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Posts posted by decisions2011

  1. For those who take propecia, have you ever had a blood test to measure your DHT level? Is there even such a test?


    If it is easy to have this blood test done (via PCP/PMD), would it be adviseable to get a before and after result when restarting propecia?


    I am thinking of restarting propecia after a 9month break and was thinking it might be useful to have my DHT level tested now and then again when I am back on the medication (if I decide to restart it).

  2. I recently took this test and I am currently awaiting the result.


    Has anyone taken it before?


    HairDX Genetic Test for Hair Loss


    I took both tests: (1) testing for the hair loss gene (2) testing for responsivity to baldness.


    The company that markets the tests says the results are only 70% accurate - that's the figure listed on the consent form. On the website, however, they state a somewhat higher accuracy percentage.

  3. I am new to the forum but have visited over the years to read different threads.


    Here is my story...


    I am in my mid-30s. In my mid-20s I started taking propecia based on my own observations (real or not) that my hairline was starting to recede. I took propecia reasonably consistently - probably 75% of the time - over a 10 year period. During that time I did not experience any particular problems with side effects and my hairline seemed to to remain fairly stable.


    About 9 months ago I stopped taking propecia as I began to worry about possible long-term sexual side-effects of taking this medication. Although, as noted, I had not experienced any particular problems with propecia, I started reading a few stories online and my naturally anxious mind started worrying something bad might happen to me. And I stopped taking the medication.


    9 months on and now I am stressing (again) that my hairline is receding. Given that I am prone to anxiety I can't even determine if it is actually receding or I am just panicking that it is. To provide some background, my brother (2 years older) has a noticeably receding hairline, and most of the males on my mother's side have noticeably receding hairlines. My father's side is entirely free of baldness and my father has all his hair. If I had to rate myself I would say I am Norwood 2 and definitely not at the 2A level yet.


    Obviously I don't want to take medication if I don't have a hairloss problem. But if I do have a problem, I don't want to be sitting back doing nothing about it. Because I took propecia for so many years, it's difficult to know if it was: (a) preventing hair loss or (b) doing nothing in the case that I don't have a hair loss problem. The only way to find out for sure was to stop taking the medication and seeing what happened.


    Recently, I even decided to take a genetic test to determine if I have the baldness gene. I am currently awaiting the result. Has anyone tried this test? HairDX Genetic Test for Hair Loss


    Anyway, I would be interested to hear what anyone has to say in relation to my story/experience and any tips/suggestions you may have for me.

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