, there is no exact formula. There is probably going to be some tweaking of the regimen along the way. good luck.


    Thanks Dr. Charles.


    My main concern is overdoing it. Like many, my hair loss really hurts my confidence, and so I want to do everything I can to be proactive. Of course, I don't want to do TOO much and mess myself up either!


    I know on a very basic level we always hear not to wash your hair every day as it needs nutrients, etc. and shampooing / conditioning everyday will affect that.


    So, considering I'm going to be using rogaine, and then likely a combo of nioxin shampoo / conditioner, and niozral, want to make sure I'm not overdoing it.

  4. hey mate,


    i wish i started to combat my problem when i was 24 as this is when my hair loss began most likely but i just didnt notice it or was oblivious to it. good to see your taking the necessary steps.


    i was on propecia for the first 4 months, then switched to proscar 1.25mg daily.

    have been using Nioxin shampoo and conditioner for the past 10 or so months every 2nd-3rd day.


    i will be commencing rogaine once i am 14days post of op. i am now at 11 days post op.


    i was in the same position as you about 1 year ago, but decided not to go into surgery until i hit the med's first to stabilize my hair loss or at least slow it down.


    i recently started using toppik, and it makes a hell of a difference to appearance which is can really help conceal.


    im no doctor, but based solely on the frantic research ive done for the passed 18 months,


    Propecia/proscar and Minoxidal (rogaine) are the only proven methods which will help you slow down and stabilize hair loss or even grow some back.


    good luck with it all


    Thanks mate. Hope you're HT went well!


    I tried researching the nioxin shampoo / conditioner on amazon, but couldn't figure out which "system" to purchase? They also seemed really expensive (some of the systems were' over $45). Which one should I be purchasing?


    Also, do you use the Nizoral at all? And if so, how do you rotate that in considering you use nioxin every couple of days?

  5. thebmkb,


    I'd say at your age this is a good idea. Propecia one daily along with Rogaine twice daily and Nizoral. I use Nizoral on Monday and Thursday.


    Using concealer is a personal choice. I have some Toppik and it does many my hair looks much fuller but I'm comfortable without it and can't be bothered to apply it daily.


    Thanks for the reply!


    What about the nioxin shampoo / conditioner? Is there a recommended frequency for washing your hair with this combo?


    If I use the Nizoral twice a week like you do (Mon / Thurs), could I still use the nioxin shampoo / conditioner 3x a week? I currently wash my hair with a herbal shampoo / conditioner every other day, and on the days I don't use it, just wash my hair with water.

  6. Hi everyone,


    So after much consideration, I have decided to hold off the hair transplant procedure for now (I'm 24, and doctors have estimated about 1500-2000 grafts would be needed), since I am not 100% sure I want to jump right in.


    With that said, I want to attack this problem and do everything I can to combat my hairloss and improve my situation. I don't want to overdo it and risk unnecessary side effects, but I've read the section on this forum for different treatments, and am trying to come up with my best gameplan.


    Here is what I'm thinking so far --


    1. Propecia

    2. Rogaine

    3. The nioxin shampoo / conditioner

    4. Niozral

    5. The Toppik Hair Loss Spray.


    The thought process is take the propecia once a day, use the rogaine twice a day. Now I'm not sure about the frequency of the nioxin shampoo / conditioner. How often should I be using it?


    With regards to Niozral, it says every 3rd day to work it into the rotation, is that what others have found to be most effective?


    Lastly, the Toppik hair loss spray, does it make sense to use it if I'm using rogaine + shampooing / conditioning my hair?


    Overall, am I approaching this correctly? Is this overdoing it, or does this make sense?


    Thank you again.

  7. I wouldn't get a HT with someone just because it was cheap. That will end up costing you much more in the long run if it turns out to be a bad HT job, and not just monetarily. It may cost you more, but go with one of the docs recommended by this forum. That way you'll at least know what type of result to expect.


    Yeah, I definitely am leaning towards your viewpoint. I am thinking of going with the recommended doctor in Michigan. He's more expensive, but like you said, if it turns out bad, it can cost more than just money in the long run. Better to pay a little more now and be safe. However, I thought if people did have good experiences with this center, they could share, and I would consider it. No one has chimed in yet.


    Of course I'm still deciding on whether I should go through with the hair transplant or not! I asked in the other discussion forum and people are commenting right now. I am leaning towards doing it, but seems like some say I should take the meds first and hold off for a bit.

  8. ( where is the 'post new thread'?? )

    Sorry first time on here....

