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Posts posted by fakeplstctrees

  1. Hello my shiny headed brethren,

    I have been off this forum for while now, dealing with some personal health issues. So if anyone has tried reaching out to me, and I didn't respond, I'm sincerely sorry.

    My reason for posting today, is for some information on scalp micro pigmentation. A friend of mine has really thin hair, and his linear scar is quite visible. I told him that I'd try to find some of the best people in the NY tri-state area to refer him to. So if any of you have had some good experiences with SMP around here, please let me know. Thanks so much. I hope you all have a great New Year, and I look forward to hearing from you.



  2. I couldn't have chosen a better surgeon in my opinion. I received natural looking results, that are entirely undetectable. I had many different styling options, but I have lost a lot of the native hair over the subsequent years. I believe nearly every hair Dr Wesley transplanted has taken root, and will be there for the rest of my life. I am not sure why I lost my native hair, but Dr. Wesley is going to help me with that as well. He is a top notch surgeon, and stands by his work. My hair still looks great, but it isn't quite as dense as it was about a year post op. I would recommend Dr Wesley to anyone interested in restoring their hair, to at least consult with him. I am glad that I chose him, and I like to think that I gained a friend in the process.

  3. Greetings my glossy headed brethren,

    I began a new medication about 5 weeks ago, and have noticed significant thinning over the past 2 weeks. I was confused about the cause of it, before I realized that what I was experiencing was text book telogen effluvium. After doing my own research, I confirmed the diagnosis with my surgeon. I knew that this type of loss is temporary, and reversible once the medication is discontinued. But I was primarily concerned with the results of my transplant being affected by the hair cycle's being interrupted. My most recent surgery was less than 7 months ago, so my concern seemed legitimate. My surgeon assured me that I would be fine, but I would have to wait a few months longer for the full results of my surgery because of this, Boo :( I am discontinuing this medication, and will be patient for even longer now, but I wanted to know if others have experienced this, and for people who might be concerned with their own situation to learn from my experience. I figured posting this thread would be helpful for a lot of people. So I look forward to your feedback, and am glad to answer other people's questions if they are concerned about their own hair loss.




  4. Added some pics.


    If things don't improve by the year mark, I guess my only option is another HT



    You added "some" pics for sure. Come one man, you really expect us to give you feedback on on this? You added TWO pictures of poor quality. Don't half ass it! Provide us with some proper visual documentation, and we will give the best possible feedback. Remember, we give only as good as we get.


    I'm not trying to bust your chops, but you made a serious statement about no growth, and then post two post op pics, that don't show much detail. Give us some solid before and after pics, I will gladly help in any way I can, in terms of feedback. But give us something to work with!

  5. Wait, so the grafts from your first procedure didn't grow at all? I find this very frightening, how long did you wait for growth, what did the doctor say when nothing came in? Or the growth wasn't what you were expecting, because of the size of the procedure? I hear failed procedure, and panic. Did the grafts die, I am confused. Please let me know, I'm waiting for growth 5 and a quarter months post op # 2. Thanks!

  6. This is a very good question, and I agree with Nativeremedies statement, that we don't hear or see too many people expressing their joy after waiting 6,7,8 months, and then having new hairs sprout out. If there are more of those stories, I would love to see them, I'm sure many would take comfort in that. We are told that patience is the only option, but there aren't many examples on the forum that prove that to be accurate.


    I myself am 5 and a quarter months post HT #2, and this was a larger procedure with an incredible surgeon. I still have a lot of vacant real estate on the frontal third of my scalp, I would think that at least by this point the majority of the grafts would be breaking through, but just smooth skin. I am not doubting my doctor, and the many learned members of this forum, but it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up the faith as time progresses. I understand that I am in a much earlier stage than nativeremedies, but I totally feel his pain. I'm going to be patient, until I have exhausted it if I have to, but I believe the results will come. A lot of people say the second procedure takes longer, I just pray they're right, for everyones sake.


    Nativeremedies, there is no reason for a patient to not have an open dialogue with their doctor at any point post op, so call your surgeon and tell them that you need more than just being told to wait, but to give some evidence to back up the "Patience Treatment". Keep us informed of your results, I know that I am certainly interested in knowing how things work out for you. And if anyone has similar stories, THAT END WELL, PLEASE POST THEM!!!! A lot of us are sitting here, pulling our hair out, waiting for the new ones to sprout out. (Not literally pulling hair out)


    Be well, grow well!!!



