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Posts posted by hespeler

  1. Statham looks good to women because he is famous and plays "tough guy bad boy" characters in movies, and the same with Vin Deisel; plus there is a HUGE difference in the way people look on screen and off screen!


    Take either one of them and strip away the fame and the "look" that they portray on film (that the well paid editing wizards of Hollywood help them acheive) and they would both be just 2 more faceless baldies in the crowd who would have a hard time convincing a fat chick to get in the sack with them.


    You simply CANNOT compare the average balding joe to a famous, rich balding celebrity! the women are reacting to the fame, NOT the look! The grand wizards of Hollywood could take a 3 ft. tall bald midget with tumors growing out of his face and make him into a sex symbol celebrity where the hottest chicks on earth would be lining up in droves for a chance to sleep with him; and those chicks would be saying things like "he's just so hot and mysterious, I really don't know what it is" --- blah, blah, blah, blah !! 99.9% of chicks are sheeple and they just follow the status quo and accept whatever trash is shoved down their throats in mainstream society.


    And never forget, the bald celebrity is famous because he "knew somebody that knew somebody" in the biz. If you think that people become famous today in the acting world exclusively because they have talent or charisma then as the late great PT Barnum said : "there's a sucker born every minute!"


    Of course to some extent you're right. But if you really feel that regualar every day bald men are like kryptonite to every single woman then I feel bad for you.

  2. Hi Hespeler


    I would really love to see your progress pics if you have any? Your case doesn't sound a million miles away from mine - very fine hair, lost shape at the hairline, but quite thick behind the hairline.


    I too am/was a slow grower, and am now 4months into a bulk up with Dr Feller, as my hair was just too fine to get the desired results from my first op.


    I've just posted my 4months pics. Even I can see a little bit of thickening happening this time though, but it is such a slooooooooooooooooooow process. Ive obviously got a long, long way to go myself and am probably jumping the gun in the way I'm trying to style my hair.


    I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on my pics, and whether my progress is any different/faster/slower/the same as yours.


    Good luck - it really is a patience game. Dr Feller is a top doc and I'm sure you'll be happy in the end!





    I just looked at your pictures. You're right, we are very similar. You seem to have a little more hair then I do but the recession is simialr. More lost on the left than the right. You also had more grafts, 1100 to my 869.


    I'd say we look similar but it's impossible for me to tell if there is any growth because my hairline hair is just like what early growth of a HT typically looks like. I seem to be back at the point I was just prior to having the HT. Some of my hairline was shaved off and then I buzzed my entire head. It now just looks like the hair has grown back that was already there, nothing more.


    I am going to post some pics unfortunately I don't have the pre-op pics taken by Dr. Feller but I will post a photo of me that was taken about a month before the procedure.


    I didn't get much done with the temples. Mostly everything was focused in the middle. I am starting to see that it is easier to notice a change taking place in the temples because usually the patient had no hair there at all.


    I'll get the pics up in the next few days.

  3. Could it be your expectations? I did come across a couple of posters mentioning how depressed they were until i saw the pics. They looked 100% alright but i assumed they were depressed they could not end up like Brad Pitt.

    Your expectations has to be in line with your situation. Ok lets assume your expectations are realistic, using myself as an example, at 7months now the density is not there, period, but i can see many tiny colourless hair growing out of spots where there used to be none. I am pretty sure i am a slow grower but i recalled having a very noticeable hairline by 5mths. Its just that the density is taking a long time to get filled up. I would not panic if i were u but definitely some assurance from the doc would be good



    You see here's the thing. I am not that bad. I have good coverage behind the hairline and no loss in the crown. But my hairline has really thinned out and I have lost a lot in the temples. I can still get away with spiking it up a bit in the front but I really have very little to shape my face. Dr. Feller told me if I had more in the middle I probably wouldn't have come to him and he was probably right. I just want the middle strengthened and maybe out towards the temple a tiny bit. Take away some of that see through look I have (I realize it still maybe somewhat see through). I would then consider a 2nd HT to address the left temple which would finish it off for me (at least for now).


    I do not have unrealistic expectations. I realize this will not give me a full head of hair but what I do expect is that the quality and thickness will be better than the fine, thin hairs I've lived with in my hairline for years now. I have fine, medium brown hair and a lot of the thinning hairs that have been there are well, fine and colorless.


