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Posts posted by ejl7

  1. " Unfortunate, the threat came from Rob at Hair Lab and Dr Chao is the one who performed my third transplant.


    I saw that you are going to compare both procedures, if Rob threatens you read my blog. "


    Well, that says it all.....No one can threaten you. It's against the law and highly immoral. But then again, consider the source....

  2. We agree on the same thing. Absolutely shyshiny. My first one was Dr Chao who "promised" to deliver good results with his "only" assistant claiming she had given me 60 grafts per cm2, all for the amazing price of $ 3,500.00. Like an idiot I went for it. Now I'm super comfortable. Dr Rassman's book "Hair Loss and Replacement for dummies" as well as countless of other articles and input from the likes of you and other members have erased all doubt.

  3. Most likely, especially if one is very bald and wants more coverage. It also dependes on your surgeon. If he was good you won't need as many, perhaps one will just do the trick. Unfortunately, for most men, male pattern baldness is ongoing, and hairs tend to get further miniaturized over time. A good surgeon will have already spotted this and focused primarily on those miniaturized areas. Propecia and like drugs may help prevent further balding however, most people need two and sometimes three surgeries to get proper coverage. My first transplant was kinda disastrous, as little growth was yeilded. But now after my second transplant in the hands of a great surgeon, Dr Parsa Mohebi, I have very little too worry about. Will I need a third one? Only time will tell. In time about 18 months from now, I will know for sure. But i'm also in my 40's and age does greatly affect hairloss.

  4. No, not really, however it's worth to visit a doctor and have an evaluation. Try Dr Parsa Mohebi for example. He charged me $100.00 upon our first meeting and he applied a laxitometer, a device he invented that measures your scalps looseness. He then used a densitometer, a device I believe invented by Dr Rassman, an electronic microscope that connects to a computer via usb on a screen that magnifies your hair follicles up to 50 times. I swear your hair will look like a forrest. He will let you know your miniaturization levels and advise you on your actions, accordingly.

  5. congratulations Jcap....you took the final step....the first ten days are the hardest and most critical. But the valium and atleast three days off will help....take it easy and don't panic if you spot a graft that fell off. It's normal to lose a few. I only spotted one. The day I was able to take a full shower and wash my head was exhillarating.

  6. I visited an endocrinologist who had my blood levels checked and found that my testosterone level were a third of what they ought to be while my estrogen was twice as high. Advised to quit avodart and put on estrogen blockers i.e. anastrazole which brought it back to normal. my testosterone didn't budge and so she prescribed other treatments including shooting some liquid (Can't recall the name, into my lower abdomen three times a week to help my testes kickstart the production of testosterone.) After about three months it started to work. Every two months I'd get blood tests where I saw my levels were balancing off. Eventually I had to quit as the treatment was getting expensive and I couldn't afford it. There was also talk of a metabolic diet, proper daily supplementation, including saw pimento and others that I just can't recall, including exercizing or more specifically put. sexercizing...There was this psychological aspect that worried me but it went away as I started performing better. Now i'm 41, I've been warned that my levels will fall off again if I discontinue treatment, but at this point i'm like, ah, I'll wait and see. But I agree with Aski, the side effects of drugs like propecia and avodart are very, very real.....

  7. Guys....bottom line is this. Hair loss sucks and we have to deal with it. Drugs like propecia and avodart may work for some but not for me. Instead, I lost my libido and had to have treatments with hormone therapy to get it back. It was the worst experience ever. Most embarrassing. I had surgery, I am 6 1/2 mos post-op and am seeing some results though it's still early, and I already feel like a million bucks. Period!!! I can't wait to see what the next six months will bring. I am willing to have another to get the perfect look. Hair loss affected me so much I couldn't even leave the house, even though I was norwood 3 V. I caught it early enough. Guys!!! Don't wait!! Have the surgery. Get on with it. You'll feel so much better. My life is already changing. I waited too long for this. My energy is up all the time now.


