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Posts posted by pianoman99

  1. Hi,


    Ive posted some pics, 9 months post op, to


    Hair Restoration Journal -9 Months Post Op


    Overall, Im VERY happy. Given my situation I have very conservative goals. It was a long wait, and the growth was slow - possibly due to scaring from previous surgeries.


    more pics on the link, but Ive attached 2 pics for a direct BEFORE and AFTER.


    I guess my crown continues to thin, and what the hell. Ive stopped taking finesteride -was too concerned about man-boobs. Maybe that was eating too many pies! who knows. Cant be arsed taking a pill each day.


    Comments welcome!!


    All the best.



  2. Ok, thanks guys. It is different when its yourself. Long time to see the returns.

    Its a leap of faith, that all that money I saved up is embedded in small follicles just beneath my skin, and there is no sign of even the slightest scar on the recipient site !

    Righto.... better find something else to do for 5 months...


    tum te tum... just one more look in the mirror...



  3. Thank GoodHairUk,


    I read with interest all your posts, and pictures.

    - its not my first HT - I actually have had 4 previous procedures, but like you, they were bad early 90's ones, leaving me feeling very down and self conscious about myself. Hopefully things will get better.

    Some differences (in my opinion) between crap UK Strip, and Dr Feller strip procedure:


    1) With recent HT, I had no swelling. With "The Hair Clinic, 1991-1992 I turned into the Elephant man. Probably because putting in plugs and mini graft is more traumatic, needed more fluids pumped into my head.


    2) With recent HT Ive experience a lot more numbness - maybe because my previous HTs donor strips were all (way too) low,


    3) The Hair Clinic bandaged my up like a mummy when I left. Little did I know, then actually removed chunks of skin, to make way for the plugs


    4) The Hair Clinic (UK) used a Dodgy ex second hand car salesman to hard sell me a HT, with fraudulent pictures, promising me the same results. Dr Feller has Spex, who is definitely not a salesman - no comparison!


    I could think of others, but I just start ranting!



    Hey Piano.. mate your looking in great shape! I remember everything your asking is very much the same as my concerns when I had my 1st. Its perfectly normal to worry, there's no way anyone can not have concerns after there 1st ht as your entering into a whole new experience of uncertainty. Your in great shape at this stage, everything is normal and your going to look great by the end of the year... take care mate and try not to worry ;) I know thats easier said than done, but I have had 4 HT's and know how your mind goes all over the place as you have so much time to over think everything rather than just remembering your only at the very start, the end results are why they are called end results because they are at the end not at the start :P listen to Spex.


    Looking good, All the best mate and heal and grow well :cool:

  4. Darren -

    If you are lowering and thickening the Hair Line - think about what happens in 5 years time - when the hair behind your new hair line recedes further.

    You will you be posting another "5 grand- need a Doctor" mail?

    My advice is think "long term" and conservative.

    Where do you want your new hair line ? Have a look about at people on the street - 50/60/70/80 year olds. Try to imagine that hair line on them - it would look daft on an older person.

    This will stay with you for the rest of your life.

    (sorry - I may be speaking out of turn - not having seen pictures of your hair).


    Dont let money or location restrict you. I very glad I didnt. Flying to US is just as easy as flying to Europe.

    For me, I scrabbled together 7k, and that was enough to get me the best.

    Save up a bit more, and don't make a quick decision!

    Good luck

  5. Sparky/creeping back,


    Well I look worse that both of you, so think yourself lucky !


    Seriously - after many early 90s strip HT, I know what its like to let it dominate your life. Getting a hair cut is tinged with shame and embarrassment. For me - the scar was the least of my problems. But from this point on, you have to look forward - I made a bad decision when I was 22 but I was vulnerable, depressed and fell prey to the sales technique. Ive stopped blaming myself, andHTs are so much better now, and Ive had to bite the bullet and try to get it fixed.


