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Posts posted by denvergrowth

  1. Just out of curiosity, how many of you have growth that came in (or appeared) much thicker on one side vs. the other? I was a Norwood 2 with recession at the temples and some thinning in the frontal hairline. I am almost at 8 months and the right side of my head side seems much thicker. FYI, I had just under 2300 grafts in my temple area and creeping in behind to compensate for the possibility of future loss. Seems like too many variables to know if this is normal or not. For example, was the native hair that was thinning even more thin now and thus the new hair does not look as thick as a result? Also, I had 2 techs working on each side and meeting in the middle. Is it possible the one on the right packed the grafts more densely? They appeared about the same right after. I will enclose some photos of my frontal hairline, right and left temples. Curious to see your thoughts about how this may fill in, opinions on possible additional growth and if any of you have experienced one side coming in faster. Also, for those of you past 1 year, did months 8-12 feel significant in regards to density/thickening/lengthening?




  2. I am coming up at the 8 month mark and like yourself, feel there is not enough density. I am hoping for more growth too. My appt with Dr Tania Pauls is on the 28th and I am hoping after careful inspection she assures me that I have new growth, thickening and lengthening ahead of me. Despite careful scrutinizing in the mirror daily, I can't tell. Frustrating. Like yourself, I don't want another procedure, but am already contemplating it.

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