  7. Greetings my glossy headed brethren,

    We all know that Testosterone levels play a very significant role in Male Pattern Baldness, as testosterone is converted into DHT and causes hair loss. We also know that the use of Propecia (finasteride), prevents the testosterone from being converted into DHT, actually increasing your body's testosterone level by not throwing it away on DHT. That having been said, let's say your testosterone is still testing low. You are taking finasteride, and blood tests still come back with low testosterone. Can that affect the growth of transplanted grafts? And further, you decide on hormone therapy, with testosterone injections, how will that affect your hair growth? I am hoping to receive some educated answers, maybe from medical professionals, please don't throw guesses out there, I want this thread to help people. Please participate, but keep it serious. Thanks guys!



  8. This is an interesting thread. I know that smoking cigarette's is terrible for your health in multiple ways. A huge contributor to the negative health results, are the carcinogens in cigarette's.


    Here is my question, what about someone using a Nicotine patch, or an Electronic cigarette that delivers nicotine and water vapor only. Will Nicotine and other stimulants have a negative affect on the graft growth results? Just curious.



  9. Thank you for tolerating my anxious venting. I know it will be wonderful, but it's like waiting for a Christmas gift when you're a kid. You know you're getting it, you've been behaving, and doing well in school, and your parents have agreed to get it for you, but the only problem is that it's September, and you have to wait until the end of December to open that box, in my case it was a Sega Genesis. Patience is a virtue, and quite difficult to exercise, but I suppose the wait makes the reward that much better. Thanks fo the support guys, I TOTALLY appreciate it!

  10. Hello My friends, I am not freaking out or anything, as I know this process takes time. I am just venting, as my patience runs thin. I am fully aware that i am in the very early stages, and this is the worst it's going to look, with shock loss and all. But I just want it over with, and see the super results I know will be coming.


    I have a number of events coming up in the near future, weddings, friends visiting from out of town, I'm even going to a cocktail party next Friday and a former US President is a guest there. I really want to look my best. I have already had to go to a friends father's funeral, and this was three days post op. I looked awful, and couldn't wear a hat to a funeral, and we all know that swelling is worst at three days. That was a bold move for me to make, but I needed to be there for my friend.


    Nevertheless, I cannot wait to have the results I deserve, and have been waiting for, for quite some time, as my first surgery didn't give me what I wanted. i know this second onw with Dr. Wesley will provide the results I have been waiting for, but how much longer can i wait?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Be, and grow well my friends.



  11. Hey there Buksred,


    You are having a completely "normal" experience. Remember, we are defying nature, but that's good. Modern science is amazing. Try to take pride in the fact that you have the guts to enter into something most people couldn't imagine, you are a member of an elite club now. YOU'RE ONE OF US!!! So that alone is an accomplishment.


    Now from what I have seen, and read, Dr. Lindsey does excellent work. Try to find comfort in that, you went to "one of the good ones"! Of course you are feeling anxious, that is perfectly natural, I myself am nearing the 2 and a half month mark, on my second procedure. I chose an excellent surgeon, and I am very confident in his work, so I find comfort in that. I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't nervous, in fact, I am more anxious and nervous this time around, than the first one. But I know I have to step back, and relax. You know, just chill out. Worrying solves nothing, and it just drains you of energy, energy that can be used toward positive things.


    I feel your pain my friend, but all we can do is be patient and the reward will come. Time just seems to be flying by anyway, so before you know it, you will get what you paid for. Not just money, but the time and anxiety that goes hand in hand with a HT.


    Be well, you're going to be very happy, really soon!

  12. Hello everyone, Happy Easter and Passover. I am just wondering how long some of the members of this community, had a RED suture line/edge approximation? My first FUT left me with a red line for over a year until I had my second FUT this past February. I know that I have a tendency to have redness because of this, but I would imagine this is not uncommon. Anyone have a "Redness" experience to share? My current surgeon is pretty sure my redness will be gone sooner this time around, and I am inclined to trust him, but i still want to hear how some of you have dealt with this in the past.

