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Posts posted by grufti

  1. I think this question may have been already asked as most are since we're dealing with the same issues, but maybe not recently so thought I 'd put it out there again in case new information has come to light. I was planning to have a HT in Europe with BHR (Bisinga), but have been quite impressed with HDCs FUE results too. Would you guys generally still recommend BHR over HDC for FUE or do you think they're on a par or even HDC better?

  2. Grufti,

    I don't think it's correct that fue only gives 75% of the yield that you get with strip. If you go with a doc that is really into fue, you should do much better than that.


    You could be right, I've been looking into Dr. Bisanga and hearing great things about his FUE work, so potentially he's my future HT Dr, as more convenient for my location.

  3. Okay so if I were to plan for the worst-case scenario; Norwood 6, I personally don’t think I’ll reach this, but I would then want the option to be able to shave my head down to a grade 2, possibly 1. This has made me think that I would prefer a FUE surgery with Shapiro, as I most likely wouldn’t be able to hide a strip scar at this length. I’ve been quoted 1400-1800 grafts, which would strengthen and improve my hairline so I should be able have my desired hairstyle, grade 4 all over and feel comfortable with it. I know FUE is not a scar less procedure and the yield is about 75% compared to FUT, but thinking long term it would seem the best option for myself right now as if I did continue to have a significant amount of hair loss, I don’t feel I’d want to, or could afford to chase it with more procedures.

  4. Hi all,


    I'm considering a HT but don't wish to take meds due to side effects (been there, done that). Does this mean that a HT is not a viable option as I'm getting the general consensus that meds are still required to maintain existing hair and help the newly transplanted hair?


    All advice would be appreciated, especially from anyone with experience of a HT without meds if there are any, as it's a lot of money to invest if the rewards wouldn't be worth it.



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