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Posts posted by Leathem

  1. Hi there. I used to work for Advanced Hair Studio and seeing how they work I'm come to offer people advise about hair loss and how to go about fighting it. I have a site here: (promotional link removed - read our terms of service) . I'm not selling anything on it. It's just there for information. Hope it helps. Anything you want to know just get in contact with me through this.

  2. Hi there. I used to work for Advanced Hair Studio and can tell you that it's always worth getting the right surgeon. I have had two transplants myself and the results were amazing when you combine it with propecia which will let you keep the hair you have, making it healthier and thicker, and also give you a chance of growing some back provided the follicle hasn't closed over. I recommend Niall Friel as a consultant. You an find him on my website here (Promotional link removed). I don't make any money from him nor am I selling you anything. It's purely an information site with links to other sites. You'll find him on there. He's based in Northern Ireland but I know he uses a surgeon in England and he'll only use the best. He was once completely bald on top and now has a full head of his own hair, no wigs or nothing. You'd need to see it to believe it.

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