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Posts posted by cc89

  1. Ever since that haircut I had two months ago, I noticed that the temporal area on my left side seemed to have a parting that was difficult to cover up. I hate having partings that area, so I always had to spend a few minutes trying to cover it up by combing it forward. I went for another haircut a few days ago, and what used to be a parting before is now starting to look like recession/thinning and is impossible to cover up. The right side on the other hand seems fine for now.


    Taken today: http://i53.tinypic.com/23lmnt4.jpg

    Taken six months ago: http://i53.tinypic.com/255if13.jpg


    Again, I'm only concerned about the left side. If you compare both sides when they're combed over, you'll see exactly what I'm annoyed about. If this actually is recession, why is only one side affected? I'm 22-years-old at this time.

  2. I know it's possible, but how and why does it happen?


    I'm sure I've mentioned my father's case once or twice on these forums. He began showing signs in his mid thirties, and is now in his late fifties and stable at NW3-Vertex. Pretty common, but the weird thing is that he's the only balding person in our family right up to both my maternal and paternal great grandfathers.


    Anyone else heard of similar cases before?

  3. That makes sense, though I'm also wondering if there's any miniturization there. Here's a closer magnification of the same area: http://i54.tinypic.com/r2q4vl.png


    If I pluck some hairs from my donor area, I get the same type of variation in hair strand thickness where a few of the strands are thin and the rest are thick. However these individual thin hairs are rare and seem to be present all over the scalp amongst the thicker hairs. As such, I don't see or feel any thinning at this point in time.


    So my question is this: is it normal to have hairs of varying thickness on the scalp in this manner or am I seeing the early signs of miniturization?


    I'm 21-years-old, and my father didn't see any signs of baldness until he was in his mid thirties. I have a photo of him with thick long 70's style hair which was taken when he was around 30-years-old. He's now 58-years-old and is stable at NW3. He and his younger brother are the only two balding men in either side of the family. No one on my mother's side of the family is balding, but given my usual bad luck, I doubt that'll help me at all.

  4. I posted some photos of my crown/vertex area here on November 15th and was told that there was no balding in that area at the time. One of the responders, mattj, recommended that I take another photo of the same area in a few months time to see if any change has occurred. It's now March 1st, and here's what I got after three and a half months...


    new1: http://i51.tinypic.com/eq4bhe.jpg

    new2: http://i54.tinypic.com/d9sn7.jpg


    For comparison purposes, here are the old photos I posted in November.


    old1: http://i54.tinypic.com/ev3lao.jpg

    old2: http://i51.tinypic.com/bg4vpu.jpg


    I've tried to take the photos at the same angles, but I don't know if I did a good job of that. Does anyone see any change or balding patterns emerging?

  5. I've been taking iron supplements and haven't noticed any short hairs being shed lately. I'm also shedding less hairs than before.


    I don't think there's any history of MPB in either side of my family. My father had thick and long hair well into his thirties and didn't experience any hair loss or recession until he was in his late-forties, by which time he was a Norwood 3. He tells me that this is around the same time he was prescribed corticosteroids for his inflammatory bowel disorder (Prednisone). He's now almost 60, is still taking the corticosteroids amongst various other medications to manage his IBD. He's still at Norwood 3 but now has a bald patch on his vertex which developed during his fifties.


    I've also been to the dermatologist, and while he hasn't done a miniturisation test yet, he tells me that shedding some fine, long hairs is normal. Apparently, these individual thin hairs I was referring to in my original post are coming from all over my scalp including the "donor zone", not just the top.

  6. All I know is that I've been told that I'm iron deficient (possibly anaemic) since I was 15. My father and older brother are also anaemic. The doctor that prescribed iron supplements was actually my gastroenterologist whom I have regular appointments with to checkup on my inflammatory bowel disease (my colon bleeds occasionally).


    RCWest: I don't see or feel any hair loss at the moment, and my hairline isn't receding either. It's just that a few of the hairs I shed on a daily basis are thinner than normal. Maybe 8-10 out of 150, if I were to guess.

