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Posts posted by cperry23jd

  1. realquiet,

    I know this post is old, but do you have any photos to show your hair progress? I've now been on Rogaine for nearly 6 months and am very happy with the results. I would just like to see some results someone, who's been on Rogaine for a long period of time.

  2. Norwoodbalding, lol thanks for the feedback. I sure hope I can maintain as much hair as possible. Rogaine has been a real confidence booster!


    JayWalker, at first i started to apply the foam directly on the skin around the temples, but as time went on, I also put foam on the hairline to thicken it up. Now I mainly put the foam on the hairline but I'm sure some of the foam rubs off onto the skin directly. Do you follow?

  3. I've been using Rogaine foam on my temples for only 3 months and I've noticed a decent amount of improvement. You can check my profile for photos if you like. I was skeptical just like you were, but you might as well try it out and see how minoxidil works for you!

  4. To be honest Jackw91 I didn't notice a thing when using the foam. It just made my hair a little clumpier and greasier, but I use hair gel to style it and it didn't matter after I applied product. It will take a few weeks to get used to, but after that it literally just becomes a part of your everyday routine.

    Some people act differently to the foam than others, so I can't say it won't affect you at all. A lot of it I'm sure is mental though too. If you think hard enough sometimes, you can easily make yourself feel like you have to itch your hairline lol. Just try it out and think positive. It can't hurt!

  5. Hey thanks guys. Yeah early prevention from what I heard is very important. My dermatologist told me to use the foam for 6 months and reevaluate my situation. But after 3 months it seems to be maintaining and even re-growing a little bit. I'll keep the progress updated.

  6. Hey everyone,

    I've been using Rogain foam on my hairline/ temple regions for 3 months now. I applied the foam twice a day and have had decent results from what I can tell. I'm not sure how to add pictures, but I have created a photo album in my profile to show the results.

    Please let me know what you think of how the progess is going.

  7. Hey everyone, currently I have been using Rogaine foam on my temples for my gradual receding hairline. I have only been doing this for about 2 months, but have already noticed smaller hairs filling in the thinning temples.

    What I really would like to know is if Finasteride has an effect on hairlines? I have read countless blogs that claim it has no effect on the hairline, but I feel as if these are people who have just become too frustrated with their hair loss and are trying to be negative to everyone else to make themselves feel better.

    From what I understand, Finasteride can do great wonders on the hairline for some. I do realize that finasteride is meant for the crown and obviously the effects are different for everyone and it may have no effect as well. I'm just curious and I want to leave this thread open for discussion on what you may think.

    Is Finasteride of some sort, worthwhile for maintaining and potentially having minimal growth in the hairline and temple regions?

  8. Hey everyone:

    I just have a simple question. Has anyone been on Rogaine for more than let's say 5 years? Or any long periods of time? I would love to see some examples or links to examples of people who have had success with Rogaine over extensive periods of time. I'm just curious if this is a great long-term product. Or if finasteride is a better alternative? I realize it varies with the individual, but, what do you guys think?

  9. Thanks for the input, I really do appreciate it. Here's my situation.

    In terms of my family history, both of my Grandpa's were completely bald. My dad and his brother are bald as well. I'm talking Norwood 5A to Norwood 6. My brother is currently 25 and I would say he's a Norwood 2.5 right now (well on his way to following the family history pattern). So it is safe to say that this is most definitely the early stages of hair loss and not just a mature hairline developing.

    As for the meds, yeah I would agree with you that Propecia shouldn't be used until there are signs of thinning elsewhere. From what I understand, Propecia works best with thinning hair and not recession. I honestly don't want to go on Propecia due to the fact that it is so expensive and it is a lifetime commitment. However, I am not a doctor. (sidenote: is there a way to take minoxidil by pill form? I hate that stupid foam stuff)

    Lastly, the hair transplant is something I was talking about for the future. I very well know that any reputable doctor would not be foolish enough to operate on someone of my age and standing. However, what about if in 4 years or so, the Rogaine has done a decent job at halting the balding and I want my hair line lowered. Would there be anything wrong with that? My girlfriend’s father has a perfect head of hair and he is 48! His hair line is better than mine and he looks great. He's never had anything done to his hair at all and the low hair line doesn't appear awkward by any means. If I were to get my hairline lowered, let's say 5 years from now do you see anything wrong with that?

