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Posts posted by JHerndz

  1. Thank you all for your comments. Please understand that my post was not meant for a call to charity. I was just sharing my situation with those with who may have similar insecurities.



    Thank you for the quick estimate of grafts. I have looked at some of your work and I'm amazed at the high quality work performed on your clients. Would you explain what a standby rate is? Thank you.


    @Rodg and AdamAJ

    I have researched FUT and looked at many images over the past few years but worry about the possibility of scar stretching, etc. I wear my hair short clipped on the sides. While it may be a cheaper alternative, FUE seems like a procedure I wouldn't have to worry about wearing short hair.



    I really appreciate your support. Thank you.



    I understand there are individuals with worse conditions than myself, and I doubt they haven't been impacted one way or another. While my life at this point is much better than a few years ago, I still feel the insecurity holding me back on some situations. I just can't bear the fact that my hair makes me feel much older than I am/feel or look (with hats on that is). Again, this is not a call for charity, just stating my frustrations with a similar community. If I could, I would have already had HT done long ago, financially at this point seems out of reach. Don't know.



    I'm located in New England area (US). Is he locally? Yes, I continue to use Minoxidil and Finasteride.



    Would be a dream to have a good hairline back!


    Again, thank you all for the comments.

  2. That's exactly how I feel due to hair loss.


    My hair loss started on my early 20's at the temples region. I started using Minoxidil with hopes of stopping further loss (wishful thinking...). Since thinning was minimal at the beginning, it had not yet impacted my personal life. I was lucky to already be in a relationship, so I didn't have to worry about dating while constantly thinking about my receding hairline and what a girl would think.


    By age 25-26 my hairline was practically nowhere what it used to be, practically destroyed. My self-esteem had gone with it too. At that point, I was long out of the relationship and with a son to worry about as well. My personal life was immediately affected. I started to feel VERY insecure and almost terrified at the thought of going out. Eventually, I was so overwhelmed by the insecurity and lack of feeling "attractive" and "my age" that I would almost never go out and ended up in deep depression. I was so depressed that I was unable to work and had gone from a healthy 140lbs to 118lbs. After about 18 months, I was able to battle out of depression and back into a more normal life.


    Now days at age 30, I live a more or less normal life but still hunted at the sight of my hairline. I manage to go out now once in a while with friends but I wear some type of hat 90% of the time as I really hate to go out without one or trying to style my hair. While wearing a hat, I get complements that I look 24, but I completely feel much older than my age when looking in the mirror. My dating life is still affected as I shy away from trying to meet new girls due to insecurity. Even my son (now 10) notices that I haven't dated anyone in a while as he asks why I'm still leaving alone. It's like a nightmare that I will never wake up from. Pretty much all I do is work and gym. Gym is as a way to feel in control of my body as I lack control of hair loss, and to help me feel better about my appearance.


    While I would love a FUE procedure, it's something that I can't afford at this moment and don't have any idea when I could. I'm so worried that this is going to put me on the sidelines for so long that I will keep wasting my young years away.


    Attached are images of my current progression. I drew a hairline for reference. I currently continue to use Minoxidil and added generic Finasteride to my regimen for a couple of years.


    Thank you for your time.



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