    If you are happy with the front, then I have some sympathy with wylie - in that a wide scar can be dealt with. See Spex's results.

    I have just had a "repair" job (well, proper single grafts, in between micro/mini/plugs) and for the first time in year, feel hopeful about my hair. I still have a big wide scar at the back - and may possible have FUE sessions into this scar in the future, to fix this.

  6. Hi,


    4 Weeks post op.

    Attached some pics. All the graft hairs have gone - shame, because all that is left on top is the pluggy old grafts. My native hair on the peak is still there, which unfortunately shows the difference between natural hair, and a early 90's micro-mini graft job.

    I am returning to work tomorrow, and will have to keep my head held high (literally, and metaphorically!)

    Am still using Couvre at the back (on the old HT scars - the new one seems to be very small - great!)


    I still have a lot of numbness above the HT scar, going all the way up the the crown. Im hoping that will decrease? Anyone else had this ?


    Waiting for these new grafts to come in is going to be REALLY HARD!






  7. Hi,

    Thanks Garage/M&M for words of encouragement.


    16 days post op - went for a hair cut. Feel much better now. I chose my barber wisely I think - a guy who was involved in HTs and now does Hair Systems (god forbid)- so knows how to be discreet. (not like the Italian maniac with number 3 clippers, that I used last time)

    He managed to even it out - while still leaving it long enough at the back to almost cover the 5 strip scars. Yes thats 5. Do I win the prize for "Most HTs with bugger all to show for it?" Hopefully that will change.

    I feel vaguely normal now. the ironic thing is, this is the first time in my life Ive been out in public with very short hair, and exposed thinning crown, and it was great! Felt like I had nothing to hide - didnt care if the wind blew by hair.


    I am using Couvre to cover the scars that show through. The graft hairs are still hanging in there. And Im quite attached to them. They are my friends, and I talk to them every night. (Im kidding). (no Im not).


    anyway... the guy that cut my hair was quite old, and was telling me a lot about the history of HTs and some of the horror stories he has seen. Invented by Dr Orentreich (new York) in the 50s, using 4mm plugs - can you imaging looking like this:



    He was also telling me about "Flap Surgery" - he has met a few people who have had this done. OMFG. A 4cm stip harvested from the side is implanted on the hairline - skin and all. This must have been utter HELL for the people that had it done. Can anyone reading this shed any more light?


    All this did make me think: HTs are still only 40 years old. Will we look back in 100years time and view FUE/strip surgery with the same disbelief? What will the technique be at that time? (or, as Gene Roddenberry once said, when commenting on jean Luc Picard's baldness, in 2233 we wont need a cure, because we wont care about make Pattern Baldness)




  8. Thanks Garage,


    Your hair loss pattern, and HT story looks similar to mine. (which gives me hope). - I feel totally gutted sometimes that I went back to the same clinic 4 time, and used up a lot of scalp laxity - and giving me big scars at the back.

    How are your scars? Do you have it longer at the back, or can you buzz it with clippers?

    Pre H&W, did anyone guess you had a HT?


    Im 2 weeks post op - and Dr Feller should have stapled my cap onto my head as well! doldrums!

  9. I guess that means that to take a strip than includes the scar, then some skin that would normally contain follicles is just scar tissue - so less yield?

    Bit of a shame for me, cos I'm looking pretty sparse back there. After 4 previous strips, I guess something has got to give.


    Thank you for responding, Dr Feller. I will keep updating my blog with the progress. Yes- I would consider FUE into these scars as a next move. I presume, cosmetically, this procedure is easier - not as much shaving down required?

    Ive seen Spex's result from FUE into the scar, and its really good.

    Other than that, the only other issue is the remaining peak hair.

    Hope Ive got enough donor left :eek:


    Dr. Feller what do u mean by that ?


    what does the yield of the hair transplant has to do with the scars, do u think that when high tension is caused it can lead to poor yield ? and if yes, what is the explanation for this ? cause i am might be experiencing just that and need to know the connection , if any...