    I’ve seen too many times where people wait way too long to get any type of surgery done and the results turn out less than desirable. However, there are many people who have restored their hair completely with a low and straight hairline approach, who look great regardless of their age. Armani is a prime example of great looking hairlines. It’s just something that’s been bugging me quite a bit because I am the first of all my friends to experience the balding process. I know that I have to keep my expectations realistic, but when I see results from patients that restore their straight hairline, I often get jealous.

    I appreciate the comments ‘Cant Decide’, let me know what you think

    Thanks, cperry23j

  10. (Look for pictures on my profile, I'm not sure how to add them)

    Hey everyone,

    I am very new to the hair loss community. Recently, within the last 18months I have been receding in the temples. Since I am only 19 years old, I want to bite this thing in the butt before it completely destroys my self-esteem.

    Recently, I have met with a local dermatologist and she had recommended using Rogaine for 6 months on the temples. After 6 months, she said to re-evaluate the situation and get on Propecia if needed. Currently, I am just finishing my 1st month and have noticed no change.


    One of my questions is what should I expect from these two products? With Rogaine, should I expect to see any regrowth? Or will it merely halter the hair loss situation? (I realize that results vary with the individual, but I am just curious what my expectations are). Also, if I do go on Propecia, what should my reasons for going on the prescription be? Should I go on Propecia if I don't experience any change with my temples at all? Or is no change a good thing (meaning, that Rogaine has haltered the hair loss temporarily?)


    If either of these products halters my hair loss within the next couple of years, I would LOVE to fill in my temples surgically. Would FUE or Strip be a good choice? I have no idea to be honest, but I have seen such great results in the hairline with Doctors like Armani, Feller, and Rahal and it gets me so excited. If I can halter my hair loss, then a transplant could give me a moderately straighter hairline, rather than the “M” shape.


    Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated guys. Like I said, remember that I'm only 19 years old, but I hope that early action will lead to better results in the future?


    Thanks again,


  11. (Look for pictures on my profile, I"m not sure how to add them)

    Hey everyone,

    I am very new to the hairloss community. Recently, within the last 18months I have been receding in the temples. Since I am only 19 years old, I want to bite this thing in the butt before it completely destroys my self-esteem.

    Recently, I have met with a local dermatologist and she had recommended using rogaine for 6 months on the temples. After 6 months, she said to re-evaluate the situation and get on Propecia if needed. Currenty, I am just finishing my 1st month and have noticed no change.


    One of my questions is what should I expect from these two products? With Rogain, should i expect to see any regrowth? Or will it most likely halter the hair loss situation? (I realize that results vary with the individual, but I am just curious what my expectations are). Also, if i do go on Propecia, what should my reasons for goin on the perscription be? Should I go on Propecia if I don't experience any change with my temples at all? Or is no change a good thing (meaning, that Rogaine has haltered the hair loss temporarily?)


    If either of these products halter my hair loss within the next couple of years, I would LOVE to fill in my temples surgically. Would FUE or Strip be a good choice? I have no idea to be honest, but I have seen such great results in the hairline with Doctors like Armani, Feller, and Rahal and it gets me so excited.


    Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated guys. Like I said, remember that I'm only 19 years old, but I hope that early action will lead to better results in the future?


    Thanks again,


  12. Hey guys,

    Does anyone know if creatine monohydrate can increase male pattern hair loss? Does it increase the rate that DHT occurs?

    Also Jack3d is a weight lifting energy supplement. I do not think that this messes with any hormone levels, but I'm just curious of any of these supplements can actually increase the rate in which hair loss occurs.

    Thanks in advance!

  13. Alright thanks a lot guys! Also on the packaging for Rogaine 5% minoxidil Foam it clearly states that "foam is not intended for frontal baldness or receding hairline." My dermatologist recommended it though for my receding hairline! I've seen some people that use it for this, but does minoxidil actually work for frontal hair loss? Or should I get on Propecia right away instead?

  14. Hey everyone,

    I am 19 years old and I have started to recede at the temples. Like almost everyone, I would like to maintain my hairline/re-grow if possible with a nonsurgical approach. I met with my dermatologist earlier this week and she recommended going on Rogaine foam for 6 months. After 6 months she would like to reevaluate my situation and possibly prescribe Propecia. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. If you personally, or know of anyone with a situation like mine who had positive results, please share!

    Try and be positive with the comments by the way. This website is designed to HELP each other, not put each other down.

    Thanks guys

    (Check my profile for pictures)

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