    TTP, I have to agree with another poster. Your 5 month pics do look like you have a hairline established. But I thank you and Bill for the words of encouragement, it's much appreciated.


    I will post pics unfortunately I don't have pre or post-op pics and I think the doc's pics may have been lost.


    I should add, this is certainly not a criticism of my doc. The experience was great and I still have some faith that things will change for the better. This was a conservative first procedure (FUE) which was exactly what I was looking for.


    My main concern is that the change will be negligible at best and that would not be worth my money and time I took off to have and recover from the procedure.

  4. You should be seeing some growth at 6 months. Do you feel any hairs poking through? Occassionaly there will be a forum member who claims no growth at 6 months and slow growers do exist. I wouldn't push the panic button just yet and would definitely confer with your doc.,


    I do and have been feeling tingling for a couple of months. It does feel like hairs popping through. I just don't SEE anything at all. I had a lot of thin hairs in the recipient area so it is hard to tell what is new and what was there originally.


    Even if there is growth, I don't see a new hairline taking shape. It looks like exactly what I had before which is really no hairline at all.


    I'm at 5 months now so I'll give it another month and consult with my doc (a highly recommended one on this forum).


    If I'm being completely subjective. I do think there has been a little, very little thickening in the front but certainly not anywhere near significant. I think it mostly has to do with the hair behind it growing forward.


    I was told that the hair will have the same thickness as the hair behind it but at this pace it just doesn't seem likely.

  5. Hi Guys,


    I'm sure it's tiring to read but I'm just about at 5 months and haven't seen any new growth to my hairline yet. Not even thin immature hairs. I was able to stay pretty positive at 3 and 4 months but now at 5 it's getting a kind of tiring.


    I've read all about growth times on this site but just wanted to see if any HT Vets have had experience where they didn't see anything for at least let's say 6 months before a change started taking place.


    In one month I will schedule a follow-up with my doc and can just see the way it's going to go.


    Me: "Doc I don't see any growth at all."

    Doc: "Yes you've had some growth, you are only at the beginning, give it some time."

    Me: "Alright I'll give it another 6 months and come back."


    And I'll walk out of there with no reassurance at all.


    I only had work done to my hairline because everything behind it is still pretty thick. I have a modest goal so am hoping for the best.

  6. Thanks for sharing that. I had a 800 graft FUE hairline procedure done by Dr. Feller (wound up being 869) and am almost 5 months out.


    I'd definitely be interested to know about your progress as we've had similat procedires.

  7. I had a FUE procedure done to my hairline. 869 to be exact. I wear my hair pretty short too and also took 10 days (with 2 weekends) off from work. I didn't plan on it but I had to wind up buzzing my head before going back to work. I don't see how anyone wouldn't have to do that. The donor area started to grow back in 2 weeks but it still was way too much of a discrepancy. Even with a #1 buzz cut you could still see the difference in the donor area. That redness stayed for almost a month for me but I must say after about a month, it blended together very nicely and it now looks like nothing happened.


    Also, as mentioned earlier in the thread, the clinic will probably shave some hair in your recipient area to do the transpant. This left me no choice but to buzz my whole head to a #1 to blend it in. The good news was that it didn't look too bad and I actually got a lot of compliments and was even told that it made me look like I have even more hair with a buzz cut.


    In hindsight I should have been honest but I just told my co-workers that I got a skin rash and the dermatologist buzzed some of my head to look at it and so I just shaved it off to blend it. Nobody ever suspected a hair transplant in my office. None of my friends know or suspect either.


    Now 4 months later my hair is pretty much back to the way it was before the transplant, though I think there has been some shock loss. No new hair has grown yet and I am starting to get antsy. One thing to consider is that you must be prepared to be patient. From what I've read the process is very slow and subtle and it is hard to tell the changes on a day to day basis.


    Best of luck.

  8. Just to chime in...I'm about 3.5 months out from an 869 grafts procedure and haven't seen anything (not that I can tell) yet either. I too have thin hair in the area where the hair was transplanted so it's hard to know what is new growth or what was there already.


    The thing is everyone kind of says that the results "sneak up on you." Seems strange to me as you should be able to visibly see new hairs growing out of your scalp but I guess all we can do is be patient. From what I've read, 6 months seems to be a better baromoter so give it a little more time.


    Question fro all those who talk about small procedures. I understand that smaller procedures will not yield the same density but does a smaller procedure make it harder to detect new growth?

