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Posts posted by Mac9876

  1. Everything seems to be a 'resolvable issue' with them, I have had a reply back from my Credit Card company, they have finally received a letter from AHS regarding my dispute and they AHS are putting my complaint forward to 'head office'. We will see.

  2. Hello. I had a similar situation in that the company have offered to 'fix' the problem, this stated on receiving a fresh letter from my Bank about what AHS said. I wrote back explaining that a 'fix' was not the order of the day and that the whole practise of selling the item and the results were beyond any kind of fix situation and the goods sold were not 'fit for the intended purpose', (which is the key legal phrase that is written down in the law). The Bank then replied to me two weeks later saying they had got in touch with AHS again regarding this reply and that they had hear d nothing from AHS in return. The bank said they would send a follow up letter with an ultimatum to reply with 3 weeks.

    We will see. I, like you, have been on contact with the Financial Ombundsmen, they have explained I have done the correct thing with this procedure and that I should sit tight and wait for the reply. if no success myself then I will take it further too. You paid ?2500? I paid ?1500 for my partial frontal. Plus about ?400 odd in various lotions, potions and, not to mention the 'servicing'. I'm not asking for that, just my initial outlay for the product.

  3. Hello, well it certainly sounds as if your experience was similar to mine. Can I ask how you paid? I am still awaiting my outcome from my credit card company regarding my claim against the company, like you they kept telling me everything was 'fixable'. Of note Advanced Hair Studio do not actually make these items themselves, they farm it out to another company so it's natural that they'll put up a fight because they would have to foot the bill for any replacements.

  4. Hello HairToday, just an update on previous messages about AHS. I have cut my ties with AHS and left it in the hands of the Bank regarding Compensation. AHS are very careful and clever with their words. Everytime I communicated with them it was to pacify me and offer me a 'deal' or something else I needed to buy. It's 5 weeks into my claim now. I've had a letter from the bank regarding a follow up to my initial letter, I have sent off another letter regarding my disappointment with the whole situation and that I don't want to talk with them, it's not in my nature to do confrontations. I don't like playing the waiting game though, especially when a company like that will have every reply under the sun to worm their way out of things.



  5. Well I am hoping the same, if things do not go well at the Bank I will look to press exposure. Apparently they have been on a BBC Watchdog article. I expressed that in my letter of complaint to the bank. I may well pursue it again with them (Watchdog) and remind them that their story was not the only one of complaint from a customer. The internet is here and it allows access to many contacts, it is only fair we use them. I would love to know your story please.



  6. Hi steve,


    I doubt you could claim on your credit card if the small print says 2 month guarantee on the hair, 6 months on the base. What is totally outragous is what use is the base stuck to your head without any hair in it after 2 months. As for lasting 2 years, no chance. The only way it would last 2 years is if you didn't wear it. If you had six units and rotated them on every visit, that might work I suppose.


    All the scientific terminology bamboosals you into thinking it's some kind of state of the art medical procedure. most people would go running out the shop after being told they were going to stick a toupee to your head with pva craft glue.


    Hair not matching is down to what was ordered and the skill of the stylist. I found a good stylist could do wonders with anything, they have tools to thin out the hair to blend it etc. What are you going to do now?. If your system is worn out it could take upto 8 wks to get another one custom made. you might be able to get a stock system quickly.


    You didn't say what you paid but I would tell them your not paying any more than 500 pounds and that's it's. Shop around mate there are quite a few companies out there who do exactly the same thing cheaper.


    That's interesting what you said about your hair not growing bk underneath. I long though that all the chemicals (solvents and adhesives) contributed to accelerating my hair loss.



    Hello, thanks for this post. Well the legal spiel on the 1982 (I think it was then) act says goods have to be of a certain standard and fit for use. I've taken out a claim with HSBC for a full refund which I am fully entitled to do. I should know the outcome in the next couple of weeks. I've written a couple of letters to HSBC in reply to their questions to me, I feel a bit frustrated because it's like a tennis match, the bank I'm sure will go back and forth between me and the AHS Studio with questions, before drawing their conclusions. The thing I don't like about it is AHS will have all the answers under the sun to come back with. I'm sure they've had to deal with this sort of thing before. That's the annoying thing. They'll be savy.

  7. Hello, compensation? Well I'm trying that with AHS now, I ordered one of their 'membranes' and had it fitted, I used it for 5 months, it was one thing after another, the thing changed colour, it didn't match the thickness of my own hair and the hair fell out of it after 4 months, I wish I'd never gone to them.

    I bought it with a credit card and have put a claim for a refund in with the bank, which I am legally allowed to do if the goods are not up to scratch, and I'm currently 3-4 weeks into HSBC's 'investigation' of the claim. Thing is, AHS will have all the replies and responses under the sun to try and worm their way out of it. Every time I went back they always had a new answer which involved me parting with yet more cash.


    I await the next letter from HSBC. I feel a bit helpless waiting for the bank to sort it out, if it's not sorted out then I will try and take it further. Be warned anyone using this company.

