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Posts posted by SKJ

  1. Hi,

    Since you are still so young i will tell you the mistake i made. I constantly felt my hair is less and tried using different kinds of treatments etc. But instead i left it spoiled. now when i see my college photos i wonder why was i worried. So please dont get too worried by your thoughts or by other people.


    Few things u need to keep in mind:

    1. Use a mild shampoo probably with out any chemical or alcohol. Try organic shampoo.

    2. Avoid wearing cap often if u have the habit or wearing motorbike helmet for long time.

    3. Dont do any kind of hair straightening or coloring this diminishes ur hair strength.


    And try to be stress free. have frequent breaks and outdoor activity.

  2. Thanks orlhair1.


    Johnpaul, the grafts got healed for me with in two days of surgery. And i suppose when i had my first set of suture removal the doctor told me you can rub little more than usual while taking shower. The black dots which i am referring to are the blood remains after transplant. The whole graft is not falling off for me. if my whole graft was to come out then blood will come out.

  3. hi Guys,

    I am in 10th day post op. My grafted area is completly healed. My Clinic advised me that once the grafted area dries up you will get something like dandruff on the scalp area.


    As informed, when i touched my grafted area black dots started falling out. i took bath and few many more black dots fell off. i even gently removed them through my finger and not nails.


    I know this is normal, and the follicles must have been settled properly by now. But wanted a second opinion from you guys if what i did was alright and nothing to worry. i see many grafts still intact even though the black dots fell off.


    Please give me your opinion.

  4. Hi,

    I am currently in 6th day post op after my hair transplant. my grafted area are fine i dont find any pain or swelling. today i went to the clinic to remove first set of sutures. I was told by the clinic that it wont pain. But yesterday i felt the pain so i was skeptic about removing the first set of sutures.


    But it pained a lot when the first set of sutures were removed. is this normal?

    please advise.


    i have another set of suture removal next tuesday hopefully it doesnt pain at that time. When i touch the donor area i feel little pain but if i touch the stiches i feel little sharp pain.


    I did my HT with Dr Rosanelli SFO.



  5. Hi,

    After much research in this forum, i have decided to zero in upon two doctors. Dr Rosanille and Kabaker in Oakland. I had a visit with Dr Rosanille in his Walnut creek clinic. He gave me useful information. He gave me little discount if i do the procedure next week wednesday 7/20. My difficulty is, i have an appointment with Dr Kabaker on 7/19.


    Shall i say ok to Dr Rosanille, or should i visit Dr Kabaker in Oakland see what he has to offer?


    Timely response from members is really appreciated.




  6. I have another question.


    When i went to bosely they showed me a donor strip of aorund 15cm in lenght and width was not too much. But when i watched the youtube videos for strip removal i got scared.. they were removing really large chunks. Can you please share your experiences on the strip length and how it looked post surgery..




  7. Hi,

    I am currently residing in Walnut creek CA. I have been looking for hair transplant procedure for past few months. I went for a free consultation in Bosely San Francisco. They informed me i have 5A hair loss classification and i may need 1000-1600 grafts in my frontal area. My mid section of the hair is little thick and i think i can regrow my hair in back using Rogaine and other alternatives. The cost at Bosely over my budget. I am ready to spend around 6000$ for my treatment. If anyone has done a hair transplant and it has been effective please reply back to this post.




  8. Hi,

    I am planning to do hair transplant at Bosely by Dr Aragoni. Please advise if i can go ahead and do the procedure. Or do we have any one in the bay area with proven results, it will be helpful.


    Another question, after the one day procedure will the scar from the donor area pain very much the next day




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