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Posts posted by sscamaro41087

  1. I have been on propecia for almost 2 years now to prevent the possibility of hair loss. My Dr recently recommended getting off it, Nd with all the new studies I think it's a good idea as well but I am extremely nervous about losing my hair. I am aware that it is a DHT blocker and I am looking for any alternatives to Propecia such as natural forms of DHT blockers. He recommended romaine as well, I am not very knowledgeable about it so any advice on natural DHT blockers would be fantastic as well as advice on rogaine. Thanks guys!!

  2. Im 23 Years old and new to this site. But since I found it I feel a little bit more confident that I can get this taken care of with a little advice. I started noticing my hair thinning and I know m genetics point towards baldness. My hairline is receding and thinning in the back. Being 23 and worrying about my hair really sucks and I know I Should have more important things to worry about but Im willing to do whatever it takes to get my hairline back. Ive been on propecia for almost 2 years and it seemed to have worked but I wish to get off the medicine as it is costing me alot of money a month. Is surgery my answer? SHould I start looking into surgery before I actuall go bald?

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