  8. Hello, has anyone heard of the company called Svenson? They are a hair restoration company, I stumbled across them by chance when travelling in Thailand, they have branches over Asia, losing a bit of hair at the front I decided to give it a go, my hair loss is male pattern around the frontal lobe. It actually worked! But, like Minoxidil (even though I've not tried that) it falls out if you don't keep up the treatment. It wasn't cheap though. It comes in three little bottles, the first is a cleanser, the second is the restoration and the third is a strengthener. Each to be applied with the pipette supplied, over a period of time, say about 3 months before you get to see results. Close inspection when I went back revealed new hairs were indeed growing, I had enough hair at the front for me not to have that 'vision of the scalp' look. I haven't tried it again, mainly because Thailand is far away and it isn't cheap. But it did work. can anyone else tell me of similar experience? The branch I visited was in Udon Thani, north east Thailand. I am curious to know if their main ingredient was minoxidil.



  9. Hello, I've heard you can take minoxidil orally. Does this have the same effect as applying the liquid to the scalp? I thought the whole idea was for the formula to work it's way into the follicles.


    If I use the 5% recommended dosage, would massaging it into my scalp prove more beneficial than just using the pipette and applying drops.


    Thank mac

  10. Hello HairToday, thanks for what you wrote, funnily enough my girlfriend has mentioned Watchdog and giving them a call about it all. Yes I did sign something and no it wasn't clearly pointed out. Would I have a leg to stand on with a credit card payment that I made?

    I was told (when I asked) that the guarantee was for 6 months, what I wasn't told that was the hair on it was guaranteed for only 2 months! The 'membrane' itself is apparently guaranteed for 6 months. When you purchase it you get a 'special' hair brush which has about one fifth the amount of prongs on it compared to normal hair brushes!


    Yes they have offered me 'extra' ones (the membranes with hair), but I would have to pay again. They told me one, if I looked after it, should last maybe up to 2 years. Well it certainly doesn't seem to be. The hair stylist at the last appointment there did mention that I should really have more than one. I don't want to buy another one so soon, they're not exactly cheap. They did use cleverly terminology when I purchased it too. I was told it would match my hair, it did for a few weeks, but the thickness did not match the surrounding hair, and the hairline wasn't the same.


    Yes it's that 'poly' base you mention. Designed for people who do sports, ie it's perforated for a slight breath ability. Alarmingly though, the hair I had underneath, my hair, has not grown back after a couple of 'refusions' as they call it, where they take the 'membrane' off, clean it and re adhere it to the scalp with 'surgical glue'.

  11. Hi Andrew, thanks for your info on this. i to have had a 'membrane' done. Their hair changed colour (the sun apparently) within 8 weeks. I've had it on four months now and the hair (on my partial membrane) is thinning out drastically. I too paid with it on credit card. Please let me know how you get on with a claim against them. I have written letters of complaint, but, so far, to no avail. I'm carrying out their instructions to the letter as well. Is their guarantee really worth anything? The branch I went to was Bromley in London, the faces are always changing there too. Never the same person twice.


    Steve in UK

  12. Hi, ok thanks for replying. I ask this as I'm currently using a AHS 'toupee' and the hair underneath it (my hair) has not grown back. The AHS item is supposed to be breathable too ;/


    I will start taking minoxidil. You say take it orally? They do it in pill form?


    thanks again. mac

  13. Hello, this is a query for anyone who has knowledge on the subject. I plan to shave my head for charity, I have slight hair loss at the front lobe, and I thought about seeing what it was like to be completely bald for a while (it's the cheaper option to treatment after all!). It does two things I figured, helps raise money for the charity and also helps 'condition' me to what things may be like in the future(!) My question is, if I shave my head completely (with cutters followed by a razor, for the close shave) will the hair grow back without a problem? I hope to raise some money for my local charity. I am 39 years old. UK


    thanks and regards


  14. Advanced Hair Studios are con artists, they have ripped off countless individuals around the world, I went to them and was able to get away without spending money, just...... I was a NW1 at the time and they were still willing to glue the "membrane" to my head.


    Please don't tell us thst you have put a deposit down?


    There are people on here that are Advanced Hair Studio victims, if they see this they will respond. Don't waste youe money please.


    Well i guess it might work for some people, but i am in dispute with them at the moment, fortunately I paid by credit card and I intend to get my money back.

  15. Hello, I have a small amount of hair loss around my frontal lobe area that is now getting noticeable. I am about to go for Advanced Hair and their 'membrane' attachment. They have told me they last anything from 6 - 12 months. This seems a fairly short time. Can anyone with a similar thing let me know how they are getting on with theirs?


    Points I want to know are


    Do you get a sweaty or greasy forehead? Is it irritating to wear?

    How long has yours lasted so far?

    Are you happy with it?

    How much per year in maintenance does it cost you would you say?


    And finally, would you recommend it to others?


    My nearest Advanced Hair studio is Bromley (nr London) where i am having the procedure done.



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