  10. Hi,


    12 Day Update: Ive just taken all the staples out. I did it myself ! I read on a forum, (by a surgeon) that he recommended taking every other staple out first, then all of them.


    I found it quite easy - I used a bottle of Jack Daniels, a plank to chew on, and a claw hammer. :D

    It took a while to set up 2 mirrors (one was a shaving mirror, with a x2 magnification) and to get the light right. Really, I would not recommend it - quicker to go to your GP clinic.

    pretty pain free, and strangely satisfying - like picking glue off you hands when you were a kid.

    The advantage it, then if you snag a hair, or scab, you can immediately back off and get another grip.


    TIP: never accidentally use the staple remover took UPSIDE DOWN! It will bend the staple the wrong way, further into your head!


    Attached our some pics. Would appreciate your comments. On one side I think you can see a lot of shock loss (either that, or that is the scar from the previous HT. You can see the terraced effect of all the other HTs Ive had, underneath the donor scar). Am worried about buzzing that area down.


    Had no swelling or spots. All the graft hairs are still in. Am using Minox twice a day - read that this will give a 30% chance that the grafts will not actually fall out - which would be nice.

    From the pic of the top, you can also see where the single hairs were placed on the hair line.

    Can also see, in the middle, the dirty great f*ck* off orrible punch grafts.


    Am going on holiday with the out-laws in weeks time. NIGHTMARE. will have to buzz the hair down, and just use a cap the whole time.





  11. Thanks All, for replys.

    Ill keep posted with pics (having trouble posting the this web site, but will keep my blog updated



    almost a week on now, and to be honest, I dont look much different. My morning routine is waking up with a headache (the back is still sore, and numb), and looking in the mirror and thinking "what the hell do I look like!" :-)

    Taking MSM (1000 -2000mg day) to try to increase growth (although it looks like it is not proven to work- only anecdotal evidence ?).

  12. Hi Panama Jimmy

    Thanks for the reply. My wife says the same thing - Its about empowerment, and taking you life into your own hands.

    I liked your web site - your result look excellent. I guess you are open about your HT with your friends/family?

    What has your experience been of others' reactions? In the UK this is still rare (which is why most UK clinics dont seem to be up to the same standard as US), and so I keep it quite. If my work colleagues knew about my HT, I would be ribbed mercilessly, and people would come from miles just to look at me, like a circus show :D

    I did this, so my hair would not be and issue or talking point in my life - so I keep it "under my hat".

    Wondered what the difference is for you?





    A Hair Transplant, aside from the obvious physical change, is about EMPOWERMENT. Anyone that goes through this odyssey has balls my friend, and has taken matters into their own hands.


    Looking forward to seeing photos a few months out!


    Panama Jimmy

  13. Hi,






    I'm from the UK, and have just had a 2600 graft strip HT with Dr Feller. These forums have been a life saver for me, and this decision has been 2 years in the making. I'd like to share some thoughts on my journey:


    1) Obsessively research on these forums.


    There is a mine of information, and (rarely) mis-information here. Most posters are helpful, sensible and realistic.


    2) A Hair Transplant is not normal.

    I mean this as a truism, not a criticism. As you get into the forums and blogs, there is a lot of support, encouragement, and congratulations of results- most of which is deserved. However - friends/family/work colleagues may see a HT as extreme/bizarre or laughable. Can you consider buzzing your hair short? You may have no hair, but you can buy a new BMW with the money you save! (I obviously didnt want to consider buzzing by hair - I have the same shaped head as John Cleese - which is why he had a HT as well)


    3) If you are in the UK- MEET SPEX!!


    Spex was the first guy I met who has a HT - after 15 years of it being my secret, to meet him was great. He is unbiassed, straight talking, and very sensible. And- he will let you rummage about if hair like a monkey looking for grubs! - so make use of him. IF you decide to go with Dr Feller, he also goes out of his way to make it easy, and cheap.



