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Posts posted by AZdiz

  1. So is this ping-pong match still going on? I went to talk to Dr. Sharon Keene of Tucson and she told me that I should try the Proscar whether I get the procedure or not. First try it of course so that I can forego the procedure if it does a good job.

    I asked her about the claims about not regrowing hair in the frontal hairline area. Basically I told her about how I asked UpJohn to explain their disclaimer that Rogaine is not verified to grow hair anywhere but the crown.


    Dr. Keene said that Rogaine will work anywhere at regrowing the hair and that it doesn't matter. Also I believe she used the same argument for Proscar. I have to still verify this. The main criteria is if there are still hairs present. I myself still have hair there but it is miniaturized.


    I am still wary of the side effects of Proscar(propecia) so I have to see if I feel comfortable with using. But since Dr. Keene has been doing these operations for years, I figure she has some credibility on how a drug would work. Of course we are not all alike.


    Anyone have more testimonials on their experience with Finasteride??



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