    P.S. How's that for perspective?

  8. Hair has always been an issue of embarrasment for me. Even though i had a small bald patch on my crown. It affected me severely. I would spend a long time recombing and restyling my hair. I would look at people who had thick hair and be envious. Or Hispanic people with a thick set of hair who would just shave their head!!! wtf? Even now, six months after my surgery, I still feel weird even though my hair is slowly growing out. looking in the mirror constantly and even staying home because of a "Bad hair day". I know how you feel. Granted, I am not bald, but that feeling of losing hair, is terifying....

  9. your welcome, moonfresh. The price is way too cheap, and so far I am pleased with the results. I can't wait to see the full outcome, so I have to be patient for a few more months. It's ok don't mention anything to him, about being more polite. For the services rendered I got a very good deal, and they did buy me lunch after all...I am just too excited and have all these questions.

  10. thanks Moonfresh, yes, before I had my transplant I read all I could on the subject and even spoke to a few doctors so I wasn't surprised when the two assistants started placing the grafts in the doctors absence. Now granted, the whole procedure cost me $3,500.00 which is very low indeed. I got what I paid for. though it was a bit confusing when I came back two weeks later to remove the sutures. I asked the assistant how many grafts were placed per square cm and she replied about 60. Now I argued with her that since I was a smoker the doctor warned me about placing the grafts too close and as a former assistant to Bosley she should know that they routine place, or used to place about 25-40 grafts per cm2 to acheive a normal result. The 60 grafts were a little too much and there would be a risk of losing them due to my "poor" oxygen-blood supply. She assured me all was fine, though she was taken back a little but my response and knowledge on the subject. Dr Chao was nowhere to be found. I called back and spoke to him and he was a little rude on the phone to me; I was just a patient with a lot of questions....now that I'm over the sixth month mark, by a week or so, I've thought of scheduling an appointment with him but declined fearing he would be rude again...Also the fact that my hair is growing in and I can see some results, especially in the hairline, I figured I am pleased thus far with the results, and needn't bother. I will continue to wait for another 5-6 months before I assess my overall results. Thank goodness I have a wondeful hairdresser who has been with me from the strat and closely monitors my scalp; she says the grafts look good and I need to be patient. I shouldn't worry. I doubt I will be going back to him though. I mean if yyou can't talk to your doctor then, WTF?

  11. Hey Moonfresh,

    Dr Chao did the strip excision; I don't know what the suction method is...He then punched holes in my head, while his assistant stood by with a counter clicker. Another, started to dissect the grafts. Then he left the room while the main assistant started to place the grafts. She was joined by a male assistant who helped her with the placing of the grafts. after a very long while, she finished and the doctor was called in to examine the final result and then I was sent home...

  12. hey man I'll be 5 mos post op in a week; my hairdresser has been following my progress since my hair transplant - examining my scalp and told me that at three months she wasn't impressed but now, she says that the entire recipient area the crown shows growth all over pretty much like a day old shave. The hairline though is rather slow to respond. I of course cannot see pretty much anything in the back but I do see that some of the transplanted hairs in the front that did not fall off are about 1 cm or so in length and some are rather curly. She told me she's very impressed and that I should give it more time....meanwhile, my doctor hasn't returned my calls doesn't really want to be bothered and that's rather upsetting. But thank God for my hairdresser; she's a straight arrow...

  13. I will consider the rogaine topical solution, it seems like a safe bet....The first three months after the procedure seemed unending....now that i'm approaching five months I'm like...arghhhh. You've been patient for a year and somewhat pleased with your results regarding dr Chao...I too have thought of the possibility of more hair growth had I gone to another more reputable doctor; Cost, like you mentioned, is a major factor. He did mention that because i'm a smoker he'd put less grafts and yet the day of the surgery he had transplanted more than 2,000 grafts...confussing yes, but grateful nonetheless. Most likely I will go back to him as well because he's cheap and his staff is great. Unfortunately neither dr chao nor Rob Angelino really ever return phone calls; you're basically ignored and forgotten...that alone will make me scrutinize him and his staff even more, and milk them for as much attention as I can. Thanks a lot for your reply....

