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Posts posted by Mahmood

  1. Last update:


    I was invited by Transmed to Istanbul for a consultation. Dr. Ilker opinin was the following: the transplanted hair is still here. The hair i lost was from my original or natural hair. But he couldn't tell me why I lost that hair. He adviced to use propcia or minoxil spray to maintain my existing hair.


    During my visit to Istanbul, as usual Taner took care of all the detalis to make sure I had a comfortbale stay in Istanbul and feel good during and after the consultation.

  2. Hi Darren,


    It is Mahmood not mohammed :) no Dr melike didn't perform the opreation. It was Dr. Ilker. What i understood from you is that you are considering having surgery with Transmed? when it comes to having an HT opreation price shouldn't be the main factor. You should look for quality and yes i advice you to contact transmed for a consultation.

  3. Anasi,


    Ah i didn't notice the dates of your private message and post :),, don't be sorry for me being in Turkey because i had great time there. I was hoping to do the consultation while i was there.


    I talked to Taner and we agreed to have the consultation on the 8 oct 2010. Hopefully everything goes well this time and I'll post the updates after my visit to transmed.

  4. Anasi,


    I haven't disappeared and i replied to your private messages.




    You can see my whole HT history on this forum. I'm planning to cont. that and keep posting updates.


    Latest update:


    I was on vacation in Turkey (that's why i couldn't reply to come pepole here). Since i was going to be in Istanbul I talked to Taner and we tried to arrange for an appointment to have the in-person consult. Unfortunately, we couldn't do that because it was a public holiday and on the other available date there was a tragic death incident to one of the clinics' staff.


    I'm back home now. I'm in contact with Taner as always. At this moment of time I'm feeling calm, because i felt the support of the memebers in this forum. And, Taner has assured me that in Tansmed they will do thier best to satifsy me.


    I will keep you updated.

  5. Thanks for the support shown by all the members that replied here. In short, I believe i explained my case clearly. I was/am 100% fair towards the clinic. It's my right to understand what happened and to share that with the rest of this communtiy to help us learn more about HT.


    Just like Bill said I should consult Dr. Melike and after that we'll understand more what happened. I will keep you updated.

  6. Sean,


    you are right. There should've a big difference? why didn't that happen? this is what i want to know. I have no idea about the distribution of the grafts among the balding areas.




    It could be the reason but can you tell for sure? no i have not used any pills. Transmed was in contact with me and they offered to help and I'm in contact with Taner regarding this isssue.




    I agree with you in some of what you said. But i think you are making a comparison between FUT and FUE. Thanks for the information about that, it's useful for other members to know that.

  7. Dear Bill,


    Thanks for your reply,, regarding the natural hair loss argument. I guess it's the easiest answer to this case. I've been losing hair for years and the hair loss pattern wasn't as fast as this time. I lose my hair but not in this quick manner. The main problem is i lost hair in my transplanted area. I understand from your reply that i can check with the clinic the rate of the growth. I will do that.


    I had realistic expectations of the result and i was pleased with my progess up until 8 months. After that things got worse. I knew i needed more than session to get the result i had in my mind. But having almost 4000 grafts in one session should've made a significant difference!!

  8. I uploaded new pics (with dry hair, with both hair styles i used to have in my old pics),, please give me your feedback about it.


    First update about this sitaution: One day after I posted this thread, i was contacted by Taner from Transmed. In short, he said: they will study my case, and try to reach a soultion to please me if the final result wasn't what it should be. He said the result is not what they expected in transmed (not just me).


    Second Update: 2 weeks later, i talked to Taner and he told me the hair loss is probably is a result of losing my natural hair. And He offered me a corrective surgey (1000 grafts).


    My opinin about the whole thing: frankly i felt disappointed by the result when i looked at the latest pics, they worse than the one i posted after one year. I appreciate transmed efforts by trying to find a solution for this situation, especially Taner who's been in contact with me before and after the opreation. Also, he was always there to help me with any kind of questions or support. However, I need more effort from transmed this time.

  9. TC17,


    No I haven't used propecia or any other products. Thanks for your feedback.




    I agree with what you said, and yes this should be the final result. In May i was told i had 90% growth and by the time i reach one year i will have the final result.