    I have just moved to Canada, Ontario from the UK and ran out of my propecia. Any suggestions on the best place to get it from ( website or shop) any canadians out there?




    Toward the top of the page when you first enter this subforum.


    I've looked into getting propecia from an online pharmacy as well, so that would be a good thread to start (though I'm sure it's been asked and answered before).

  9. I think the point everyone is trying to make is that if you get on meds now it's possible you won't even need a hair transplant


    I certainly think that would be great! But I'm not sure how realistic it is, since I seem to have read that propecia is more preventive instead of restoring much. I'm not so sure about rogaine though. While it may bring back some of my hair as others have said, won't I have to keep using it, and then if I stop using it (warning - obviously joke coming), I'll lose it? As in, what I regrew with rogaine, I lose if I stop using it.


    I just don't want to use rogaine the rest of my life, as I find it to be a hassle, as opposed to getting the hair transplant which would require me to take propecia, but at least I won't have to use the rogaine.


    I don't know if I'm being impatient, but just want to clarify my perspective and continue to discuss as this is obviously a huge decision.

  10. Thank you everyone for the advice!


    Here's my concern --


    mattj - "You're unlikely to improve the front with drugs alone to the point where a transplant would be unnecessary, but the size of the procedure needed would be smaller."


    I'm trying to weigh the cost vs. benefit, and I keep thinking that if I'm going to have to get the procedure, I'd rather it be now (was planning on Thanksgiving week -if I decide to do it-), rather than waiting say another 6 months or 1 year, and getting it done at that time. Although I could theoretically need less, there's also the time aspect of about 1 year before the hair fully grows in, and so I'd like to get that started now.


    Obviously it will cost me more now as I haven't regrown any hair with the meds, but how many less grafts would I need say 6 months from now even if I did respond well to the propecia? I want to stay away from rogaine because I have read once you stop using it, you start losing the hair you regrew again.


    spanker - Going down to a 4 guard isn't bad at all. I never really get my hair cut that short anyway (I just don't think I have the right facial type for buzz cuts and short hair).


    I think 1500 grafts would seem conservative. And considering my hair loss right now, do you guys think I'll notice a good improvement? I feel that while I haven't lost THAT much hair, if I can get that density back, I'd feel so much better about myself. I've researched the methods (FUT vs. FUE) and some of the doctors (Dr. Arnowitz is recommended on this site, and seems to have good reviews in general). Not sure what else I need to be thinking about or looking into right now?


    I suppose I just want to make sure I'm not missing out any critical information as this is a major decision. The propecia is a must, which I understand. But as far as age and my hair loss, just want to see if my rationale for getting it done within the next few weeks makes sense (I do trust the doctor based on what I've read).

  11. Hello everyone,


    First, this forum has been great. I've asked about various doctors and a question regarding HT, and everyone has been so helpful. Thank you for that.


    I wanted to make this thread as my all encompassing thread.


    Here is my situation


    I'm 24, about to be 25 in a couple months. I've been experiencing hair loss for about 3-4 years now. I tried laser treatment a couple years ago, but not sure how useful it ended being. Have not taken propecia or used rogaine yet. I am hesitant on rogaine because it's topical and twice a day which I think will be a pain for me, not to mention having to use it perpetually.


    The hair loss I have experienced has primarily been in the temples, but also now has went to the top of my hair, and a bit in the crown. It's really effecting my self esteem and confidence, even though my hair isn't necessarily "that bad", I still struggle with dealing my hair loss. This is obviously why I'm considering getting it done. I figure I'm still young, and why continue to struggle with this issue on a daily basis if I can take care of it now and be happy?


    I've seen a couple HT doctors. They have approximated 2000 grafts, from front to back. I thought it seemed a bit much, since I've seen pics of people with much worse hair loss than me, and after getting ~1500 grafts, seemed to have much better density.


    Any way, I have attached pictures to this message. These are probably as good as my h air looks (typically after I wash my hair and towel dry), otherwise on the bad days it looks worse because it ends up being flat on one side, can't style it, not enough hair to style, etc. Just a disaster.


    My questions are as follows --


    1. Considering my situation, does it make sense to go through with the HT procedure right now?

    2. If I do go through with the procedure, I will be getting on the propecia afterward. But am wondering about shock hair loss? Is this expected, common, or atypical?

    3. I am considering a couple different doctors (Hair Restoration Specialists of Atlanta, and then Dr. Arnowitz in Michigan). I can't find any info on HRS on this site, but when I google, I find good reviews on random websites. Should I be wary (the quoted price was ~6K for 2K grafts, whereas Dr. Arnowitz will be ~6700 for 1500 grafts). Both procedures would be FUT.

