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Posts posted by Dan72

  1. Thank you both :) I had 2372 Grafts, and hope for around 1500 for the crown and filling in the temples if I can in 3 weeks time.


    I will most certainly grow it longer once the crown has been done. The only reason I keep it so short is because the contrast of the crown makes it appear worse when it is longer at the moment. The overwhelming difference for me is that I never went out without caking my entire scalp with Toppik before. Now I only use dermatch on the crown and nothing anywhere else except to cover scars. People who didn't know I had surgery haven't noticed at all. :)

  2. In the larger pics Spex took, I agree, it doesn't look much different because of the flash of the camera. Did you see the last comparison pic I posted though? This one?


    If you still think there is not much difference, then I guess it's just the difference to me. I see a huge difference. I had no frame to my face before, but now I do. From the front, there is no evidence of a hair loss problem. Only from the back. It just looks like a short haircut.


  3. Hi again all, sorry it's taken a while, I've been so busy!


    Ok, I've taken another shot without the flash which shows a better likeness of how my hair looks today. I've put it side by side with the pre op pic. I'm all booked in for 19th July for the crown to be done so.... hopefully that will be the end of my journey. Although, I'm starting to get hair greed already!!


  4. Hi there,


    Noone, but I do spend time using dermatch with a small brush to cover it each morning. Now that the front of my hair is thicker, it makes the crown look worse, so I keep it short so it blends in more overall. Dermatch is a life saver at the moment, until I can get the crown sorted! Once it's done, I will grow it longer and hopefully the scar will be hidden by the hair.

  5. I had my HT with Dr. Feller back in Feb 2011, and haven't really posted an awful lot in a while because I've been getting on with life,.... which is something I never thought I'd be able to do pre op!


    It sounds dramatic, but honestly, Dr. Feller has literally changed my life! I used to hide from bright lights in restaurants, always anxious about it raining due to toppik (!), paranoid about people's eyes drifting to my hairline. I used to dread going out because of it. Suddenly I no longer have these fears or worries. The only thing that holds me back now is my crown, and let's face it, noone can see the crown when you are talking to them face to face, so it's not as traumatic.


    So, last week, I was lucky enough to meet up with Dr. Feller in London to see what he thought about doing my crown. Yes, it does bother me, but it not something that stops me living my life. If I could get that final piece done, my hair worries would end completely. I could go swimming, throw the damn dermatch away and stop having to worry about leaving a mark on a pillow or someone's hand! Anyway, it was great to see Dr. Feller, and he was as nice as I remembered him to be. Kind, compassionate and answered all questions I asked. He looked at my hair and to my utter delight, told me that my scalp was extremely flexible and he would get enough to do the crown. I could have cried,... pathetic I know! However, I'm sure fellow hair loss sufferers can relate, my hair loss 'problem' could be a thing of the past once I get this last surgery done.


    So, there are pics, but I am just waiting for a side by side comparison to be done so that you can see the difference. I just had the front area done, and like I said, I am delighted with the result. I buzz it down to a grade 4-5 all over and cover the scars with dermatch. That way the crown isn't too obvious. I will definately grow it longer once the crown has been done. Wow, that would be cool! I haven't been able to have longer hair in forever!


    If I could afford it, I would have it done tomorrow! Due to personal circumstances, I haven't had an income since last September, and it's really getting me down. I am desperate to get this final surgery done with so that I can then just forget about my hair totally.


    I know Dr. Feller has a lot of praise on this forum, and I would just like to back it all up whole heartedly. The man is a total perfectionist, and his work is incredible. Everyone who knows are amazed at the result. My only regret is that I ever went to Bosley. That experience meant I did not revisit surgical options for many years until I finally went to see Dr. Feller. If I had seen Dr. Feller first, I would have been done with the surgeries a long time ago!!


    Thank you Dr. Feller, for your skill, kindness, and for changing my life.... I look forward to completing my journey with you as soon as finances allow. And to Spex, you were true to your word, and everything you told me was spot on. Thank you for your help and constant reassurance. I owe you guys more than I can express.

