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Posts posted by slaphead

  1. On most of the photos following the journey of HTs the redness of people's scalps seems to continue for a long time, in many cases you can see it faintly a year later. Does this last forever, is it faint scarring? Someone mentioned that parts of their scalp go red in the sun after HT.... Any thoughts?

  2. Hi, I have been using finasteride for 8 months and Nizoral for a couple of weeks now. My hair is thinning worst at my crown which looking at Spex's photos could be dealt with over time through meds then improving things at the front with surgery but I've suddenly got scared of trying out Minoxidil.


    Over the past 8 months I think finasteride has slowed the thinning and in a way has made me feel more confident that I am actually doing something about it. I could just about live with how my hair looks at the moment but would love to improve things over the coming years and I am afraid of some of the things I have read about Minoxidil. If you search the internet it is full of horror stories where people lose their hair permanently or just make things worse, I feel like I could be taking a huge gamble here! I have read an old thread here on shedding and I understand that you have to stick with it to see results but what if you are having an adverse reaction and it never comes back!


    For those who have had success with Minoxidil, how time consuming is the application? Should I start with the 2% version if I decide to go ahead with this? Anyone tried the alcohol free version? Could I ask anymore questions?!



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