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Posts posted by joeyz400

  1. 2542 was the most that Dr Dorin was able to safely get due to my donor area. If my donor yeilded more 2 and 3 graphs that would have been great but that is what I got so I have to deal with it. There are a lot of guys that are real lucky having great donor supply with many muitiple number graphs.... I'm not one of them. I thought the front of my hairline was going to be complete and another procedure was going to address the top and crown the area where he started the taper.

  2. I knew going into this I would need a 2nd procedure to really get good coverage. I just thought this was going to make more of a difference than it did. I did discuss how I wanted the graphs distributed and wanted to concentrate on the front and taper off toward the crown, as we did. I think that is a much more natural effect than just to stopping at a zone. I am not looking for thick hair on top because the back and sides are not. I just wanted a more even look and I thought that was how the front was going to be.

  3. I didn't think there would be a drastic change with a lot of density just a bit better than what I got. I knew going into this that I would probably need a 2nd procedure to get a really good result. I know the amount of graphs I got was low and I am by no means saying this was a failure or that Dr. Dorin didn't do a good job. He is an excellent Dr. and artist. I am wondering how my yield really was.... Unfortunately my donor area and my pockets are low and I don't see a 2nd procedure in my near future. I was hoping to get by a bit better with just one.

  4. I have a little gel which actually makes it look a little better. The graphs were placed favoring the hairline then tapering off as it makes its way to the crown. There is an improvement for sure but I don't think there will be any more improvement (I haven't see any in 2-3 months) and it fell short of my expectations. When I look at the pictures post-op there seems to be more graphs (scabs) than hairs I see growing now..... I think my 6 month photos look better than my 9 month. I use a little gell and take the pictures in the same place and lighting in all my photo albulms.

  5. I haven't posted in a couple of months hoping there would be some more improvement. I haven't seen any improvement since the 6 month mark and I think some areas seem thinner. My avatar is the day before my surgery. I know I had a low # of graphs but I had higher exceptions that seemed realistic. I can't capture it in a picture but you can see the scar with a #4 clip. I have my hair on top longer in these photos than any other month. It will be 9 months since my surgery in a week. You can look in my albums to see monthly progress minus months 7 & 8.










  6. I just got back from my doc and he didn't know about using Avodart for hair loss and wouldn't recommend using it. I guess I will stick to fin. I went off generic and started Proscar split up a month ago. I didn't see any results from the generic. When I started using years ago I used the brand propecia and saw good results.

  7. I have been taking fin for about 10 Yeats with a 2 year break when my wife and i were trying to have a baby. The time I stopped I saw a dramatic loss and never recovered when I started again 3 years ago. So I was wondering if the switch would help or at least be worth a try. The half life makes a hhuge difference with frequency keeping balanced levels in circulation.

  8. I can't believe tomorrow will be 6 months to the day, already! It seems like a wait that will never end but it does go by quickly. I am feeling more confident about my appearance already and I can't wait to see the final result... I just wonder how much better can it get? WooooHooo!!! The thing is when I started loosing my hair it killed me when I was at the stage I am at now.... funny how perspective changes. Now I am happy to be back here from how far gone it was.


    Some advice to guys that are starting to loose their hair, really look into Propecia. I was on it for a couple of years and it really did help me hold on to what I had. When my wife and I wanted to start a family I stopped taking it, just for my own precaution. Well it took us 2 years and I have a beautiful healthy boy. In those 2 years I LOST a lot of hair.... and I am sure in the years to come he will make me loose some more. A couple months after he was born I started taking it again hoping some hair would grow back and stop any further loss. It didn't help me regain any hair but I take it and will keep taking it to hold onto what I have.









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