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Posts posted by Nmu744

  1. What's up gang. Just wanted to throw a quick update out there.


    Been off since Sunday. It is now Wednesday night and it seems that my sexual function has returned. No morning wood still, but honestly, never had that much morning wood in the first place.


    However, still experiencing some slight testicular discomfort.


    I'm thinking, should I just kind of ride it out? My body still may be trying to adjust my hormones back in order? I know it sometimes takes a week or so for the body to filter this stuff out. Would it be alright to evaluate my situation the beginning of next week? I feel then if the pain has not completely disappeared, I should see my doctor?



  2. Hey gang,


    Wanted to give you my current situation.


    I have been taking Propecia for a week and five days. Towards the end of that time I was taking a .5mg dosage. As it stands right now from the 14 pills I had, I have 5 left.


    This is where the story starts to go bad for me. After about the 5th full 1mg pill, I started to get mild testicle pain. This was the only side other than somewhat watery semen. At this point, I decided to cut my dosage back to .5mg, hoping that this would subside. It did continue, but a lot less harsh.


    I took my last .5mg pill on this past Sunday morning. My g/f came over that night and boom.....Nothing was happening down there! I basically freaked out and have stopped taking the pills. It is now Tuesday and I am still feeling some light testicle discomfort, plus I think my left testicle may have shunk a bit!


    I have some questions.


    1) I have heard that you should "ween" yourself of the drug, in order to not crash your system. Any truth in this?


    2) Should I be okay after about a week since I did not take this poison that long?


    3) Is the "possible" shrinking in my testicle temporary? Plus should I still be feeling this discomfort after two days off this?


    PLEASE HELP! Thanks!

  3. I just wanted to report my first week experience on Propecia and get some feedback/advice.


    Basically, so far so good. The only side I have noticed is the watery semen (which was expected).


    However, my testicles are starting to feel a bit different. It's not like a bad pain or anything, but at times I kind of get that uncomfortable feeling? I'm not sure if that is a bad sign or not?


    Also, is a M-W-F schedule affective? A every other day? Or how about a .5mg dose a day? I'm getting concerned that I may be on the verge of developing sides, or maybe I am jumping the gun?


    Any advice/suggestions would be helpful! Thanks gang, you guys are a great support group.


    I attached a picture of my head to show where my hairloss is at. Little bit of Toppik helps though!




  4. Hey gang,


    Quick question. I recently went to the derm to get a script for Propecia. I mentioned to her about gettiing any kind of "generic" version, and she said that she could not write a script for a generic because it would be considered insurance fraud??


    So basically, I have two weeks worth of Propecia that I got for free (samples). I am trying to get a gameplan together so that I can continue this regimine after the two weeks, WITHOUT actually having to pay for Propecia.


    Can I get a script for Finpecia or something? I'm trying to figure out how you all get cheap meds? Help a brother out! Thanks!

  5. Hey gang,


    New to the site and lots of great info.


    I am 25, and my hairloss is getting progressively worse. However, I still have good coverage. I want to halt it now where it stands.


    However, I am scared to death of the horror stories of FIN. My sex life is extremely important to me.


    I am just looking to get some feedback. Do ALL men suffer at least some side affects? Do some suffer none at all? I just want to hear from some of you guys who are on/did have regimens and what are/were your side affects?


    Currently, I use Toppik to cover some thinning, Nizoral, going to try ProRestora. I have an apt. Friday to get a script for FIN. Any feedback?


    P.S. - Do lower doses lower the chances of side affects? Thanks!

  6. Hey moses...your journey is quite inspirational. I am pretty much in the same boat you are. Same age, same hair loss pattern! My question for you is regarding the FIN.


    What was the dosage? How often did you take it? And I guess the main one would be, have you experience any side affects? I am pretty much scared to death over what could happen if I get on this drug, I have my Dr. apt. Friday so any input would be great! Thanks!

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