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Posts posted by chokhs

  1. chokhs .......;..

    did u enquire at some othr place. n y did u go 4 clips ne particular reasons for dat........??? are u frm mumbai ???



    pokerboi, Yes I am from Mumbai.

    I chose clips over other methods coz I am at will to remove it (when alone) whenever there is discomfort... in the other hair attachments/system - you have to live with the discomfort/pain if any... and its an easy way to undo...


    I did not go to too many places for enquiries.. Just a few. I chose Berkovits for the brand name - and close proximity to my place incase of any prob....


    They charged 20K.

  2. i hav heard using clip attachment causes hair loss where the clip is attached to ur hair..............

    is der any hair system user from india in this forum????

    also has ne1 heard about elite hair studio,,,dey say dat dey r part of transition group which claims to b leader in hair system

    also i would like to kno d pricing and durability(personal experience not wat d company claims)






    I'm from India.. did my clip attachment from Berkowits 1 week back.. will be able to share experience later only.

  3. I got a hair system a few days back. This is not glued or taped all over but just in the front (just above the forehead). On the behind and sides it has clips which are attached to my existing hair. Its convenient to have it taken off.


    However, I am experiencing a lot of heaviness beacuse of the system. It feels as though there is a lot of weight put on my head. Further, the area where the clips are places pains - sometimes it feels as though the clips are harming the scalp and sometimes it feels that the clip is pulling the existing hair to increase the pain. I dont know what exactly it is.


    I read some articles that said that the existing hair needs to be strong and long... how long??? What can i do to ensure that the hair remains strong? How frequently is it advisable to have it taken off? How frequently is the system to be washed? How frequently does the scalp need to be washed?


    Finally I hope and pray this heaviness and pain (particluarly during sleep) is temporary and I get used to. Otherwise... remedies?

  4. Howdy. Dr. Path in Bangkok if you don't want to travel too far. But from my extensive research night & day, I would say Hasson & Wong in Vancouver. Don't be scared of travelling. It's a once (or twice) in a lifetime opportunity to put things right.


    There are no guarantees in operations. There will always be a tiny element of risk with a minor infection for example. What's important is choosing the right surgeon.

    My advise is research, research and once you're done, do more research.


    Personally I will be going to either Hasson or Wong. I'm torn between them. Look at their videos on YouTube & on their site. No one else shows as many quality videos & awesome results.

    Good luck, stay strong & be brave



    Thanks Dutch. I shall do a little research. I can't spend too much time researching though. That's why people like you make life easy for me. Vancouver might not be feasible in terms for travelling and other expenses.. Let me try to figure out the costs though. thanks a lot again!

  5. I am from Mumbai India and have a IVA type baldness. I have tried a lot of medicines from Richfeel and have tried all sort of oils and shampoo. Nothing seems to bring back lost hair. Finally I decide to have HT done.


    Which is the best place in Asia to have HT done? I dont mind travelling to Thailand, Dubai, Singapore or any such country to have the treatment done.


    Are the FUT and FUE methods guaranteed of Success? Are there any risks?

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