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Posts posted by mbd

  1. My itching pretty much stopped after the first week. I was putting aloe-vera gel on the donor area. My stitches were removed on day 11. I'm in the waiting game now; hopefully, the transplanted hair will begin to noticeably show the next couple of weeks. Last week, my barber said that he can see the hair.

  2. I am currently 4 days post-op. My head is itching like crazy. I'm sure this is a common feature, but how long does the itching last? Is itching a good or bad sign?


    Also, off topic, when can I stop sleeping with my head elevated?


    I was prescribed Vicadin, but I'm not using it unless I really need it. I've been taking extra strength tylenol. As per the doctor's recommendations, on Day 3, I started spraying the Oat-Beta-Gluca and using Graftsite shampoo that they provided.

  3. I had five different consultations, all in NYC. All the prices were generally similar. I also researched some clinics out of my area, and the prices were similar to, if not more than, New York as well.


    Remember, you can' t hide the results (unless you wear a hair-piece). I would rather pay a little more knowing that I felt comfortable with the doctor during the consultation, he or she answered all my questions, and the job will be done right the first time.


    I agree that all of the better doctors have similar quality/results, and you can't go wrong with any of them. You get what you pay for.

  4. I'm on my way to becoming a 6 on the Norwood scale. I was been in denial for a while about balding. I knew it was going to happen, all the men on my paternal side are bald, or have little hair. For the past few years, I've dreaded getting haircuts because at the end, the barber would hold a mirror behind my head.


    So at the beginning of this year, I started doing research about hair transplants (effectiveness, costs, reviews, etc..). I went on five consultations, then began the process of evaluating each one to narrow down. First, I eliminated two clinics because I met with administrators, not the doctors that would perform the surgeries; these were also the clinics that offered the two lowest prices on a per graft basis. I was very impressed with the remaining three surgeons, and I feel that I would have been satisfied using any of them. I then eliminated a surgeon because I would have had to travel to his clinic, and he also charged the highest price. The final two were a crapshoot. Ultimately, I chose the surgeon that I felt used the most modern technique because the treatment will include the use of ACell and PRP. At this time, I prefer not to name the doctors.


    I did not rush into this decision, and I have done a lot of research, I feel that I made a great decision, both in terms for the doctor that I chose and for my future confidence levels.


    Thank you fellow forumites for all your posts and your willingness to share your unique stories.


    My surgery is scheduled for May 27th. Afterwards, I will post the results.

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