  9. Was that your first op? Would be interested to see pics if you've posted any. If you're just gone 3 months, you're only a couple of weeks ahead of me.


    I don't think you really notice anything properly happening until the 6month mark, and even then it creeps up on you. I've had a couple of new sprouters where my hairline has been lowered but they're not visible in those pics.


    I'm in a tricky place at mo - I can't bear the thought of going back and trying to style my hair the way I was before my 2nd op, but then I really don't want to put my life on hold for the next few months.


    Honestly I didn't take pictures. I kind of wanted to just do it and forget about it. And yes, it was my first op. My goals are modest. I've inherited my father's hairline and can live with a high hairline and receding in the temples. I just want some thickness in the middle and off to the left side so I can spike it up in the front.


    Of course, Dr. Feller took pictures. If possible, I can pm spex and he can get them from Dr. Feller and I have no problem with him posting them here. When I go back to Dr. Feller in 6 months I'm sure he will take more pictures and I will also post those.


    spex let me know and I will send you my info.

  10. Hi all,


    I'm a little more than 3 months out from a HT with Dr. Feller. I don't think I've seen any new growth yet but over the last 2 weeks or so I have been feeling what can best be described as a tingling sensation in the area that received the transplant.


    It happens a few times a day maybe every few hours or so. Has anyone else had a similar experience and is this a good sign?

  11. This is definitely interesting for me as well as I have very fine hair too. Similar to skinnyshaft except lighter in color (medium brown). I had 869 fue into my hairline by Dr. Feller also. I'm a little more than 3 months out and nothing yet but given that I did not get a large number of grafts and my hair characteristics I am trying to temper my expectations.


    The good thing is I recall one of the techs saying that there were a lot of triples as she was preparing the grafts. Dr. Feller had her keep most of them as triples since I have fine hair.

  12. I remember an infamous chat with "Ian" seen in the pics here. He mentioned to me on the phone that he didnt really feel he had seen any difference since month 4 at month 8. i told hi to drop me an email with some 8 month pics.




    I asked him if he saw the difference after i showed him this.


    Guess what his answer was?




    How many grafts was that?

  13. Hespeler I feel the same way. I find it difficult to tell if there is growth because of the existing thinning hair on the recipient site. It doesnt help either that new hairs are also thin when they come first. I am officially 4 months post op today after a 500 fue surgery otherwise my case sound exactly like yours. Hopefully our patience will not be in vain. U can be reassured that dr.feller is top class.




    How would you describe your hair prior to the procedure. While most people told me "you don't need it" and "your hair is fine", I definitely know that I really have no hairline left and my hair is unstylable. Plus when I spike it up, you could see sttraight back though my scalp. That's what annoyed me.


    I fully trust Dr. Feller picked the right procedure. I am just tempering my expectation because 869 grafts does not seem like a lot.


    Best of luck to you too and let us know how you progress.

  14. Hi All,


    Just joined this forum. I was wondering if some HT veterans and other folks that have been visiting this forum can chime in on what the average time is to start seeing growth for a HT.


    I am a few days away from 3 months out on a FUE procedure done by Dr. Feller. It was 869 grafts. I am probably between a Norwood 2 and 3. I did extensive research before taking the plunge but I also didn't go crazy with taking pictures so unfortunately I don't have any to post. I kind of wanted to just do it and forget about it.


    The reason I ask is because the recipient area had thin hair before getting the work done. Now that my hair has pretty much grown back (I buzzed it off after the procedure to even it up), it may be hard to tell what is new growth and what was thin hair that was already there.


    As far as shock loss, I think I've had some but nothing too bad.


    My hair pattern can be described as balding in the temples (more on the left than on the right) and pretty thin in the middle but still pretty thick behind it. I usually wear it as a messy Ceaser or a Faux Hawk (but I'm getting a little too old for the faux hawk).


    I realize 869 isn't a lot of grafts and Dr. Feller said that this would be a cosmetic change so I realize that I will still not have my 18 year old hairline. The Doc focused most in the middle, then towards the left temple area and lastly towards the right temple area. I'm hoping that I can get some thickness in the front to be able to style it a little lbetter and not have to use the hairs behind my hairline as much.


    The real question I have is, do you know and can you feel the translpanted hairs begin to grow in or does it kind of just blend together in an unoticeable way until they thicken in about a year or so?


    Thanks in advance and good luck to everyone.

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