    So, I bit the bullet, and have just had a HT from Dr Feller. As expected, the guy is really cool. He is obsessive about what he does. I also discovered we have 2 shared interests: Playing piano, and Electronics. Check out the books in his office. Now, I know the sort of people who build their own radios, and that exactly the sort of person I want fixing my hair!

    After examining my hair, he said the best donor areas had be left by the UK clinic (The Hair Clinic in London). This is the area just above the lump at the top of your neck. All 4 previous strips had been done very low (why?? because they should be chopping up pigs, not doing HTs). He also confirmed that I have "plugs" in the middle of my head- whopping great 10 hair grafts. Now - The Hair Clinic in London (did I say to not use them? well dont) never told be this, when they schpealed on about min-grafts, and showed me their fraudulent hairline photo collection.


    So, after a pathetic plea to not shave my head down to grade 0 - they shaved my head down to grade 0 I know they cant work any other way. Not shaving is how crap clinic (like The Hair Clinic, in London - did I mention them?) used to hide their pluggy botch jobs. I ended up with 2600 grafts - instead of 2000. Dr Feller didnt charge me for the full difference, since he knew I came all the way from UK. I really believe the Spex and Dr Feller are altruistic, in an industry full of sharks and con-men!


    After the initial numbing jabs, the procedure was not bad at all. The incisions were done by Dr Feller, and the grafts placed by the nurse/technicians - 2 or 3 of them working at a time. For the important bits then work in silence, and you can feel the concentration! I see where the cost of a HT goes - there were maybe 5 or 6 skilled people there, all working on my hair, for the entire day. Im surprised it doest cost more actually.


    what else?... some tips if you are travelling from UK to Dr Fellers Clinic:


    1) Prior to departure you need to fill out a VISA waver form on line, as well as the green form (which you get at check-in). Go to https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov I didnt do this, so had to mess about with my laptop at the checkin desk for 30 minutes!


    2) Arrive at least 2 hours prior to departure. Security is a lot stricter than is was last time I flew to the US. When entering JFK, they take your finger prints, and photo.


    3) Avoid American Airlines - there is no leg room, and all the flight attendants have faces like slapped arses and attitudes to match.


    4) Print out the directions to the Hotel form JFK - from the hotel web site. The cabbie I used didnt know the way. Cab cost $40


    5) Checkout the area on google maps before leaving. You can even do a virtual walk between the hotel and Dr Feller's office. This helped in knowing where I was.


    6) On the evening before, take a walk over the the supermarket, and stock up on fruit, water, drink, sandwiches etc.... (Dont touch the mini-bar, unless you have lots of cash left over after flight hotel and HT costs!).


    7) Wear non white T shirt for the procedure - you may want to bin it after wards!


    8) Dont watch Fox news for 6 hours. There is only so much "war of terror" one man can take.



    Im attaching 4 pics:


    Outside of Dr Feller's office

    Inside of Dr Feller's Office

    The inside of my booze filled mini-bar (dont touch it!)

    The top of my head, post op. (Im finding this surreal to look at - maybe its just the pain killers)


    This was therapeutic to write - hope it helps.


    (right, start growing you little bu**ers!)

  14. Originally posted by hairshare:

    Hi all, please check out the pics below of my procedure. These are my 10 month results after receiving 5800 grafts from Dr. Wong from Hasson and Wong. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!


    Holy schmoley. An amazing result.

    This may be a daft question: your hair on the crown has a natural "swirl" in it - even in the "after" pictures. How is that achieved? I would have thought that was a result of the hair follicles - and the donor hair would have a different characteristic.

    Also, how did you cope just after the HT - did the scar show? Did people notice? How long did it take for the top to look ok? (i.e. the scars to fall out.


  15. Hi Jotrinic,


    Ive send you a PM from this forum, with details.