  6. Hi all,


    Just thought I'd pop by and update my profile incase anyone was following my case and would be interested in the latest progress.


    So, I had my surgery back in Feb to the front portion of my scalp, which had very little hair and made me extremely self conscious. I would like to get the crown done at some point, but right now I am focussing on other things and it's nice not to have to be so obsessive with the hair right now!


    Even though it's still quite early days in transplant terms, I am already delighted with the result. I accidently (more on that later!) shaved it all down to a grade 2 forcing me to find a way to hide the scar. I actually quite like it this length (it's grown to maybe a 3 now), and so many people have complimented me that I think I may even keep it this length, especially since it makes it easier to cover the crown with Dermatch. So, with a small brush, I first use a scar camoflage cream (Screenface) to cover the red parts. Then using another small brush I gently work over the scar with the Dermatch. It's practically invisible unless you are looking for it. I'll try to get some pics once I've done it so you can see.


    I have been cutting my own hair since Feb with my clippers to maybe a grade 5-6, but when I pressed the clipper against my hair, the grade slipped to 2.... :rolleyes: So then I had no choice but to shave it all off. The pics I've attached to this thread show pre-op along side month 6, and the shaved off look of month 7.


    It's weird not to cringe when I look in the mirror these days, I had almost forgot how that felt :) Thank you to Dr. Feller and your wonderful team! And Spex, you da man!


    I'll try to keep my pics updated each month. If they help anyone else then it's been worth it :). Take care all.



  7. Well, it's been 5.5 months since my surgery, and I have to say, I am already delighted with the results! It's definately thicker upfront than it was before and I'm not self conscious at all about people seeing me without toppik and that in itself is very liberating!!


    Honestly, I couldn't be happier, and knowing that the growth has only just begun is nothing short of amazing. The crown is another matter, and I think I will go ahead and get that dealt with too.


    I do think the scar has stretched on the sides though, however if I am going for another session, it should be replaced with another.


    I know I still have a long way to go, but Dr. Feller & his team and Spex,... how can I possibly begin to thank you for giving me my life back?! You guys are the best and all the good stuff you hear about these guys is absolutely spot on. I couldn't have asked for more, and seriously, thank you. :)


    I'll keep the pics updated monthly.

  8. Hey buddy, yeah had quite a few pimples lol. I'm trying to be patient but it's not easy eh? I posted pics to my profile at the 2 month mark, and will do another upload at 3 months which is 25th May. No change at this point, but I'm not expecting it this early.


    Grow well :)

  9. Hi there,


    I used to wear mine all day, but you do have to be careful not to rub your head on/against anything. The fibre hold spray does a fairly decent job of keeping it in place, but it does nothing to stop heavy rain making you look like Alice Cooper :-/.


    If it's any help, I used to find that this technique (perfected over the years!) reduced the amount that would come off easily:


    - Make sure you hair and scalp (and face!) are dry

    - Sprinkle on the desired amount

    - Pat it very gently to help it settle

    - Spray the fibre hold spray onto it and let it dry naturally (maybe 10-15 mins)

    - With the palms of your hands, lean your head over and gently stroke your head from back to front (single strokes) to loosen and remove any remaining fibres that haven't stuck to the hairs.


    Hope this helps!

  10. I'm in complete agreement here. Spex is a great guy with extreme empathy since he has been were we are/were. He travelled down to meet with me in London, and gave me alot of reassurance and advice, I was left feeling that I, not only had all my questions answered, but had made a new friend.

  11. Although I sympathise with the posters situation, I would also like to concure with UKresponder to give this thread some balance. I recently had a procedure with Dr. Feller and found everything from my initial communication with Sharon and Spex through to the end of the procedure to be nothing short of 1st class. I was hugely anxious due to previous surgery with Bosley, and everyone made me feel 100% relaxed. All of my questions were answered, and Spex always responded within the hour to any emails both before and after my surgery. I have to say too, that Kathy was probably one of the main people to make me feel completely at ease and even held my hand throughout the local anaesthesia.


    I will be returning to Dr. Feller for my crown once this HT grows in.

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