    4. The dreaded scar. Just how short can I cut my hair and not have the scar noticeable? I never cut my hair short anyways, but just curious.


    Thank you so much for your time. Your opinions / perspective is invaluable.







  12. Hello,


    As some of you may have read from my other threads, I'm looking to get 2000 graft HT.


    I was referred to Dr. Salvatore Cavaliere (he's in Michigan) by someone and so asked for a price quote. For 2000 grafts I was quoted at $4000, which is by far the best price I have found so far.


    However, I can't seem to find any reviews when I google this doctor (at least not for HT, seems like he may have been a plastic surgeon at some point as well?). Can anyone provide information if possible (personal experience, reviews, recommendations, anything!). It really would be appreciated.


    Many of the reviews I found were for plastic surgery, which he would score around 4-4.5 out of 5. But that isn't relevant to me and I really wanted to read about HT experiences and reviews. The price seems really good to me, and if I could find out some reviews, would be reassured either to go with him or keep looking.


    Thank you.

  13. I am looking to get between 1500-2000 grafts (pretty much covering front to crown). I'm 24 and although it's "young", my hair loss is really bothering me and this is something I want to get done. I saw Dr. Griffin who had an approximate cost of 10K for this amount of grafts, and is out of my budget. I have also went to HRS (made a separate thread for it), but am open to the recommendations // reviews / photos that you guys have!


    Thank you!

  14. Hello,


    Does any one have experience with Dr. Ron Zieve of the Hair Restoration Specialists (Atlanta)?


    I noticed a billboard on the way to work advertising for $2 / graft and the the phone number, so I decided to check them out. It turns out to be $2 / graft after the first 1,000, but the total procedure will cost around $6000 for 2000 grafts. I thought that seemed like a good deal, but I want more information and reviews. I can't seem to find any on this site though.


    I googled and found good reviews from people on other websites, but I am wary because anyone can just sign up and post on google reviews and the like. I really am hoping someone here has tried them out and can share their experience / review / photos.


    Any help or advice is appreciated!

  15. Hello,


    I am considering getting a HT this November during Thanksgiving break and then flying home to family the day after. Are there any issues immediately after A HT procedure I should be aware of and if it would adversely affect flight plans?


    This really would be the best time for me as I normally am not able to take many days off, but have an opportunity during the Thanksgiving week to take a few vacation days, which in addition to the holiday, would give me some good time to recovery, but I don't know if flying is a bad idea or not.


    Thank you!

  16. Hello everyone,


    I'm 24 years old and am very seriously considering getting hair restoration.


    Here is the story. I noticed I was losing hair on the front / temple area about 3-4 years ago when I was 21. I didn't think it was too big of a deal at the time, but I went ahead and paid for a procedure involving laser treatment which was supposed to prevent further hair loss by promoting stronger roots and thickening existing hair. There were a total of ~15 of these sessions, but I do not believe it worked well since I have noticed further hair loss on front / temple area and also on the top and the back as time has passed. I am interested in going through with the hair restoration process because this has brought my confidence down and is something I always am thinking about when I look in the mirror. I went to the free Bosley consultation in my area but did not find the counselor to be particularly helpful (e.g. when I told him my backstory, he replied almost in a curt manner, "Well, what are you going to do about it then?"). Considering how important this is to me, not exactly the type of response I was looking for when I went in!


    I am very glad I found this forum and have been trying to read as much as I can, but wanted to start my own thread to get personal advice from everyone. I have attached a few pics to show my current hair situation. Pics were taken shortly after taking a shower and towel drying my hair, some days look better if I dry my hair even more so it doesn't get clumped together I suppose, but the hair loss is evident. In my opinion the worst has been the front right of my hair, right behind the initial part of where my hair sticks up, as there is quite a bit missing or gone, and now on the other side, the front left, it's getting to be kind of similar. Please let me know how many grafts you think it would take, the cost, and of course if it even makes sense for me to do (I really want to get this done as I mentioned, but am more than willing to listen to the downsides / negatives of getting it done at this age).


    Also, I tried searching for recommended doctors in Michigan and could only find one (Dr. Tessler) on this site, but there were no existing threads that I could find? Can someone please share or point me in the right direction for the best doctors in Michigan (the Southeast / Detroit area), or also Georgia (Atlanta).


    Thank you very much for reading and any help you can provide.







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