    Originally posted by Jotronic:



    Not sure why you have not had a response. I've drawn in more hairlines for the docs than I care to count so we will definitely do that for you if you wish. Do me a favor and PM me here with your full name and email address then I'll check our spam filters to see if you have been flagged for some reason. Regardless I'll get your info back to you. I do apologize for this.

  16. Hi,

    Im considering a HT overseas (to disguise previous HT work). Am planning look at as many of the top surgeons as I can. In the past (when I was younger and more naive) Ive found that HT clinics are very brief - a quick description of when and where and how much, and then BANG - book you in. If I was spending 6k on a car, I would want the test drive it 3 times, and some serious attention from the salesman! anyway...

    Ive done a web based consultation with Hassan and Wong - and they came back with a good email, and recommendation. However, I needed some more info: like exactly what scar reduction would be done, what would be the transplating line, would Dr Wong be transplanting into the peak, of just the temples - pretty important questions. However - I emailed these through twice, and no answer. Ideally I would want a photo of my head, with a transplanting line drawn on the top.


    Do they just want me to book, and then it is decided on the day ? Is it not worth their while spending too much time on a patient that may never book? I would be prepared to make the trip to Vancouver if I felt it was right - but not if my communication is ignored.

    I know in the UK we have Spex, who will be able to give lots of details with regard to Dr Feller, and I will plan to hopefully meet with him.


    I know its a good idea to get as much info as possible from as many surgeons as possible. Just wanted an idea of how much detailed info I can get, in my position?



    Many thanks.

  17. Hi,

    Im considering a HT overseas (to disguise previous HT work). Am planning look at as many of the top surgeons as I can. In the past (when I was younger and more naive) Ive found that HT clinics are very brief - a quick description of when and where and how much, and then BANG - book you in. If I was spending 6k on a car, I would want the test drive it 3 times, and some serious attention from the salesman! anyway...

    Ive done a web based consultation with Hassan and Wong - and they came back with a good email, and recommendation. However, I needed some more info: like exactly what scar reduction would be done, what would be the transplating line, would Dr Wong be transplanting into the peak, of just the temples - pretty important questions. However - I emailed these through twice, and no answer. Ideally I would want a photo of my head, with a transplanting line drawn on the top.


    Do they just want me to book, and then it is decided on the day ? Is it not worth their while spending too much time on a patient that may never book? I would be prepared to make the trip to Vancouver if I felt it was right - but not if my communication is ignored.

    I know in the UK we have Spex, who will be able to give lots of details with regard to Dr Feller, and I will plan to hopefully meet with him.


    I know its a good idea to get as much info as possible from as many surgeons as possible. Just wanted an idea of how much detailed info I can get, in my position?



    Many thanks.

  18. Hi Judge,

    I am with you my friend ! (well.. ten years older but hey?). There is a difference between worrying about hair loss in general, and worrying about a HT and how it will look in the future. The later, we have to address, but the former could be ignored!

    Its a more urgent worry, I feel, because being exposed as thinning is not half as concerning for me as being exposed as having had a HT. (and I have had a few bad ones as well).

    I am very envious of these stories of people who tell all their friends and family. For me, I wanted hair to be a NON talking point which is why I had the HT done.

    My advice is - come up with a plan. Research the HT surgeons, save up, if you can (may take a lot time, but so doe hair loss), set a potential date to have a subsequent HT, if thats what you decide (could be many years in future), research medications, and then FORGET IT!

    People dont actually take any notice of other peoples hair! Taken me 20 years to realise that.


    I have been having crippling anxiety lately about my future regarding hair loss/hair transplants and am looking for some advice. First off I am 27 had a 3000 graft procedure done 3 years ago with decent results( looks natural, wouldnt mind more density however I still look attractive to females) I was satisfied at first but lately my mind is always consumed about future loss, donor hair remaining, whether or not it will look good when I'm 40. I have been dealing with some mild depression lately and being laid off I have a little to much time to stew over things. Anyone else worry excessively about the future? Any advice? Thank you.
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