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Posts posted by datopdogg7

  1. HARIRI, can I ask how much you were paying for the 1 year supply? Did you get any results? I am probably going to order from them. I just haven't heard anything about them before so its hard to get a feeling if they would be worth paying the extra $

  2. Hello,


    I was using Dr. Lee's products (xandrox plus 15% minox with finasteride) with much success 1.5 year ago. Then he got shut down.


    After wards I started using spectral than kirkland. I did not have success with these products. I still take 1mg propecia.


    1. I am wondering if anyone had success with rogaine foam but not kirkland or spectral? I read a post from spex awhile ago saying that rogaine foam was more effective (sorry I tried to find the link).


    Its weird I just kept shedding on the kirkland. Hair turned a really poor quality.


    2. Is there any place that sells 15% minoxidil reliably? I am beginning to think that it was the 15% that was so effective for me. I ordered from minoxidilsolutions.com but they turned out to be not legit.


    Thanks for the help guys. I really believe minoxidil was effective for me but I can't seem to find a good replacement for Dr. Lee's solutions.

  3. GHIF,

    Have not started injecting yet. Will start 2IU / day, may ramp up to 3.3IU / day if no sides are evident. I am going to start after I see an endocrinologist; however, I am not going to be under a physician's guidance, per se.

    I am in very good shape already, 6 pack, etc. I am not using it for body building (even though it will be a nice side effect :D ); I am most using it for anti-aging.

    The wound healing enhancement of HGH is well documented; thus, my particular interest in your hair transplant journey.



    P.S. May I ask when you started seeing results in your skin after starting to inject HGH?

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