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Posts posted by michealscott

  1. I actually have two scars: one was wide and one was thin. For the wide scar I went to a quality surgeon who reduced the scar quite a bit and I am happy with the results. This is the same doc I had FUE with to test out whether hair would grow in my scar. The small sample was unsuccessfully as I explained and it came out with little growth and it looked pluggy.


    This is the reason why I think asian hair may be different:




    My results were similar to this guy in the video. My doctor extracted hair from the back of my hair and transplanted it in the front of my head. My results were little growth and the growth I did get were harsh and looked pluggy.


    Judging by Dr. Umar and Dr. Diep successfuly asian procedures I thought I may have a better chance with HT from a surgeon with experience with asian hair. If there are other surgeons who has had experience and success with asian hair please let me know so I can take them under consideration as well.

  2. can someone recommend a quality asian fue doctor? I am currently in California and was considering Dr. Diep or Dr. Umar or if there was a signficantly skilled fue doctor for asian hair I would consider flying. So far though Dr. Diep and Dr. Umar seem to be good doctors and they are local for me so I am leaning towards one or the other.


    I also had a small fue previously a few years back but was unsuccessful. The transplant was in a linear scar from a brain surgery and the fue grafts did not grow well in the scar. The growth came out pluggy and very few grew. The doctor I previously had almost had no experience with asian hair, therefore I was considering trying a doctor that had experience with asian hair; maybe the outcome would be more successful. But am I just wasting my time and money trying again? Would there be a big difference with hair growth if I tried a doctor with experience with asian hair?


    Thanks all, haven't been on here a while and I'm glad this community is still strong and active.

  3. Thank you Dr. Lindsey and Dr. Cam Simmons for your reply. I have been giving scar excision alot of thought and had a few questions about it. Will scar excision alter my facial features? I am wondering if I had the excision if my face would permantely look like I had a face lift or have a suprised look on my face after the surgery. And what is the success rate of scar revision? Are there any consequences of scar revision that I should be aware of?



    My second question is if I would be able to FUE into the scar instead of scar revision. I have heard FUE into scars produces low yield of hair growth but I was thinking of first having a trial session to see if the yield of hair growth was good and then trying a FUE session for the entire scar. This is the options I am leaning toward more since I do not know the possible consequences of scar revision.


    If the trial session does not produce a good yield I will look into scar revision more. Sorry for the late reply been focusing on my schooling. And thank you for the replies they have been very helpful. =]


    O and thank you for your response imissthebarber, yes I do need to look into scar excision more thoroughly as of right now I have not been getting much information about the possibly side effects of scar excision so that is why I am a bit hesitant to have the surgery. I want to know the possible consquences of the surgery first. and yes I do agree that it would look very strange if I had a hair transplant now and then go bald when I turn 50 and still have hair growing into the 2 scars. But I would definetely not mind lasering those hairs out, to me I dont think it would be a waste; they grew for 30 years that would be well worth it for me to still have the procedure done today. Thanks again for all the comments.

  4. Here are some photos of my scar.

    Top of my head where the incision was made for brain surgury:


    Side view of top of head:


    Back of head where I think the plates were put in:


    Close up of Back of head:




    In the back of my head you can not see but I have few hairs growing maybe about 4-10. These scars were from my car accident about7-8 months ago.


    The scars seem to be hypertropic scars. The swelling of the scars went down alot now they are almost completely smooth.


    Does anyone know if in these two areas they may be able to implant hair? I have read up a little on hypertrophic scars and they said excision of the scalp is what they usually do for hypertrophic scars. The surgery looks pretty scary and it seems like my facial features may get messed up by doing that surgery. I really would like to avoid this surgery.


    If I am able to implant hair in this area how many graphs do you think I need? (big guesstimates are fine)


    imissthebarber: Thxs for the response, your name cracked me up btw =p. anyways yes I have fully recovered from the accident =] I am actually really happy how well I recovered they diagnosed me with paralyzed vocal cords and told me I may not be able to speak correctly for the rest of my life. About 2 months later a serious miracle my voice came back. And it was not gradual it came back within like a day or 2.


    And yes I have had some thought about transplanting hair around my crown area. Im wondering how unatural does it look when I start to bald and I have had a previous hair transplant. If theres a thread that shows someone having a previous hairtransplant and then going bald a link to the thread or website would be appreciated. It will definetly help me make my decision on whether or not I would like to densly pack the back of my head or not.


    O and thank goodness I found this forum I was considering Dr. a|r@mani (i messed up the name a bit b/c i know he has a lawsuit against this forum)to transplant my hair. He is reaaly expensive and from what I have seen and heard he doesnt seem that consistent with his work.


    Any staff or hair transplant doctor with any advice about my situation would be greatly appreciated. Thxs for the responses


    o btw I use to cut my hair really short like 1/8 inch on the side and 7/8 inches on the top but since the accident I have grown my hair out alot so I could cover my scars up. (I really hate long hair =/ ) I hope with hair transplantation I can start cutting it short again.

  5. Im new to these forums but I recently was in a car accident that required me to have brain surgery and plates were put in the back of my head. This happened about 8 months ago. I now have 2 scars: A scar in the back of my head approximately 2 inches in length and 1 inch in width and a scar where the incision was made from the front to the back of my head. The scar from the front to the back of my head is really thin about a few millimeters in width and maybe a little less then 1 foot in length? Not sure just guessing. The scar from the front to the back of my head doesnt seem hypertropic b/c the scar didnt rise at all once it healed. The scar in the back of my head rose maybe a few millimeter and went down over time now it is almost entirely smooth.


    Anyways to my point, I wanted to know whether I would be able to get a hair tranplant in these two areas. I have read up alot in the hair loss forums but there are very few threads about my situation. In the back of my head there could be a plate underneath where it is scarred. Will I be able to transplant hair in these two scars? I might need a scar reduction and possibly FUE procedure since I have a history of hypertrophic scarring? I have read somewhere I may possibly not be able to have a hair transplant or may have to have a scalp lift (which I am definetly not doing). Thanks for reading any response would be appreciated =]. O yes I forgot I am a 22 year old male.

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