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Posts posted by almostgoingbald

  1. Hi Folks,


    I am 30 years old Indian origin living in MD, USA. Just like any other guy, this gruesome disease of baldness has struck me badly. I am not only loosing my self confidence but also turning in to an introvert, shy, rebel, impulsive, fear of socializing. Unfortunately bald look doesn't go well with my face and I have nothing but HT to consider as an option.


    I don't have balding in my family and I use to have good quality hair until I had psoriasis 6 years back. From then I always been loosing hair; now even more due to stress, smoking and sun exposure.


    Please kindly take a look at my pictures attached and help me answering my questions below.


    1. Am I right candidate for FUE? Or should I consider any other treatments?


    2. I have reading about success stories of HT from Dr H & W and their expertise on mega sessions? IS there any HT surgeon who can be rated as good as Dr H & W living in US?


    3. What are the chances of retaining hair after HT for a person who had psoriasis in the past?


    4. At what level of baldness someone should consider for HT?



    I still have good and thick hairs on the side and back which can be considered for donor area. I have been thinking about HT but I am not sure which one suits my case. I have been collecting useful information on this forum; thanks to everyone for sharing information. And thanks for stopping by this thread and your time to respond my queries.







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