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Posts posted by Kirkland21

  1. Hello all


    Well I got some of the NIZORAL product and was wondering how best to use it.


    Obviously the product is meant by the makers for dandruff and they don't mention anything in the instructions on how best to use it for hair loss.


    So I was just wondering what might be the best way?


    Can I or should I use the product every time I shampoo?


    If not, should I use it a at least as much as I can for the first few months?


    Should I be leaving it in for some time, or should I just rinse it right out?


    Thanks for any help.

  2. Yes, your doctor can take a DHT level. It's worth seeing what it is, but it all depends on how sensitive your hair follicles are to it. There are people with low DHT who lose hair very fast, then there are people with high DHT who still have a full head of hair. What does your family history look like?
    My father who I would say is about all I can speak of lost a lot of his hair at a very early age, my mother had some thinning but not until very old.


    For me at my age, (47) I have much more hair then my father had.


    My brother who is one year younger then me, has about a 2-1/2 little patch bare right in the top back, but overall has much more hair then me in all other areas.


    Its interesting that you asked as I was kinda wondering about trying to manage this via some types of DHT control but I was wondering if there was a diff from a result of a high DHT level that might be the cause of this, or a family history of baldness.


    Is there a typically a diff between the two?


    And if so, is it pointless to thing that a DHT control drug is going to do much?


    Basically since I have been seeing some interesting results with Rogan Foam, I was thinking that there is some kind of potential for more. So I thought I might as well try some additional other things to see what that does.

  3. Again as with so much of this, please forgive my ignorance if it manifest into stupid questions but, is there anyway to know what your DHT level is?


    Is there a test the Doctor can give or some other thing that can be done to determine your level?


    And if so, can you then take the drug and then see that is has or has not really had an effect on that?


    And if it is having a effect, is there a point that you look to reach and then monitor and control with the dosages?


    Also is the situations where DHT is the cause for your hair loss the same if you think it might be genetic?


    In other words, if my dad had great hair loss, and my mother also some at the very end of her life, and then I have a hair loss situation, is DHT the thing that is still doing this for me?


    Btw both of those conditions are true, although my hair loss is not nearly as much as my fathers was and I have retained much more then he did at the same ages.


    But also note that my brother who is one year younger then me has some loss but he just has a small 2 1/2 bare spot at the back crown, where I have much more and in other areas.


    Guess I'm just wondering two things.


    Can I monitor this DHT level to bring to a point and maintain that by monitoring it?


    And two, given my family hsisory, is the DHT, and therefore any drugs, going to make any dif really?


    Thanks for any help.

  4. Yeah, not a hard thing to get but then they usually want to check you over and charge you for that, and then they just give you one prescription and then you have to go to them again every time for another one.


    Sometimes after a year or so they want to see you again for a checkup too an charge you for that too.


    I know it sound like I'm whining about that but its a lot of stuff to go through that I just don't have the time for.


    Heck, it took me a month just to find the time to start this thread.

  5. Hello all


    I would think that this must be a really redundant post request, but I'm really ignorant to stuff like this.


    Anyway, been using Rogain foam for about a year now and its my one and only form of treatment and have gotten some results but have been just reading on what role DHT plays in hair loss and was thinking of adding some type of blocker that I would take in pill form and was just wondering what was the best product to use?


    Thanks for any help.

  6. Hello all


    I was just wondering how soon after I get out of the shower can I apply the Rogain foam.


    Or maybe a better question would be, how dry should my hair/scalp be?


    A few times I have tried it pretty much right after where I have just only waited a little bit after drying my hair with a towel (hair is rather short) so the hair is still a little damp and this seems almost better as the foam seems to stay liquid more and is better for spreading it around.


    Also seems like since the existing hair is still a little wet that it isn't just acting like a sponge and sucking up most of the product before I can get it to the scalp.


    But I just wonder if this moistness is watering the product down or doing something else to it to weaken that apps effectiveness?


    So should I really wait longer or is what I'm doing OK?


    Thanks for any help.

  7. Hello all


    I have been on Rogain foam for almost a year now.


    My typical hair has been described as fairly thin (type wise) and blond with at my age, quite a bit going white (btw am 47).


    For me I started losing my hair at about 25 and is has been a steady decline and up to before starting Rogain, is was all gone on the back/top crown with that starting to proceed down the middle back, and a also a good amount on the top sides going from the back to the front.


    Still have a good amount growing on the very top which thankfully I use to cover those sides a bit, and the rest of the lower back areas is good.


    Since starting Rogain I have seen some hair growing back although it has been slow, which actually is OK by me as a overnight thing I think would bring to much suspicion.


    Anyway, for most of the hair that is growing back and especially in the main bare areas like the rear back, it is very fine and light almost like baby hair.


    I guess this is better then nothing but I am just wondering if this is all that I'm ever going to get or is this a common thing with Rogain and my hair type in the beginning that will eventually for each strand will get thicken out more?


