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Posts posted by HeedsUp

  1. Hi all, Mick if you need permission to mention anything on here about our discussion then go for it, no problem there at all.


    I'd still need a pretty strong reason not to give this a go.


    Meds still concern me massively, I'm paranoid enough as it is about taking medication, it's such a dilemma.


    On one hand, it could stabilise the hair loss and help future proof the HT, that's a major plus point. On the other hand, I can't even imagine the thought of looking at a lady with massive knockers and feeling nothing. Scary.

  2. Well today was the day that I popped through to Manchester to visit the Farjo Clinic and have a consultation with Mick.


    It was a really nice experience, Mick is very straight talking and tells you how things are and gets to business, talked about what hair I had, my expectations, donor hair, costs, process, using mirrors to talk about my situation and explain in a way I could see and understand. It was nice to hear him comment that my actual hair look is nothing like as bad as the photos attached to the opening post of this thread make it look. I think I purposefully made it look as full on as I could in those photos to get an honest set of replies back.


    Not once in the consultation did I feel that Farjo were trying to sell me something. It's evident by by how busy they are that they don't exactly need the money, it really did feel like the main concern was could they provide me with something that I really wanted, i.e. did my expectations meet with the reality of what can actually be done. We talked about medication and Mick even commented that it's 'possible' that with Propecia, I could see the hair thicken and maybe not even need surgery.


    He's also advised that I should speak to one or two people in my area who have had surgery and he can fix that up for me. Chatting to them and seeing it first hand would be really useful I think.


    He then told me to go off and think about it for a few days and then get back to him and talk about what comes next.


    As a parting gift, he gave me a copy of a book by someone (Brian) who had a transplant done there, a guy who uses or has used this forum, he felt the content would be very relevant and useful to my situation.


    I picked the book up earlier this evening and read the full thing cover to cover, I couldn't put it down! Fantastic book and it as much as it was just a great read, it really was a big help too.


    Looking forward to the next stage, really can't see at this point why I wouldn't go forward with this.

  3. Thanks guys, appreciate the comments.


    Yeah I understand the veneers and HT are pretty different, just wanted to get across the point that I was okay with procedures that are classed as no going back and have a strong chance of needing another procedure done down the line. :)


    Incidentally, when I had my veneers done I rushed in and chose the place most local to me. My bottom teeth never matched the top teeth, I had three procedures done on the bottom teeth with no change, all done for nothing. All very painful at the time, horrible time overall and definitely not something I want to repeat with this!


    I've always been a bit 'funny' about tablets. I don't even take an aspirin for a headache, have never been into taking any tablets for anything so taking medication for this feels a bit weird to me but I'll certainly discuss at the consultation and see what is suggested.


    I'm hopefully prepared for the resulting greed element of this. I had it with the teeth, wanted a natural look and then had those moments of wishing I'd gone that little bit whiter! Now though, I thoroughly appreciate that what I have is a million miles away from what I began with.


    I reckon the HT would be the same. I'm not expecting to come away with thick wonderful full hair, but just a lot better than what it is now. I'm also good to wait the time it takes to come through. In 18 months from after HT, I'd have hair. In 18 months after no HT, I'll be a lot worse off.


    Look forward to meeting you in May then Mick for a good chat about all of this :)

  4. It's Farjo that I'm booked with and they're very busy it seems.


    I'd rather that than somewhere that could fit me in tomorrow :)


    You know what guys, I appreciate the thought about the meds but I'm just not sure I want to go down that road. I guess I need to research those a bit more to find out what they are all about.


    I know HT is final and a big step but I'm really cool with that. I need to do something about my hair and it's going to need something major to do that.


    I had dental veneers last year and they are a 'no going back' procedure also, eventually I'd need to have those redone. I can live with that, like I could live with another HT.


    I've had thinning hair for years so if 3k grafts got me back to that point, it's a much better place than I'm at now with this great big depressing gap down the middle.


    I'm certainly not rich but the money is of no concern for this, I'd never just not do this because it costs thousands.


    8 or 9 thousand pounds is nothing compared to what it would bring.

  5. Well I'm booked in early May to see the patient consultant, looking forward to that and just starting something off.


    There is a waiting list to see the doctor himself so that's why the initial consultation would not be with the doctor.


    If the consultation goes well, then I'd see the doctor, seems reasonable to me and that would be in August.


    Anyone know the rough wait for the surgery after seeing the doctor?

  6. Hi, many thanks for the reply there.


    I've not used any sort of medication and hadn't planned to do so but I can certainly investigate this and I'd do it if it would help.


    I have a consultation booked in for early May so it will be interesting to see what comes of that. Can you tell from my pictures if you think this would be classed as diffused?


    Do you think the 3000 would give decent thickness or be very thin?

  7. Hi all, I'm researching HT with the intention of having it done in the near future and just wondered before the consultation, if anyone could give me any pointers of expectation from their experience.


    I'm 36 and although my hair has ben thinning for years now, it's only really vanished so obviously in the last year to the way it is now. I absolutely hate it, it makes me miserable and I'm eager to get something done about it.


    I sent my photos to an online consultation and the reply said my best option would probably be a 3000 graft single procedure. This didn't say the positioning of the hair though, I really don't know how far 3000 would go across the whole top.


    When reading the forums here, I'm surprised by how many people have had two or more procedures without huge spaces of time inbetween them. That concerns me slightly. I can understand though that when the top hair is done, the next hair down would recede further in time and cause a bit of a gap which would need filled in.


    The rest of my hair arond the back and sides isn't bad, it's just the top that is really awful.


    So, any tips on what I should expect and whether one single procedure of 3000 grafts is going to make my hair look good would be appreciated. Few photos attached of how depressing it is now.


    Many thanks




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