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Posts posted by sivakumarmh

  1. Thanks for your reply, will post photos shortly..


    You are still young and by not using medications to prevent further hairloss you are at risk of number HT surgeries, subject, of course to available donor hair to use.


    You mean number of HT surgeries above?


    and is it normal to take 5-6 HT surgeries when ever hairline recedes in the front ?

  2. HI


    I think this is a common question many have in mind.


    I think i am in type 2 of Norwood scale, having receding hairline from left and right sides of forehead and extremely low or (currently)no much hair growth in top of head, hair grows only in ear sides and back of head. My hairloss is rapid, in 2-3 months a few millimeters of hairline is receding. So mostly in 1 year I will be like type 4A of norwood scale.


    I am planning to do hair transplant in multiple sessions to cover areas when ever my hairline recedes. so currently planning to cover the type 2 Norwood bald areas and when(or if) i become like tye 4A then would like to cover it too.


    So my question is, is it possible to have multiple transplants(5-6 sessions) when ever my hairline recedes, till I become like type 4A. As I am concerned in doing transplant in top as I may lose hair in shock loss.


    Now my hairstyle hides my balding, if I dont act and leave till type 4A then I need to be bald for some time which I would like to prevent.



    more info: I wont be able to use minoxidil as I tried couple of minoxidil based products and they give me same side effects, severe headaches etc. Unfortunately currently I have minor medical problems which could be exagerated by taking finasteride too, so wont be able to take it. I am taking some vitamin tablets which helps grow only my side and back hairs, no much effect in top and forehead.

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