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Posts posted by shayshay

  1. Whoa!I can see feelings run strong in this area.For me scarring is out cos I would not want to spend a lot of money and then have to shave my head.As I interact with too many people each day and would not like to appear foolish.My wife is encouraging me to get the treatment and is asking me how am I getting on with suggestions from this website(she is approaching it more from a planning point of view i.e. holidays and we can afford it now).I would prefer to spend up to a year researching it and choosing the correct clinic,procedure and Doctor before proceeding.I have been to the same clinic that James Nesbit had his work done for a consultation(HRBR Dublin).While I was very impressed I cannot afford to have it done there.At 8.50 Euros a graft it would work out at 17,000 Euros for 2,000 grafts

  2. Hi.I am new to this Forum and am probably asking a very silly question.What are the better Clinics in the UK?I have about 10K Sterling to spend and want to get about 2500-3000 FUE grafts.There are only two UK Doctors recommended by the web site and from the results pictures,I am not sure I would visit either of them.I would class my loss as 4A

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