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Posts posted by Red888

  1. Hello,


    I've been using Propecia for the past few months. I'm currently considering taking some herbs, particularly He Shou Wu. My concern though is that I hear herbs might interfere w/ prescription drugs. Does anyone know if taking Propecia is ok with herbs like He Shou Wu?

  2. Hi all,


    I woke up this morning and was really nervous what i saw. I looked at my pillow and noticed there were about 30 strands of hair shed. I just couldn't believe there were just hair all over. Is this experience something to be concerned about? I do notice there are days that I'd get a lot on my pillow (like 15-20). This 30 amount seems kind of outrageous.


    I hear it's ok to lose a 100 strands or so per day but this seems to be a bad start already. Then again, I"m not too sure what's considered a good/bad rate.


    I'd appreciate your feedback.

  3. I'm a bit concern with the amount of hair loss I get lately. I had a hair transplant 5 months ago and ever since then, I feel like I shed a lot more hair each day.


    Should I be concern if the following happens:


    When I wake up, I usually find about 10-20 hairs on my pillow


    I shed about 50 hairs after a shower


    I usually find about 2 strands of hair fallen on my shirt every so often.


    On average, I'd say I lose about 150 hairs per day.


    I know I have male pattern baldness but I hope I won't be bald anytime soon.

  4. Hi all,


    I've been concerned with what's going on with the back of my scalp. I did my hair transplant in Nov. 2009 in the front and middle areas. Unfortunately, I started seeing considerable shock loss by week 4. Around that time, the back of my head (I guess it's the crown area) started to be itchy and dried. It's even hard to sleep when I lay my head down on that area. This prompt me to take pics of the area. Now, I can't help but notice how much thinner it has gotten.


    Attached are the pics I've kept track. Does someone have any insight or experience on this situation? I'm hoping this is only temporary but I'm now on Month 5 and I don't see much improvement.


  5. Hi everyone,


    I've been very troubled w/ this shock loss i'm experiencing. I had the transplant exactly 3 months ago and am recovering from a shock loss. My doctor says that I should regrow the hair back, but I hear from others that the thinning hair doesn't come back. Unfortunately, most of the hair from the recipient area were probably widely covered w/ thinning hair.


    Folks, could you please look at this before and after picture of the hair transplant. The "after" pic seems to have a lot less hair. If that's the case, are those lost hair likely to be back? Right now, the difference between the "before" picture is that the "before" pic looks like i'm receding, whereas now i look like i'm totally balding (my scalp is showing my skin completely pretty much).


    Thanks in advance


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