    I agree with you regarding the 6 months/1 year difference and i can see i had more hair at that point. I'll try to have another pic with dry hair and same hair style i had when i was 6 months post opreation. However, in the last pics I have the same hair style that i had in the pre opreation pics to make it easy to compare the before and after.


    I'm fully aware that one procedure wasn't going to provide me with the density and the result I'm expecting. But I just want to understand what has happened in my first procedure and to let other benefit from it as well.



    In general, the feedback so far confirm that I didn't have the results that i should've had after my HT. The common reason mentioned above was the lose of natural hair.


    Thank you for your feedback :)

  10. I had my HT opreation last year on 7/7/2009 in Turkey with Trasnmed. I'm 1 year and 1 month post HT. Please check out my blog and give me your feedback.


    I visited Transmed last May to evaluate my progress. I was told by Dr. Melike that my progress was good and i had 90% of the final ressult. Also, she recommnded having a second HT.


    Frankly, I expected the result to be more than what i have, may be i had high expectations given that i had a mega session (3059 grafts). Therefore, I'm here to ask for your opinion on the current situation and advice wether to go for a second opreation or not?



  11. Danny_m,


    "2 peoples post-op staright after the operation" I'm one of those two. Frankly, i totally understand what you mean because I was in that situation three months ago. However, the lack of posts shouldn't discourge you from at least contact the clinic for a consultation. it's free and you get an idea on how they'll deal with you pre/post opreation.

  12. Stepladder,


    Since I'm in an early stage (less than one month post op) I was in no rush to post my pics. I uploaded a couple of pictures today and feel free to visit my blog and leave a comment there icon_smile.gif to answer your question regading the Doctors there. I had my opreation done by Dr. Ilker Apaydin and Dr. Kulahci was also there she came to check on my progress few times. In general, I felt totally comfortable dealing with Transmed and until this day I have no regrets.

  13. wanthair7,


    I'm also Arabian and if you have a problem with English then I'll be glad to help you. I had my HT in Turkey 2 weeks ago and I'm Happy with the results. I agree with Mop and I advice you to at least have a consultation with Transmed in Turkey.


    I totally understand your situation because I was in the same situation. Basically, if you dont want to go to US and Canada, then Dr. Kulahci (Turkey), Dr Humayun (Pakistan), and Dr. Devroye (Belguim) would be good options for you. I advice you to consult these Doctors then decide which one is your best option. I cant help it but to be baised towards transmed icon_biggrin.gif in Turkey because i had my HT there. Turkey is not that far from Qatar. It's only 4 hours by plane and with FUT the graft would cost you 2.5 $. Finally, Istanbul is a great city icon_wink.gif

  14. I had my HT on July 7th and it's been 9 days since the opreation. I can describe my experience with transmed as a positive one icon_smile.gif. For those who dont know transmed it's a clinic in Turkey and it's recommended on this website under Dr. Melike Kulahci Paeffgen.


    Well, I was really happy with my HT because i had almost 4000 grafts planted in my head icon_smile.gif and i only paid for 3000. Frankly, I'm expecting good results icon_biggrin.gif Also, the post opreation effects and healing is going well but since this is my first HT I have many questions and sometimes i worry about some post opreation detlais. Usually, i search in this forum or simply call the clinic who are so nice and answer all my questions icon_smile.gif


    I realize that transmed or Dr. Melike Kulahci is one of the least represented doctors on this website so as a thank you gesture for both transmed and this forum I will post my experience here. I'll update this post with more detalis and also pics icon_smile.gif

  15. I had my HT on July 7th and it's been 9 days since the opreation. I can describe my experience with transmed as a positive one icon_smile.gif. For those who dont know transmed it's a clinic in Turkey and it's recommended on this website under Dr. Melike Kulahci Paeffgen.


    Well, I was really happy with my HT because i had almost 4000 grafts planted in my head icon_smile.gif and i only paid for 3000. Frankly, I'm expecting good results icon_biggrin.gif Also, the post opreation effects and healing is going well but since this is my first HT I have many questions and sometimes i worry about some post opreation detlais. Usually, i search in this forum or simply call the clinic who are so nice and answer all my questions icon_smile.gif


    I realize that transmed or Dr. Melike Kulahci is one of the least represented doctors on this website so as a thank you gesture for both transmed and this forum I will post my experience here. I'll update this post with more detalis and also pics icon_smile.gif

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