    All the best,


  13. In the best case scenario it will be pencil thin and you can wear your hair buzzed to a number 2 or 3. If you wanted to go closer than that then I would say strip surgery was not the right path to have taken. After my first HT with dr. Feller I was able to pull that off. Then my scar stretched a tad and I would say a 6-7 was the closest I could buzz. This surgery we left the staples in longer (14 days) and I am refraining from lifting weights for at least 2-3 months. So far so good but I am just 1 month out, so time will tell.


    I am not looking to go with a crew cut, but it would be nice to have that option in the future. I am primarily concerned with keeping the back and sides neat, and maybe even buzzed down, and of course enjoying the grafts on top.


    Hairthere, you, like so many others, reference a number 2 or 3. What actual lengths are those, like 1/4 inch, 1/2 inch ?


    I would imagine that the scar can stretch at any time, but I think the first few months are most crucial.




  14. Hello my glossy headed brethren,

    I am really curious about this, as I am just two weeks post op #2. Obviously this differs from person to person, based on their surgeons level of skill, and a patients tendency to scar, but does anyone actually have an undetectable Strip scar? We all want to hide the fact that we had this done, but is it possible? Or do most people sport a prominent "smiley face" from ear to ear for the rest of their lives?


    I would love to have the option of going short with my hair in the future, My surgeon seems optimistic about it, but I am a bit of a worrier, especially after reading some horror stories on here.

  15. I did not experience any loss of sensation after my first procedure, although I was expecting it, I guess I lucked out. After my second procedure a week and a half ago, I am experienceing some real hypoaesthesia, and I am not sure how to deal with it. Sleeping is very difficult for me, and I truly hope to regain sensation in my scalp. That is a great location for sensation, I don't know what I'll do without my monthly scalp massage at the old barber shop, just an FYI, it's a hot girl doing the shampoo and massage, not Boris the barber, lol.


    In all seriousness though, this sleep issue is seriously affecting me, and I welcome any advice from you true HT veterans out there. Also, any idea of a timeframe to expect the return of sensation, my Surgeon says anywhere from 3 to 18 months, I don't know if I can handle that. Thanks guys, I really appreciate any help you have to offer.



  16. Hello,

    This is freaking me out, because it is either completely normal, or I am having a catastrophic emergency. I am a week post op, and although the actual hairs (stubble) remain, scabby things resembling dried up follicle material is flaking off. Is it possible for the hair to remain, but the transplanted follicle die and come out? That seems a bit unlikely, but I am nevertheless freaking out. This surgery is VERY important to me, and failure would be devastating. So I am turning to the knowledge and wisdom of my network brothers. Please respond immediately if you are able. All the best,


  17. Looks good man. To tell you the truth, your first poceedure ended up much better that I thought it would when you first showed up. For the number of grafts, I would not call it a failure.


    I think that this proceedure will put you over the top.



    Thanks Spanker, That actually means a lot coming from you, you were my toughest critic last time, although I know your intentions were good, they bugged me out the most. But I am very optimistic about this procedure with Wesley.


    With his conservative approach, using larger FU's, in smaller amounts per CM2, we should yield great coverage, with near perfect survival of the grafts.


    One issue you had brought up last time, was the miniaturization of the untouched forelock follicles. This time, the entire frontal third was addressed, and many 4 hair FF's were placed in perfect location and direction for optimal density.


    These were all fully discussed, several times pre-op, including the morning of. This was not the case with Cohen during my first procedure. Although it was certainly not a failure, we sort of rushed through the motions, and I left completely uninformed. I had to find out for myself, what should have been brought to my attention. Things such as white spots after my first shampoo at home, I panicked and thought I was losing my grafts. I should have been told this was going to happen, and was normal for the epidermis of the actual grafts to expand when wet.


    Anyway, I am still in a fair deal of pain, and have some good medication about to kick in. I feel great otherwise, and CAN'T wait for the final result months down the road. I know I am going to look damn good, haha.



  18. Thanks Cant Decide. I really appreciate the support. Now to respond to your question. I tend to lean toward the conservative side, as does Dr. Wesley. My laxity is currently at it's low point, after excising a large strip yesterday. I am concerned with scarring afterward, and having a donor site heal perfectly. So I am not about to push the envelope when it comes to this. I don't think I will require any additional procedures, except maybe filling in the linear scar vie FUE or Dr. Wersley's new technique, once available.