  7. I am seeing miniturizing hairs, but whether or not they're being caused by male pattern baldness, I'm not sure yet. My doctor has told me that my anaemia or iron deficiency usually does cause this, so I'll take his advice on treating it and see if there's any change. Hopefully I'll find out within a week or two.

  8. You're actually not the first person to tell me this. I know that you're also right, but then again, I'm guessing the doctor must have had a reason to prescribe the iron supplements to me.


    Either way, scratch what I said in my original post about thinning hairs. That's just me being paranoid.

  9. I understand. I'd like to get past this entire balding thing I've been worrying about, but I'm not finding this an easy thing to do. The prospect of losing my hair scares the daylight out of me. Here's one last photo of my hairline with me looking downward for a better view: http://i51.tinypic.com/2vttdlt.jpg


    Hopefully this will confirm that it's nothing more than a maturing hairline. This is also the first ever photo I've taken with my hair pulled back, so I haven't got a reference point either.

  10. I've been noticing some thin hairs falling out of my scalp for the last new months. When I wash my hair, about 10% of the hair that falls out is either noticeably thinner than the rest, or extremely short, thin and bent at odd angles. Some of the hairs are so thin that they'll snap if I stretch them even slightly. The weird thing is that I can't see or feel any thinning if I look in the mirror or run my hands through my hair.


    I've been told by my doctor that I'm iron deficient and should start taking iron supplements. He also tells me that this thinning can be and probably is being caused by iron deficiency. If that's the case, then it'd be totally reversible. But is that really what might be causing it? Do the things I described above seem familiar to anyone else?

  11. A few months earlier I posted some photos of my vertex/crown area and was told that there was no balding. Since my father first noticed his baldness at around age 35-40, I'm keeping a close watch on my hair for any early signs of MPB even though I'm currently only 21-years-old. I've been told that this is the age at which the first signs usually present themselves.


    Anyway, I've always kept longish hair so I've never really paid any attention to my hairline or sides until getting a short haircut a few days ago. Here are some snaps of my hairline after wetting my hair slightly and parting it at the sides for a clearer picture: http://i56.tinypic.com/6ftbuw.jpg


    I've taken a look at the Norwood scale, but can't really tell the difference from a normal parting or receding hairlines.

  12. Yes. The ulcers in my colon were bleeding for around eight months, so I lost a lot of blood at the time. That, along with my iron deficiency (known to cause telogen effluvium hair loss) may have caused my hair to start falling out from all over my scalp. I didn't develop any bald patches, but I was still very concerned.


    The hairs stopped dropping and grew back to normal thickness after about two to three weeks of being diagnosed and given the medication to stop the bleeding. That was last year, and I haven't noticed any abnormal hair loss ever since even though I'm still iron deficient. I regularly check the comb, pillow and my hands after shampooing in the shower.

  13. Reading the responses to my original post has been quite a relief. I talked to my father again today, and he tells me that his balding began at around age forty and that both my grandfather and great grandfather both had full heads of hair.


    As for me, I never really paid any attention to my crown until last year when my colon began ulcerating and bleeding. I kept losing blood for about eight months due to the ulcers, but eventually had it looked at and got some medication that completely stopped the bleeding. I haven't noticed any abnormal hair loss since then, and I've always hoped that it was the blood loss that caused the hair loss prior to my treatment for the ulcers. I'm also slightly iron deficient according to my doctor, but I haven't been taking any iron supplement since they upset my stomach.


    Thank you all for the reassuring responses. I'll be sure to keep an eye on my crown for any changes.

  14. I'm almost 21 and a half years old, and ever since last year I've been suspecting thinning or hair loss at my crown/vertex. I've never counted exactly how many hairs I've been shedding on a daily basis, by my pillow seems clean enough and the number of fallen hairs I get in the shower also seems fine.


    Genetically, no one on my mother's side of the family has baldness. On my father's side, he and one of his three brothers have baldness, while their father (my paternal grandfather) still has a head full of hair. Both my parents keep telling me that I'm being paranoid and that a crown like mine is normal. Somehow I doubt it, but I hope they're right for once.


    Lastly, here's a photo of my crown that I took today: http://i52.tinypic.com/21bzur.jpg (zoomed in at crown)


    So... what's the verdict? Should I start saving up for a transplant in the very near future?

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