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Posts posted by Maldoror

  1. It's tough to see how much loss is actually there because the flash emphasizes your scalp. But to answer your question, of course there's hope for you. You have the benefit of time, which is far more valuable than hair.


    You may have to suffer with the problem for a while, but I think it'll be temporary. Given the ever-improving research on the issue, you'll most likely die with a full head of hair.



    also, i know this is a tough question...

    but how many years do you think until hair loss is something that is completely cure-able with no worries of ineffectiveness?


    as for side effects, as long as i dont grown tits i'll take whatever i can get to keep my hair....


    thank you for your help

  2. It's tough to see how much loss is actually there because the flash emphasizes your scalp. But to answer your question, of course there's hope for you. You have the benefit of time, which is far more valuable than hair.


    You may have to suffer with the problem for a while, but I think it'll be temporary. Given the ever-improving research on the issue, you'll most likely die with a full head of hair.



    a few more important pieces of the puzzle i forgot that may or may not be important;


    i just shaved my head 2 weeks ago (ive been told this "swirl" is normal, as well as the high visibility of the scalp, due to the fact that it just started growing in)


    i have never seen loose hair strands....my hair is short so it would be hard to notice, but i can not recall a time i saw hair leaving my head that didnt take part right after a cut....so if i am losing hair its because of failure to regrow not hair falling

  3. Start with Finasteride. Try to get a doctor to write the 5 mg. tablets and split them into 4 pieces. They are $9 for 30 at Walmart. It's tons cheaper than Propecia which only comes in brand name at about $65 a month. Give it about a year and if you don't respond, then try Dutasteride. I wasn't aware of any generic Dutasteride? They only have brand name Avodart at my pharmacy.


    Biotin is always a good idea. It's probably the main hair vitamin. Dr. Limmer on here recommends supplementing with it.


    Nizoral shampoo is highly recommended across the board. Use it every 3-4 days.


    Lowering stress levels is always good for general health and it is linked to accelerated hair loss.


    link to my photobucket for pics that didnt work;

    Pictures by Bruno124 - Photobucket

    (its the first 2 pictures obviously)


    i heard dutasteride is more effective, out of curiosity why do you recommend starting out with the (what seems to be) less effective of the 2?


    I am also going to set up an appointment with an endochrologist(sp)/hormone doctor to see if he can help me out as well.......


    I dont know if it matters, but I have never seen any hair strands falling (though i always keep my hair short, shave with a 1-2 razor every 3 weeks) so i think my hair loss comes not from hair falling but from hair not re-growing

  4. Hello, I am writting because (like most of you i imagine) I am very distressed about my hair loss (which is starting at only 20 years old). Pictures are attached...



    I just noticed this today (I dont often look at the back of my head) and it has hit me like a ton of bricks... I have already set up an appointment with a dermatologist and am about to order some generic dutasteride as seen here;





    I do not know if this is genetic (androgenetic alopecia) or because of poor diet and stress (Telogen Effluvium) as I am prone to both....


    My biological father lost hair at 26, my grandfather (maternal) at 45. And I have recently been very stressed out because of personal problems and my diet has gone too sh*t, LOTS of bad sugars and carbs, which I heard can spike insulin levels (i am willing to bet my insulin levels are through the roof right now) and high insulin affects Sex Hormone Binding Goblinsomething which is useful for preventing DHT.



    I have a quite few questions as I am interested in educating myself more on this topic;


    which generic dutasteride would yield best results??? (i cant afford high priced brand names, even if i could thats too much of a beat deal for something that is only temporary)

    how effective are these DHT blockers???



    2- Is there any hope left for me ???? If I were to clean up my diet now and get rid of this stress is there any chance that the hair would grow back? and If so how can I prevent the genetic hair loss from affecting me again???



    3- Can Biotin/Saw Palmetto/other supplements actually do anything as an added help in combating hair loss???


    4- What do you guys think about a low carb diet???? I was thinking about going on one to offset my high insulin resistance and look great in the process, but there are a few problems with a keto diet;

    -a high fat diet raises Testosterone which could in turn raise DHT

    -a high fat/protein, low carb diet could result in a poor net energy levels, resulting in the same results as an inadequate diet which is the cause of telogen effluvium)


    -i posted this in other forums but you can never have enough help on this topic (plus some boards are kind of slow)-








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