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Posts posted by auteur55

  1. Thanks for the response. Unfortunately i'm confused. After reading countless websites and threads on the topic my understanding was that a shed can happen in the first 3 months with it tapering off around the 4-6 month mark and that I should start noticing some progress up to the year mark. Almost everyone has said that the year mark is a good place to decide if the drug is working i've rarely heard that you have to wait 2. The thing is this pill is dramatically destroying my front hair which was receding very slowly. Once I started this pill it has gotten worse and worse over the last 6 months with this last month being the worst yet. I didn't read anywhere that it's normal to be shedding like this at the 9 month mark.

  2. Do I have a chance to still grow some hairs from the horrible shedding I've experienced after taking Fin. My hair was thinning very slow until I got on this pill and it has gotten worse and worse the longer i've been on it. My understanding was the shedding would usually taper off after 3-4 monhts. But 9 months later I am ready to blame this "hair loss" pill for causing me to lose my hair on the front. Should I keep the faith?

  3. Posrex if what we are saying is true then we have every reason to be very angry. I'm assuming before a drug is released significant testing must be done to determine side effects. If a major side effect of this is that if you start using it to young you'll lose the front of your hair rapidly then something is very wrong with out druge are rolled out. I know this is a bit irrational but if I found out this "hair loss" drug that was advertised as necessary to slowing hair loss made me lose more hair upon taking it I would hire a lawyer and sue the living heck out of whatever idiots put this drug on the market. It's infuriating to think this drug that everyone told me "the earlier you get on it the better" caused me to actually lose hair. Who can I contact for a full refund and damages??

  4. I posted this on another thread but wanted to give it it's own as I'm so frustrated. It was after reading posts from others saying they were still experiencing sheds 10-11 months on Fin. I"m 9 1/2 months on Fin quartered and my hair has done nothing but get worse and worse. And before I got on this stuff it was thinning very slow. My acceleration has been noticeable by everyone. It's disheartening to get on here and find out everyone seems to be shedding hair 10 or 11 months into this. Have we all been bamboozled by the pharma company? Could this stuff be making us worse? Can we demand our money back and compensation if our hair actually got worse on this crap?


    Is there still a chance my hair is growing back but it doing it really slow. I shouldn't still be losing hair this late on the pill right?

  5. This is ridiculous folks does this stuff work or not. I"m 9 1/2 months on Fin quartered and my hair has nothing but get worse and worse. And before I got on this stuff it was thinning very slow. My acceleration has been noticeable by everyone. It's disheartening to get on here and find out everyone seems to be shedding hair 10 or 11 months into this. Have we all been bamboozled by the pharma company? Could this stuff be making us worse? Can we demand our money back and compensation if our hair actually got worse on this crap?

  6. Thanks for the encouraging words. I will stick with it. My Finasteride pills cost me about $52 bucks. My insurance is terrible and I pay for everything up to $2500. My expensive comment is more for those that pay $80 bucks a month buying propecia.

  7. and it doesn't appear to be doing anything. It looked like I went through a shed at month 3 and it doesn't appear like that hair grew back. My hairline was receding very slowly but seemed to speed up in the front after taking Fin. That was the shed I was referring to. I got a little excited because I was sure that meant it was working and some hair would grow back in the front. My temples are bad but my back is ok just a lot thinner.


    Losing faith in the Fin. Maybe it's holding onto some hair but I just find it pathetic that we spend so much money and time on something that may do nothing and is only a marginal approvement even when it does work. After years of research and scientific development I am sickened that the only thing we have to fight hair loss is an expensive pill that doesn't work most of the time and MAY only slow down hair loss and a liquid you can dump on your scalp twice a day with similar results.

  8. Thanks for the responses.


    My brother in law who is in pharmaceuticals told me something today that has me concerned. He said that if I am cutting the Finasteride pill into 4's that I might not be getting the proper dosage each day. He said most pills concentrate the mediciation in one part of the pill and don't guarantee that it's spread evenly througout the pill. This means I could go 2 days without getting any actual Finasteride and one day might get 3 mg and so forth. This could be screwing up. Can anyone confirm or deny? Also remember that I am not talking about Proscar but the generic proscar which is a different shaped pill. It's actually called 5 mg of Finasteride.



  9. I'm not taking Proscar I'm taking what I believe to be generic proscar which is 5 MG of Finasteride. Sorry but I can't believe for a minute that its juat a coincide that right after I start taking this hair pill the front of my hair starts falling out excessively. My hairline was receding really slow until right when I got on this pill. Is this still a shedding phase 4 months in? Will this hair grow back if it's a normal shed? This is horrible?

  10. Hello, my first post on this forum as I just joined. Good to know there is a helpful community out there. I am about 4 months into generic finasteride. I am taking the 5 mg of finasteride that I had to convince the doctor to prescribe for me as I can't afford the 80 plus dollars of propecia a month. I cut the finasteride into 4's so the pill I take each day is pretty small. My hair started receding when I was 24 and now I am 32 and it seemed to be slowing quite a bit but my temples had gotten bad and I'd lost the thickness. About 5 months ago I noticed I was a little further back on the temples so my friend told me about the cheap finasteride.


    About 2 months after taking it the front of my head got way worse. I was shocked to watch such slow hair loss suddenly be so noticeably different right after taking a hair loss pill. I did some research and found out about the shedding phase so tried to fill a little better but honestly now 4 months in it hasn't stopped and I can't believe how much hair I lost in 4 months. I never had a problem covering my whole head but now the temples are so far back it's radically different. I'm starting to panic and am thinking this pill is killing my hair. Is there a problem quartering the pills? Should I start cutting it into 3's to be sure I'm getting what I need?


    I thought the shedding phase would be done by now and I can't imagine any postive change happening in 2 months which is when your supposed to see results. I almost wish I'd done nothing as this experience has been traumatic and my hair wasn't nearly as bad as it is now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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