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Posts posted by Chozy

  1. dear all, i so grateful finding this thread. i was given oral minoxidil by a derm doctor in June for one month supply. he claimed gave me 1 mg mino. after 1 month ,i hv bad shedding. and i went to pharmacy bought the 5mg tablet, split into 4. 1.25 mg each. taken it for 4 months plus. shedding stop after 2nd months. in fact i was having no hair fall at whole during that 4 months. but things start went wrong again, in end Oct. i think i started to lose all the hair gained from minoxidil. i suspect the doc in fact gave me 5mg pill. not 1 mg. so all the 1.25 mg i take all these is not effective at all.


    so i decide to double the dose to 2.5 mg. after 1 month taken, shedding happen again. which i feel glad ,cos mean it effective again. but right till now ,shedding still happen. i depressed. this time the shedding is much longer than i expected ,almost from week 4-8.


    i think i gonna maintain the 2.5 mg for another 2 months. before consider 5mg dose daily.


    anyone hv any thought>? in fact ,i felt quite tired these day. not sure is it the oral minoxidil effect. i afraid 5mg ll be too much and experience another round of shedding.

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