    My laxity wasn't extraordinary to begin with, but I was able to increase it by doing excersizes, and believe I could do so again, if necessary. But I don't want to risk having a large linear scar, so that is why I would opt out another Strip surgery. Actually, I think I would consider an additional procedure, focusing on the crown area, which was not addressed in yesterday's procedure. So at 30, taking Finasteride and Minoxidil, and two surgeries in, I can't say anything with absolute certainly. I hope that answers your question.



  19. Hello everyone,

    I am waking up now, in quite a bit of pain, but the pills I took are starting to kick in. I was in Manhattan all day yesterday, for a 10 hour session with Dr. Carlos Wesley. We had planned on a 2200 procedure, but my harvested strip yielded a couple hundred more.


    My experience with Wesley, was completely different than my experience a year ago with Dr. Ivan Cohen. Cohen did a refined job, and excellent work, but the results I was expecting, from the recommended number of grafts, were quite disappointing. Also, it felt like I was in and out of Cohen's office, like Wham Bam, thank you Ma'am. He harvested the strip quickly, and before I knew it, I was already sewn up with a trichophytic closure, that left a significant scar. I wouldn't go back to him, but then again, I don't think I I will ever need to go back to anyone. Wesley's results should prove to be most satisfactory.


    Wesley took his time, and at no point did I feel rushed. He encouraged you to bring your own music, so make things more "enjoyable", haha. So as I had my own Ipod playing my playlist, we began the procedure. I was given a fast acting Benzo via IV, which also kept me hydrated, it was a LONG day. After anesthetizing me, he began to excise the strip. He did this in a careful, slow, and meticulous manner. and while he was cauterizing some vessels, and carefully stitching me up, his staff had already began dissecting the strip. I have/had a very dense donor area, and we harvested as much as we could, considering my level of laxity, and the need to minimize scarring. If, and I repeat IF, any future work is required, we will have to harvest via FUE, but most likely will use Wesley's new scarless technique that will be available to patients by the time I would need any further work. We focused exclusively on the frontal third, and I know that people think and have voiced their opinion on Wesley's conservative approach to transplantation, by only going as high as 35 FU by CM2. This is not an issue at all, because he uses larger grafts as opposed to other surgeons "Dense Packing" of far more grafts into a square centimeter, they may be packing 70 or some odd FU's into that area, but they may possible be only 1 and two hair follicular family's. I had MANY 3 and 4 hair ff's put behind the hairline, single hairs were exclusively used in the front of the hairline, to create a soft transition from forehead to scalp. The overall density I hope to achieve will be fantastic. Wesley prefers to wrap the head on the fist nght, so I haven't been able to examine my head in the mirror yet, as I plan on doing later in the day, and taking pictures to document the journey I have just began.


    I go to Manhattan again this morning, to have the bandage/wrap removed, and have my first shampoo.


    So far I am more than satisfied with my experience with Wesley, and am optimistic and excited about the results I should receive. It really was a great experience, my younger brother, who remained very patient with me, it was a 10 hour procedure, was able to participate by pushing the clicking counter, as the Dr. made the recipient incisions. He bought us both lunch as well.


    Based on my experiences with him, both in the clinical trial for his new technique, and my traditional FUT procedure yesterday, I can honestly say that I have full faith in his ability, and recommend him as a surgeon to anyone, without hesitation.


    I will post photo's later today. Wish me luck on my new journey toward hair restoration. My best to all of you as well, my shiny headed brethren.



  20. OK, I am actually having a full 2200 graft procedure with Wesley on Monday morning, via FUT. I am also a participant in the clinical trial of his new technique. I like how you guys are developing theories, it shows good imagination, but you are not even close to how the new technique will work.


    Dr. Wesley does not make patients sign legal disclaimers for his new offered technique, and there is a very good reason for this. HE DOES NOT OFFER the new technique. So there can be no patients receiving it. He is still in the developmental stages of the technique, he has a way to go before he even receives FDA approval. As a participant in the trial, I am privvy to all of the details of the new technique, and also as a participant, I had to sign LOTS of paperwork.


    Guys keep on using your god given imagination and creativity, you may very well figure it out on your own at some point, but so far, as imaginative as you have been, you are not even close to it. When you do find out what the technique is, your minds will be blown, because it is so logical that you won't believe you never thought of it on your own. And it WILL revolutionize the hair transplantation industry. Just be patient, and one you will be a patient.

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