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Posts posted by jbrooks

  1. I will check the recommended physicians page out and see what their rates are, though Shapiro's work seems really great. I am not currently using any medicine for my hair problem. I'm not really one for taking medicine. I'm attaching pictures of my scalp. My main focus is to restore the fron of my hair to where I can style it adequately. I can't do anything now, but keep it shaved and short. I do notice the cerown appears to be slowly losing it. So 3 new questions for you guys and btw you've been great so far. Would you consider me Norwood 4, 4a or 5? How many grafts do you think my front will require for a full head of hair and how many for the crown? I'm trying to get an idea of what this is going to cost me. Thanks once again.




  2. Hi, I'm a 39 year old IT analyst and have decided to take the plunge with a HT before my 40th. Many years ago, I considered it, had a consultation and never followed through. At that time I met Dr. Blaine Lehr from OKC. He quoted me $2.50 per unit and said I needed about 1250. I understand he's no longer in HT business though.


    I know I would require more at this point. I'm a 4a on the Norwood scale btw. I've currently found a doctor named Timothy Love who does them for $3 a graft in OKC. I trust the recommended Doctors on here are reliable, so I'm not concerned in that area, but my question is are any of the doctors on this site in the $2.50 - $3 price range for FUT? I estimate I'll probably need around 1750-2000 grafts. I can post pictures if anyone is interested. I don't mind traveling from home if it is going to save me money. I'm just looking to get the best bang for my buck as I'm sure everyone is.Thanks for any help and this site is a God send.

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