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Posts posted by rattitude86

  1. Hi Guys


    I want to know is there is any kind of partial hair weaving or any other system that can extend my front hair line .


    Does any have one have any information on Strand by strand cosmetic method of advancedhairstudio ?


    i m looking for temporary solution that can last only for 2-3 months , after that i m planning to go for FUE on front part .


    any help would be appreciated



  2. Hi Dr Nigam


    Its being nice to see you on this forum.

    I m confused to go for Stem Cell or FUE , as you have said Hair Stem cell multiplication has a success ratio of 50% and i m planning to go for hair transplant in coming month or two , so at this point of time i think it is very risky to go for Stem Cell.

  3. Rattitude,


    While I will definitely take a look at the site and even allow the picture to remain posted (for now), please remember that we do not host outside links or promotional information on the boards.


    I'll take a look and let you know what I think. I will probably even publish my findings on our popular Hair Loss Q & A blog.


    I hope this helps! Stay posted.



    Alright i didn`t know about the forum rules ,will keep this in mind.\\



    looking forward to read your findings

  4. I have been in touch with Dr. Nigam and have discussed his procedure in great detail. My impression at this stage is that it sounds impressive in theory. However, I have yet to see any compelling photos showcasing it's efficacy. Most of the photos I've seen were either immediately post-injection or lacked sufficient growth.


    It'll be interesting to see how this procedure evolves but at this stage, I'd say it's far from compelling.


    Best wishes,





    Had Dr Nigam told you that he himself has gone under stem cell

    multiplication procedure?

    Because they are advertising that Dr Nigam has gone under this procedure






    Can you please verify.

  5. So whats the deal with this folks,


    they would take 500 folicles(grafts) and how many can they create(multiply) from 500?


    Do they just take 500 grafts one off and they keep growing new follicles in the lab for you?


    They are opening clinics in london and few other cities soon...


    According to them yes , first they take your 500 grafts and multiply in their lab

    for 20 days and then call you again and put all the multiplied grafts into your

    bald area of your head.



    As per there site they are opening there clinic in 35 countries and claim that they are first in the world to do this .



    if it works then we dnt have to look for other treatments.

  6. Thanks so much for reply ..

    Even i was skeptical about this stem cell procedure. If this stem cell procedure is so successful as they say i think by now it would have become very popular among all over world.


    when i went to his clinic , i did not get any chance to meet him in person. There are other so called doctors who are acting as sales man trying to sell me there product. ;)

  7. Hi ,


    I m bit confused about the hair stem cell multiplication procedure provided by Dr Nigams . I went to there clinic to acquire some more information about it .

    They told me its two stage procedure at first stage they take my 500 hair follicle and multiply it in there lab like 500 follicle will lead to 1lakh hairs and in second stage they will inject it all on my head after 20 days.

    Overall procedure will cost me around 2lakh rupees.

    when i raise my doubt whether it will give me results or not they said results are 100%.


    so my concern is whether to go for it or not??

    Is there is anyone who has gone under the procedure? please share your experience.



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