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Posts posted by anish123jain

  1. Hello guys this is anish123jain I have posted around 3 months ago asking for advanced hair studio at last I opted for it and I am satisfied with it the unit which is been added to my head. But now I need to ask onething to advanced hair studio guys that how much time it is going to work so that I can have a rough prediction because it is on my head and I am highly satisfied by it :D I love you advanced hair studio but to be obvious, I need to say that it create great amount of itching on my head and i feel like to throw it off but it is ok :rolleyes: . Now i need to ask that for how much time it will stay if i will take proper care and another thing is it is very costly can you give me some discount :P;). Thank you advance hair studio. I think this will be the first thread which will be saying something good about AHS. just lower down the cost of your scalp. :D thank you for everything. Now my confidence is back and now i can fuck girls and here is a pic of mine of current one which shows i look cool :D :cool:


    By the way girls are always welcome - Current Pic :D



    thank you advance hair studio.


    Before Pic :(




    One more important thing is that these guys never said me in start that it is a wig, they said me it is a scalp and used some big words which were been said. I will suggest you guys that please before saying anything be sure about it because you are giving a structure which is a wig and you are giving it some big names. I feel that it was wrong. I wrote everything what i felt of advance hair studio. I gave my feedback it is good but price is too high a normal indian can never go for it, since we anyhow managed to go for it. Please do make the changes in your rates according to the audience you want to target your product. Your product mostly target the high class audience in India. Last but not the least please don't use words like scalp and all use the word wig because atlast it is nothing different then wig. The itching is very very high i am not joking sometimes i cant handle it. Thank you rest all advance hair studio is awesome it has good staff and service. I am not a guy related to ahs and whatever i am saying is a fact, I have not added anything special i disclosed everything which is truth.

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