  14. Thank you, for your reply....No I have not experienced that many pimples that would alarm me and as for propecia that's out of the question...I was on propecia for six monthe and switched to avodart for two years with no results except for a loss in libido and terribly embarrassing sexual encounters...I had to visit an endocrinologist who put me on supplements and I had to give me myself tri weekly injections of hormones to help boost my natural testosterone levels back to normal...Then I had my hair transplnt. As I am 41 years old, I really don't want to mess with my libido...Thank you for your words of support. I now can safely assume that I have to be patient for another 3-4 months...before I notice a considerable difference....Boy do I hate having to comb over that small bald patch...

  15. Sorry it took so long to reply....Currently i'm beyond the four and a half month mark...I was told the number of grafts given me, which was a surprise...2,257 overall, though I only paid for 2,000. Two weeks later when I had the sutures removed, I grilled the nurse with questions...As the nurse told me that they had transplanted up to 60 single grafts per square cm in certain areas; that made me rethink their strategy of not densely packing the grafts since i am a smoker. I don't know though I was told by bosley doctors back in 2003 after a consultation that a succesful transplant has about 25 - 40 grafts... Also they took pictures right after the procedure; pics that I have not seen despite calling them a few times...No contact at all from them; However after about 3 months when I had my stylist examine my scalp, she couldn't tell I had had a procedure and there was no new hair growth yet. Most of the transplanted hair had fallen off. A week ago I had her recheck my scalp and she noticed new hair sprouting forth that looked like "a day without shaving" with hair all over my receeding hair line. Although not an expert she did assure me that the new hair that was coming out was dense and growing out evenly....When I look in the mirror I cannot see much improvement as it is still early; Though I trust my hairdresser as she assures me that Dr Chao did a fine job and that I should be patient.....The mark of 4-6 months seems crucial. Though I do find it slightly easier to comb my hair. I am very optimistic...

  16. Yes indeed, i was upset at first but then understood his logic. Nonetheless I am glad he didn't refuse me. He told me that when certain serious cosmetic surgeries are performed, the nurses draw blood and check for nicotine content. If you're blood contains nicotine they'll hold off on the surgery.

    Thanks RC

  17. Thank you Lorenzo. Good luck Pete. Your pics look great. I was surprised they bought me lunch. They suggested I take a break and eat, though I kindly declined as I wanted to get this over with. Sitting in the chair for 6 hours was like....argh; though I was heavily sedated. My only regret is that he didn't densely pack the grafts due to my smoking which I was able to cut down to 3-4 cigs a day but not quit. He assured me however that I should be fine. I am 5 days post-op, recovering nicely, slight swelling of the forehead for which I used ice packs and anti swelling meds. The donor area is still tight and slightly uncomfortable. Valium helps me sleep like a baby. I no longer sleep at an incline, and I take it very easy at work. 4 more days to go before I can take a normal shower and run my fingers through my hair. I did notice a two hair graft falling out which I saved; I was told it's normal. Everyone at work is fascinated at my procedure and a few have even come up to me and opened up about their hair loss. Expressing and confronting your fears and subsequent actions by talking to people has made me all the more comfortable. After two years on Avodart, without any results besides a terrible loss in libido, I am finally elated and proud to have done this.



  18. I am four days post op, sponge watering and lite shampooing my hair. when I was done, I applied light pressure with a towel, let air dry for about an hour and a blowdry set on low with cold hair to dry it. I noticed a two hair follicle loose in between my front hair. It was dry there was no blood. I saved it, and took some pics of it. I wonder if I lost any more grafts but can't seem to find any of them. I was told it's normal to lose a few grafts and that it wouldn't be anything significant. I guess I worry too much.....

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