    Thanks for any help.

  8. Hello all


    First time board member and poster here.


    I found this thread on a Google search as I was thinking of trying the Rogaine Foam so I was hoping I could ask a few questions here.


    Just to mention, I know this is a bit long and that there's quite a few FAQ things around that might have some of the answers for these, and that I could ask the company, but given the nature of boards like this it's been my experience that you get the truth more from asking things from guys like you and as well as this is for one specific product, I thought it might be more relevant and direct to ask here then rely on a generic FAQ.


    Also, I would imagine that some of the answers to these questions could be variable to each person, so just to mention it, I'm just looking for anyone's best and or personal experience answers to these and know that it could be different for me.


    First to give you a bit about me as I think some of it might be relevant, I started slowly loosing my hair in the areas it is gone in now at about 23, and am 46 now. My father was pretty bald at a very young age, but I'm not as bad as he was and while I noticed mine at about 23, it has been a fairly slow but still steady transition.


    I apologize if I don't know all the technical terms but to describe it, my hair loss is pretty completely gone on the back top, which I think is called the crown. Then as well is pretty much gone now from the front temples, all the way back to that.


    The rest of my hair grows pretty good and so aside from the crown, with the help of a great hair cutting girl and the other parts growing length, I am able to cover the temple parts for the most part a bit.


    At any rate, my feelings on this personally are not too bad and at least "I" have never felt the need to do much about it, but now as I'm getting older I'm thinking about doing something more then at least nothing and if I can at least get some fill back to the crown and maybe the temples a little bit so I wouldn't have to have the top cover that as much, I would be happy.


    The one thing to mention though and this is another big reason I have never done anything is that my life is pretty crazy. I often work sudden, crazy, long and unpredictable hours. I can get into some fairly dirty and sweaty conditions and over all, as I don't have anything else in my life that needs it, between all I stated above and that, I don't do well with nor have ever needed to, deal with more then brushing my teeth and downing five cups of coffee in the morning, (I know, not good for the hair but its better the getting my arm ripped off in a gear assembly).


    Anyway hope that wasn't too long but again, I think it kinda relates to my questions so I thought I would pre-post that kinda stuff.


    So for a few things I was wondering about, from reading the other posts, as I understand it correctly, this product needs to be applied twice a day.


    Typically I shower at night, and get up in the AM an usually give my hair a quick water down, which almost looks a little like gel but dries quickly and so after looks normal.


    So would this foam kinda resemble about the same thing?


    Next, as I herd it was the case for just about anything that could be applied, I've always been very concerned about any smell. Now this product is described as unsented, but what does that mean, does this product have an odor?


    If it does, how bad is it?


    Is it pretty well recognizable as, um oh yeah, feew....that's Rogaine.


    Also, does the smell get worse if you sweat?


    Next, does it completely dry after a bit or does it always stay a little or kinda oily?


    As well if it does completely dry, once dried, does it stay like that if you sweat or does it run?


    If it doesn't or while it is drying, Is it kinda sticky then and can and will attract a lot of dirt an oils while drying?


    Next, does it completely wash out and thus is of no effect from a shower?


    The reason I ask is as I mentioned, I shower before bed so I sleep clean, and actually have trouble sleeping if I'm not.


    So with this product, would it work if I came home, applied it, then waited a few hours, showered and went to bed?


    Of would that just be a waist of it as I'm just washing out the item that is going to do any good.


    So if not, if I showering first, letting my hair dry, then applied it, is it nasty to sleep with?


    Next, how hard do I have to keep to the schedule of applying of it?


    In other words, if I missed a morning or night application once in a while, is that going be big to its effects and I may expect a bunch of hair loss in a day or two?


    As well and kinda related to that, if it was working and I say stopped completely, would I get a huge loss all of a sudden as well?


    Lastly, from what I've read here, it seems like a good way to apply it for me would be to spray it directly into those areas and then massage it in.


    Does this sound like a good idea?


    I am assuming the idea is to get the product in as direct contact with and as well absorbed by, the skin of the areas that don't have hair, so it sounds like that might be the best way to apply it for me.


    In other words, actually getting much if any of it in contact with any existing hair isn't really the way to have it work as it was intended right?


    So actually the more I keep it out of my existing hair and in more contact with my skin, the more efficient the use I will get from what I apply, correct?


    So I guess what I'm saying is, my idea and thinking is to not get it into my existing hair at all (or as little as possible) right?


    So if that is correct, that is another reason I think it might be good for me is as I can just spray some of it under my hair an then rub it it, then let it dry and over all, the rest of my hair should look the same. As well I'm thinking this might help keep the smell thing down if that is a problem.


    Anyway, again hope that wasn't all too much to ask but its ton's of questions like these which are the reasons I never did anything like this before, and with no one else to ask, I was just hoping I could get some of them answered here.


    Thanks for any help.

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