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Posts posted by ctillisc

  1. Hey fellas,

    about 9 months ago I had my first HTP with Dr. Ross in La Jolla of 2500 grafts in my temple areas to fill in recession.


    9 months later and I am still seeing a pluggy, thin hairline thats not as natural as I wanted to be. I am wondering if I should be considering a 2nd HT for refinement, density, and naturalness


    dont get me wrong, i am happy with the results as I have come a long way, but I would like to see a more natural hairline ...


    I know I have more months to grow but at this rate its not looking like ill see the results that i intended


    i attatched some pictures so you guyscould analyze for yourself


    I was also wondering how common it was for a doctor to give a discounted/even free refinement for his patient if they aren't completely satisfied??


    let me know your thoughts,








  2. So i posted a thread earlier this week with pictures but I didn't quite have enough light to do the real result justice that I see in the mirror.. Although I am happy with the results (from where I was), I am a bit concerned about the density and naturalness of the hairline.


    I recieved 2500 grafts in both temporal regions .. In light, when I tilt my head the transplant is really obvious and the plugs are pretty spacious, which is what I was not hoping for.


    I know I have many months to go, but how much density can I expect from here on out? I don't want to have to cover up my hairline every time I go out in order to avoid being detected. Should I consider another operation? Im hoping not, but who knows.


    I went in for my half way visit the other week and was displeased as they had me meet up with the organizer/planner rather than Dr. Ross himself. Of course, she said it looked amazing ( why wouldn't she tell that to customers). I know I've made huge steps, but maybe I had unrealistic expectations of a full, natural hairline?



    Here's to the upcoming months and a lot of new growth, and OPTIMISM rather than PESSIMISM!




    (once again, the photos still dont do justice.. the camera cant pick up what a human eye does. the resolution on my mac isnt that great)









  3. So i posted a thread earlier this week with pictures but I didn't quite have enough light to do the real result justice that I see in the mirror.. Although I am happy with the results (from where I was), I am a bit concerned about the density and naturalness of the hairline.


    I recieved 2500 grafts in both temporal regions .. In light, when I tilt my head the transplant is really obvious and the plugs are pretty spacious, which is what I was not hoping for.


    I know I have many months to go, but how much density can I expect from here on out? I don't want to have to cover up my hairline every time I go out in order to avoid being detected. Should I consider another operation? Im hoping not, but who knows.


    I went in for my half way visit the other week and was displeased as they had me meet up with the organizer/planner rather than Dr. Ross himself. Of course, she said it looked amazing ( why wouldn't she tell that to customers). I know I've made huge steps, but maybe I had unrealistic expectations of a full, natural hairline?



    Here's to the upcoming months and a lot of new growth, and OPTIMISM rather than PESSIMISM!




    (once again, the photos still dont do justice.. the camera cant pick up what a human eye does. the resolution on my mac isnt that great)








  4. thanks guys! my crown progress is just from rogaine and propecia. ive been using both about for about 9 months now and they have surely worked wonders.. i also just started nazoral a few months ago. at times i feel like the hairline is a bit thin/ and im naturally self conscious about its authenticity.. but nonetheless, i am extremely happy with the results thus far and have my fingers crossed for the coming months!


    happy growing and cheers!

  5. So i was going to post pictures of my hairline (approaching 8 months post op come the 14th) asking if I should be worried about density so far. Well, intending to take some pictures on photo-booth, I ran into some pre-op photos I took and forgot about.. I can now say I am pretty happy with the results after looking at where I was.. seems like Propecia and Rogaine have done me quite well too..


    How much density on my hairline can I expect in the coming months? And what do you guys think? Be honest!




    note: pics 18, 19, and 6 are pre op..

    the rest are now












  6. So i am six months post op with Dr. Ross (La Jolla), and am beginning to get a bit concerned. I received 2500 grafts in the hairline region. Although there has been an immense improvement, the hairline itself is a bit spacy and pluggy. The hair itself is kinky, dry, and wire like. Its not as bad as it sounds, and I know its still very EARLY, but is there cause for concern here?


    Can someone reassure me that I will see an improvement in texture and thickness within the next few months? I have darker hair too, and at this point id rather wear my hair down and cover up the hairline because i think it looks a little obvious


    I've seen Dr. Umar (Los Angeles) body hair techniques in placing thinner hair for a more natural look to refine the hairline.. Was wondering if i should start considering..

    Anyways, Ive remained optimistic and hopeful this entire 6 months and will keep with the glass is half full mentality


    Happy Growing


    Thanks guys! any input/advice helps



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