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Posts posted by Thatsreality

  1. He did explain that they were 5 mg, but he said to take 1/2 tablet per day. He discussed how the finasteride is not spread evenly throughout the pill. From what I have been reading, the side effects may be more if I take 2.5 mg./day. Do you think I should cut back to 1/4 or start with the 1/2 and see what happens in 6-8 months, and then cut back? Thanks so much for your response.

  2. Dr. Morse in Washington DC performed it. I felt really comfortable with the procedure, and felt I knew what to expect. I have only found 4 of what I believe are grafts. I didn't experience any type of bleeding from what I have heard described as a lost graft. I had no swelling, my donor site is healing great, and I don't have the scabbing that I have seen in alot of pictures. I just feel like my hair is thinner now on top. If I get a chance, I will post pics. I have never been much of a hat person, so wearing a hat will probably draw more attention than not. There isn't much visible except the front hairline where it recedes up. I had the procedure on Wed. the 30th, and am hoping to be able to wash my hair like normal this Friday and hopefully get rid of any remaining scabs. After how thin I feel now, I am really concerned abot shock loss in another month.

  3. I just had a HT performed. (1325 grafts) I had a receding hairline and had my frontal area filled in. I had enough hair on the front to cover my HT scabs etc. I wanted more density because of how I was thinning. I am 5 days post op and look like my hair is way thinner than before the surgery. I also noticed in the mirror, after my shower, that a couple of the grafts look like they came out. There was no bleeding, just a white object with a hair and bulb. How soon can I stop worrying about losing grafts, and is this "overnight" thinning my imagination. My post op instructions indicated that in 7-10 days I could shower and wash like normal and massage the recipient area. Is this correct? Thanks, just a little nervous with what seems like a dramatic difference. I have been using minoxidil for about a year, and started on finasteride (generic) 1/2 tablet a day.

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